Enough-ness Ep #15

If you’ve ever felt like you were ‘not enough’ in your business, life, and relationships, this episode is for you. Kristen breaks down exactly how this sneaky thought is sabotaging your every move and holding you back from showing up as your most authentic self in your business, and beyond:

What Actually Creates Results Ep #14

Kristen’s back this week with more fiery inspiration! She’s spilling what she says ACTUALLY creates your results in your social selling business. It’s not what you may think!

Money 2.0- Thoughts from a Black Coach & Single Mom Ep #13

On today’s episode of the podcast, Kristen is interviewing anti-racism coach Alyssa Hall. Alyssa works with coaches and other service providers to help them become anti-racist in their life while interweaving diversity, equity, and inclusion practices into their business. To learn more about Alyssa, click here or find her on Instagram here.

Hustle Vs. Hard Work Ep #12

From the “Anti-Hustle Social Selling Coach,” Kristen Boss, this week is all about the difference between hustle and hard work in your business. They can look very similar, but Kristen breaks down the difference and exactly how to work hard in your social selling business so that you have sustainable success.