The Result Ratio Ep #130

We’ve all uttered the words, “there are only so many hours in a day.” When the day ends, and you look back over what you’ve accomplished in a 24-hour span, it might be discouraging to see so much effort being put into your business with such little return. And you might begin thinking that it just isn’t worth it anymore. 

The 90 Day Agreement Ep #129

The last quarter of the year is upon us. Not only is it the busiest season of the year, it’s also the last chance to check off any goals you might have set back in January. If you’re left with a goal (or several) that you’ve been slowly hacking away at or maybe too scared even to get started – Now is the time to kick it into gear before another year is gone, and you’re left with the same unmet goals as before.

Build for Tomorrow with Jason Feifer Ep #128

f you were one of the many network marketers who grew explosively during the pandemic, only to be dropped back down to earth once things got back to ‘normal,’ then this episode is for you. This week Kristen welcomes the editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur magazine, podcast host, and author of the new book “Build for Tomorrow,” Jason Feifer.

Codependent Accountability Ep #127

Keeping yourself motivated and on track to reach your goals is hard. Whether your goal is to lose weight or hit that next rank in your business, it can be easy to lose sight of the finish line when things get rough. This is why so many people look outside of themselves for accountability. It can be the fun and excitement of meal planning and prepping or buying all the pens and stickers to go with your new planner. The real truth is that in the end – nothing and no one can hold you accountable but you.