Hustle Vs. Hard Work Ep #12

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From the “Anti-Hustle Social Selling Coach,” Kristen Boss, this week is all about the difference between hustle and hard work in your business. They can look very similar, but Kristen breaks down the difference and exactly how to work hard in your social selling business so that you have sustainable success.

From the “Anti-Hustle Social Selling Coach,” Kristen Boss, this week is all about the difference between hustle and hard work in your business. They can look very similar, but Kristen breaks down the difference and exactly how to work hard in your social selling business so that you have sustainable success, including:

  • The main difference between hard work and hustle
  • Why ‘no hustling’ doesn’t translate to ‘no working’
  • How to know when you’re working from hustle energy
  • Why scarcity is fuel for hustling
  • The results you’ll get from hard work vs hustling
  • The lie women have been told to ‘get it all done’
  • The radical piece of advice that could shift and transform your business

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Transcript for Episode #12: Hustle Vs. Hard Work

Kristen Boss (00:05):  Welcome to Purposeful Social Selling with Kristen Boss. I’m your host, Kristen Boss. I’m a mindset and business coach with more than 15 years experience in both the product and service based industry. I believe that social selling is the best business model for people wanting to make an impact while they make serious income. This is the podcast for the social seller, who is tired of feeling inauthentic in their business and desires to find a more purposeful and profitable way of growing their business in today’s social media landscape. In this podcast, you will learn what it takes to grow a sustainable business through impactful and social marketing. It’s time to ditch the hustle and lead from the heart. Let me show you the new way. Hello friends. Welcome back to another week. Glad you’re here. If this is your first time tuning in. Welcome. Glad you’re here. I am pumped for this week’s episode.

Kristen Boss (00:59):  I’ve got coffee in my system. I am ready to go. And if you saw this title, you probably were like, all right, I am listening because if you have been listening to me or following me for any length of time, you know that one of my mantras is we don’t do hustle here. The hustle stops here. I’m the anti hustle coach. Is that a thing? Maybe I should just claim that and just say, I am the anti hustle coach for social sellers, because I have seen what hustle does. A lot of people come to me because they are tired of hustling, but they don’t know how to work their business or have success in any other way. It’s the only way they’ve had success in their business, or what’s even more disheartening for me to see as a coach is when people have hustled and they don’t have success.

Kristen Boss (01:52):  That’s the ultimate pit. And I see that a lot with people that are new to social selling, and they’ve been giving the list of tasks or things to do from their well-intentioned up lines. Who’ve had a lot of success and it just doesn’t seem to be working for this new person that came on board. So a lot of times that leaves them questioning themselves. They feel like they don’t have what it takes. Maybe this isn’t the industry for them. And listen, I have a lot of belief and I really do love the social selling industry when it’s done right when it’s done well, when it’s done from a place of integrity, you know that that’s the standard here. This is your first time listening. Welcome. We talk about it different here. And that’s my mission is I want the social selling industry to be something that people think highly of and to be a place of integrity.

Kristen Boss (02:41):  But that means we have to start approaching it differently. And the reason why people have a poor taste in their mouth around network marketing or multi-level marketing or social selling, I’m calling it social selling because we are rebranding it because we have to learn to be social, be meaningful, add value, and serve people. Selling is always a product of that. People are always selling things online. Look at the Instagram influencers, look at the bloggers, look at the affiliate links. They have links and they sell things because they have high trust with their audience. And as social sellers, when you do a long-term brand partnership with a company, this is a posture that you need to take your audience. Doesn’t mind buying things from you, but it matters to them. What the purchasing experience feels like. They want to come to you, not to feel sold to.

Kristen Boss (03:30):  They want to know the offers on the table, but they want to follow you for other reasons. And that’s what I teach here. And I’m glad you’re here. And I hope this episode provides a, a breath of fresh air for you. I feel like I’d like for you to feel relieved and I’m going to help bring some awareness. And I want you to notice some things about some habits in your business, especially if you’ve been in this industry for a number of years. And like I said, in my first episode, I feel like hustle is this cute merchandise that’s going around, right? And I’m like, we have to stop making hustle. Cute, but hustle and hard work actually have a lot of similarities. And I’m going to get into that today because I don’t want you to think or draw the conclusion that I’m telling you to not work hard.

Kristen Boss (04:19):  Nope. Sorry. If you want to build a successful online business, it’s going to require some sweat equity. You’re going to have to work. You’re going to have to do scary things. You’re gonna have to put yourself out there. Your limits will be tested and that’s not a bad thing. It’s going to be, it’s going to be some work, but there is a difference between hard work and hustle, however, they can look very similar. And I think it’s really good. You’re hearing this episode from an Enneagram three, who is a reformed hustler. I, I know the game. I know the, I know how it goes. I have subscribed to it. Had the mug bought the t-shirt and I thought it was cute. I have specifically gone out of my way. Like when I give clients or friends boxes like boss babe boxes, if there’s anything that says hustle on it, I just won’t buy it.

Kristen Boss (05:09):  Just that opposed to it. So my goal for you today is for you to understand and notice what the difference is between hard work and hustle. Because some people they hear, I say we don’t hustle here. I’m anti hustle. They think that also means not to work hard. And that’s not what I’m saying. And you also can’t reach your goals from this passive place of like, oh, well she says not to hustle. So then I’ll just manifest it or attract it to me. Or I’ll just work on my gratitudes and my affirmations and magically it all happened for me. Nope. Yes. Do your gratitudes yes. Learn positive self-talk but you also have to take inspired action. You also have to do the work, but I see a lot of people there are like two sides to the pendulum swings. Two ways. I see the person that’s out there hustling her booty off.

Kristen Boss (06:08):  She is just grinding. I’m gonna call it the grind, man. She is grinding. And then there’s the other one. That’s like, I’m going to go do my white light meditation. I’m going to pull a card for the day or I’m going to, I’m going to do my prayers. I’m going to listen to my positive affirmations and I’m going to script my life and I’m going to do gratitudes. And that’s all they do. And then they go about their day. You’re missing a large part of the equation. Whereas the girl that’s grinding, she probably could take a few notes from the girl. That’s, that’s sitting there doing some gratitudes and thinking about how much she appreciates and loves her life and is doing affirmations. Like they both can learn from each other hard work is right in the middle of those two. And I’m going to help you today.

Kristen Boss (06:56):  See the difference between those. And I want you to notice when you start crossing the line from hard work into hustle, I’m going to help you notice when that’s happening so that you can catch it and turn it around. So again, when you hear me say, I’m not about hustle, that’s not me saying to take your foot off the gas pedal and just let it come to you. Building a successful business is hard work, but hard. The word hard doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy it. It means you put forth the effort and you exert yourself. You break a little sweat and you push your limits. It will challenge your beliefs and your thoughts about yourself. That will feel hard in the moment, but it’s the best kind of hard work. It’s the kind of that fills your cup and gives you a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day.

Kristen Boss (07:47):  And it actually energizes you. Hard work leaves you energized at the end of it. Hustling leaves you exhausted at the end. I want you to think about that. Hustle leaves you with a very different feeling at the end of the day. So I’m helping you see the difference between the two. I believe this episode will be so helpful to you, to your leadership, to your team, and even your personal life. So if you’re ready to go there with me, let’s get started. As always, I’m taking you to entrepreneur church today, y’all are going to get convicted. So sit tight, got your little pens and notebooks. Maybe you’re doing dishes or cooking dinner. That’s fine. Sit down later after this and, and be intentional about taking a couple of notes here. So you can learn and sit with these things because I want long-term sustainable success for you.

Kristen Boss (08:44):  And that doesn’t happen with hustle. So we’re going to get clear on what hustle looks like, how you can address it and fix it. But first let’s talk about how they’re similar, how hustle and hard work are similar. Both from the outside look like somebody’s working their business. They’re doing the things they’re on their social media. They’re checking with their teams. They’re writing posts. It’s devoted. They’re very devoted to their, to the vision and goals. They’re both goal-oriented. It’s all doing the things they’re taking. The time to put in the work. There is energy put into it. That is where they’re similar. They can look a lot alike from the outside, but the key differentiator is the state of being behind both. It’s the energy you bring to your work. So hustle is actually a state of mind and less about the activity. It is your state of being and how you approach your work.

Kristen Boss (09:54):  So let’s talk about hustle. Here are some of the thoughts that you likely have when you are in hustle. These are the thoughts you’re likely having. You’re likely using a lot of words like I should. I have to, I need to, I need this paycheck I need, I just have to rank up this month. I need that bonus so badly. If I don’t get this, I might just quit. If I don’t jump on this, now I’m going to miss my opportunity. I’m just going to put it, put it in. I’m going to work really, really hard now, and then I’ll rest later, but there’s a lot of high pressure on what you’re saying. I want you to notice that I need this paycheck. I have, I need to have that bonus. I need to rank up this month. If I don’t get this, then I’m going to quit. If I don’t jump on this, now then there’s gone. That is high stakes energy. You’ve turned it into a high stakes game. And when it’s high stakes, that creates a lot of feelings and we’ll get to that.

Kristen Boss (11:05):  But one of the, the fuel for hustle, what puts you in hustle is scarcity. Scarcity is the rocket fuel for hustle. It could be scarcity around your audience, believing that there’s not enough to go around. If you’re in a company and there’s 80,000 other people that sell the exact same product, you have this scarcity that you believe you have to get to the audience before they do. You’re afraid that there’s genuinely not enough to go around. And you feel this when maybe you have a mutual friend, who’s also in your company and you both are eyeballing the same person and you have a lot of anxiety. You’ve got a lot of emotions about it. I’ve literally heard of friendships being compromised and ruined over things like this, that someone got to that person first, okay? There’s 7 billion people on this planet. She, that person that you were eyeballing is not a unicorn.

Kristen Boss (12:09):  There’s someone else like her, who has her influence, who has her drive, right? Again, scarcity is the rocket fuel for hustle. So it could be scarcity around your audience. It could be scarcity around timing. This is big. For example, if you see if your company goes in momentum and all of a sudden it creates this narrative in your brain of, if I don’t jump on this, now I’m going to totally miss this momentum train. And I’m going to be stuck here forever. It creates this hurried stressed out energy because you’re afraid that if you don’t jump on this momentum train or you don’t create this momentum train, it’s gone forever. That literally makes you a victim, or it makes you helpless in your business. That means that you believe success happens from an outside external circumstance, rather than something you create yourself. This is really important.

Kristen Boss (13:11):  Have you had the belief that your success happens outside of you? This is huge. If you keep believing success happens outside of you. That means here’s evidence that you believe it happens outside of you happens with momentum, a company, incentive a trip your downline, whether they’re performing or not your team, whether you’re your upline is involved enough or not whether your company offers the right training or not. Whether the products are the right, the right price or not you in that moment, if you were believing that your S your success is based on those things, you literally believe that your success happens outside of your own ability and control. Then if you do believe that, then it is a game of luck. It’s the game of did I get on the right team? Do I have the right upline? Did I join the right company?

Kristen Boss (14:07):  Was there a right comp plan? Is this the right one time? Instead of you create your success, no matter what, what if you were to actually believe that, but hustle doesn’t have time for that hustles. Like we got to get on this momentum train because if I miss this train, I’m stuck here for good. I’m going to be at this rank again for another two years. And we just and have that. Another area of scarcity is around personal finances. You need a paycheck, it being about being keen to meet your own needs. And I get that. Listen, I know that you joined this business with the opportunity, because you did want financial freedom for your family, and you want options, options. And we are in 2020 when people are losing jobs and you need to put food on the table. I get that. And I’m not saying that’s not reasonable, and that’s not a bad desire.

Kristen Boss (14:58):  But if that is your driving desire, you’re literally running your business from a place of, I need to meet my own needs, rather than I’m going to go out there and seek to meet the needs of others. And trust that when I do that well, that comes back to me. That will come back to me. But scarcity is very, this hustle is very driven around the scarcity of meeting your own needs financially, physically. And then there’s scarcity around meeting your own. Self-Worth meeting your emotional needs. I don’t think people talk about this very much, but this is scarcity around your identity. You need recognition. You want the praise. You want to be noticed. You want people to say, good job. You need all that acknowledgment outside of yourself, sister, friend, can you hear this today? You don’t need that from anybody outside of you, that comes from you and you alone, because the moment you place your self worth on getting on that stage, taking a picture with that check, having people acknowledge you at that rank or that title, or that pay grade.

Kristen Boss (16:18):  You’re going to still feel empty when you’re there, do not seek to meet your emotional needs. And self-worth in your business. Maybe if you take anything today, I want you to hear that because what happens if you lose the rank, what happens if you don’t hold your rank? What happens when your team starts to fall apart? What happens if you, if you haven’t had recognition in a while, want you to think about that? If all of your self-worth and identity were tied up into achieving that rank and you get there, or you never get there, what happens?

Kristen Boss (17:02):  What happens to your self-concept and how you see yourself and view yourself? Okay. So the scarcity of audience, scarcity around timing, or opportunity scarcity around your own personal finances and what you need scarcity around yourself image. And another one is a scarcity of your personal belief. And you’re like, wait, what? That’s when you operate from temporary motivational, emotionally high feelings when an outside circumstance triggers that. So maybe you, you saw training or all of a sudden there’s a trip, a reward, and incentive a monthly incentive. So it’s a scarcity of your personal belief. In the sense of, again, your belief comes from outside circumstances and incentives. So that’s exterior motivation rather than like, it’s the idea that this feeling I have is going to go away. So I should capitalize on it now. So to kick it into high drive and you hustle, you have all that energy.

Kristen Boss (18:10):  You’re emotionally excited. You’re going to get on that cruise. You’re going to get to that island. You’re going to earn that trip, earn that shopping spree. It’s going to be so fun. This is the scarcity of your personal belief of believing or operating as if once that trip is done, that level of motivation is going to go away. And again, if you keep looking for external factors to be the driving force of you showing up consistently in your business, you’re going to continue to see fluctuations in your business and we’re going to get there. So right now I’m drawing a lot of attention to thoughts and beliefs behind hustle. Hustle is very motivation-driven, and we know motivation does not stay. Here are the feelings associated with hustle. It’s very hurried energy. It’s flustered. It’s highly flustered. It’s anxious. You feel tightness in your chest.

Kristen Boss (19:10):  You were tightly wound. You’re very needy and graspy around your goals. When someone says no to you, you feel emotional. When someone on your team, isn’t performing, you get emotional. When someone doesn’t give you the answer, you thought you get emotional. It’s a very desperate feeling. Cause remember you made it a high-stakes game. If I don’t get this, then I might quit. I absolutely need this paycheck. It’s also a feeling of being unsure, unsure because it’s high stakes means that you’re unsure of the outcome. And it feels like you’re betting. It feels like luck of the draw. It feels like a numbers game. It feels like may the odds be ever in your favor to get that rank? Are you picking up what I’m dropping here? Are you like, oh shoot. She’s reading my diary. It’s cause I’ve been around this for a long time.

Kristen Boss (20:12):  This is what I see over and over and over. And I just want to say sister, please take a breath. I want to invite you into a different way of being when it comes to your business and you will thank me. I promise you. Okay? So those are the feelings. What do the actions look like? What is the habitual patterns and actions of a chronic hustler, from the hurried hustler, even your speech is hurried, clipped? It can be aggressive or emotional specifically. When you’re talking to your team, you get annoyed, feel emotionally attached to their performance or their involvement. You feel clipped in aggressive because you’re all about your goal right now. You even get clipped and aggressive. When you’re talking to people about the opportunity and it becomes passive-aggressive. Well then maybe this just isn’t for you.

Kristen Boss (21:13):  Well then sounds like your health. Isn’t a priority. So get back to me when it is yuck, that’s hustling. I know I’m calling, I’m calling some things out. That’s not okay using your energy to sell. I want you to hear this. This is really key using energy to sell that’s from hype high energy. And when we’re in that hyper-high energy place when you’re running an event, you’re going live and you’re, you’ve got that hurried speech. And you’re really excitable. You should see me in my office. I’m like jumping in my chair, but you’re using this, this high energy. You’re your, here’s what actually happens in your body. Your heart rate is up your speeches. Hurried. You go up a pitcher, your voice gets higher because you’re so excited. And you’ve got so much to say. I want you to notice the pitch of my voice up here instead of down here and I’m calm.

Kristen Boss (22:10):  And this is what I want for you. Oftentimes from that high energetic state, we tend to over-promise. We make really big promises because we want people to say yes, another thing, lack of set, work hours. Here we go. Everyone’s got about to get called out and he ain’t gonna like it, but that’s okay. Cause I’m here to help you working in the nooks and crannies of your day. This might have been sold to you as work this business and the nooks and crannies of your day in the carpool line. Five minutes here in between laundry five minutes here. While, while you’re cooking here, five minutes here, five minutes there. Let me tell you something that might work for someone who is brand new and reaching out to their mom, their sister and their bestie. That’s fine at the beginning, but that is not sustainable because here’s what happens.

Kristen Boss (23:07):  Working five minutes here, working five minutes there working two minutes there. And two minutes there, your brain is trying to hold on to a lot of information because it’s scattered. There is no focused efficient work time where you’re sitting down to do one activity. Well, women have been lied to our whole life. So are you ready to hear what the lie is? Multitasking. There is actually no such thing. There’s something called switch cost, switch, opportunity, cost, or something like that. It’s how much energy it takes your brain to switch one task to the next. And I believe it’s better. Wow. Since such, if the numbers, I believe it takes about 12 minutes for your brain to switch from one activity and get fully into flow and the next activity. So I want you to picture how much productivity you’re missing because your brain is never in flow.

Kristen Boss (24:09):  It’s never doing like activities together. And here’s where exhaustion creeps in. If you’re working a little bit here a little bit here, a little bit here, a little bit here from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, you’re you want to know what your brain feels like. Like it’s been working all day long and it’s exhausting. That is not time freedom. It is that a CEO does not work that way. If you want, if this is a cute little hobby, by all means, stay working in the nooks and crannies because that’s what you do with a hobby. But if this is a business, you set some work hours. And what that creates is high levels of anxiety. Whenever you step away from your work, because there was never anything that got completely done that you walked away from, do you feel high levels of anxiety when you set your phone down and you walk away for a bit, another evidence or action is a total lack of self-care really poor sleep patterns, irregular eating or not eating.

Kristen Boss (25:09):  Are you forgetting to feed yourself? Are you forgetting to take a break to pee for goodness sake? You guys, I just want you to know I’m not here in full attack mode. I’m actually reading from my own diary a few years ago. So I don’t want you to think I’m over here thinking I’m I’m holier than now. These are things I know from experience. Another sign of hustle is that there’s no set time to reflect, evaluate, or think about the future of your business. You’re very consumed in the now your hair is always on fire. You can’t even think a week ahead. I mean, yeah, you might get the team calendar down for the month, but it still feels like it’s on fire. Do you know where you want your team three months from now? Do you know where you want yourself? Three to six months from now?

Kristen Boss (25:53):  How often are you actually budgeting time to not work in your business, but work on your business. Think about that. Another action in hustle is you’re very emotionally attached to the performance of your team. If they’re doing well, you’re emotionally happy. If they’re not doing well, you’re angry. You’re frustrated. You’re wondering what’s wrong with them. Whereas someone who is hard working and taking, they have ownership. We’ll get to that. When we talk about hard work, also the hustle state is very needy for the how of the goal and the mastermind I’m in. We call it solution greed, very needy to know like what strategy do I have to do? What is that? They’re looking, they’re always looking for the next magical strategy. And they’re constantly changing strategies from a place of frustration, despair, defeat, and they’ve got shiny ball syndrome when it comes to strategy.

Kristen Boss (26:50):  What’s that team over there? What’s that top earner doing over there? What are they doing? Maybe we should switch this. We should switch this. Your team has whiplash. You have whiplash, another form or another evidence of someone who’s a chronic hustler is you’ve placed high pressure on your team. Your team feels the emotional pressure of you reaching your goal. Not you helping them reach. There’s. Another form of hustle is really high focus on the front end of the business, all on recruiting and selling, recruiting, and selling. But there’s very little focus, but there’s very little focus on the backend fulfilling. I’m like talking with my hands guys, my knocking, my mind, very animated here. So they put all the focus on the selling, but there’s little focus on fulfilling on making sure that everybody that onboarded is having a great customer experience and they want to stay the next month.

Kristen Boss (27:49):  There’s high recruitment, low fulfillment. They don’t take the time for personal development. They might read a little book here and there. They’re in chronic management mode and they’re extremely rank or incentive driven, which is actually extremely short term focus because what I see happening as people hustle for a rank, they get the rank. They’re exhausted. They take a break, they want to take a nap or they have, they didn’t do their fulfillment. They did their selling, but they didn’t do the fulfilling. And all of a sudden they lose their rank. They’re not holding it anymore. They’re not holding that income. There’s also no set budget for pouring into themselves or their business because they’re in lack because they have to meet that paycheck because I have to do that because of this, because that, because that, so every dime is being sucked from the business because they’re feeling so needy around it. Instead of putting aside money to learn new skills, to become a better leader, to learn to grow. But every dime is sucked dry because they are always in lack and scarcity.

Kristen Boss (29:01):  And this doesn’t just happen with people that are making $500 a month in their business. This happens with people who are making 20 and $30,000 a month in their business. Scarcity happens to everybody, no matter what you are making. I know that’s shocking, but I’ve been around. I’ve seen some things, okay. Here are the results that hustle creates attrition exhaustion needing to take an extended break from your business, finding yourself, needing to rest the first through the 10th of the month, because you burnt yourself out. There’s a lot of emotional highs and lows in your business. There’s really high fluctuations in your business from month to month, really high, huge swings. But this doesn’t just affect you. If you have a team, I want you to hear this chronic hustling affects your team. Your team gets burnt out, and if they don’t have your paycheck, listen to this.

Kristen Boss (30:11):  If they don’t have your paycheck and their mind, if they’re hustling along with you, they’re not getting paid the same you are. And in their brain, they will automatically say, this is not worth it to me. Your job is to energetically and emotionally protect your team. It will feel like a hamster wheel. Your team is emotionally spent and eventually, you will need to rebuild. And you might not have the energy to do that again, because hustle nearly killed ya. Right? And because of that, you don’t know how to work your business without the hustle. It’s all you’ve known. Here’s the truth. Social selling has a very hustle culture involved in it. And I want you to give yourself some grace and some forgiveness here and be like, it’s okay. I didn’t know better, but now I do. I can do it differently this time. If you are sitting there and you’re thinking about getting back into the arena, I want you to know what can be done differently.

Kristen Boss (31:18): And I’m going to tell you what hard work looks like. Hard work is the state of mind that is committed to a process more than the result they put in the daily work with consistent energy focus and action. There’s very little flux in their energy. Hard work comes from a place of sufficiency where we are not looking to outside circumstances to meet our needs. You’re not looking to your team, not your paycheck, not your upline. You were looking to yourself, which allows you to take full ownership of your business and operations, full responsibility for your successes and your failures. And here’s the thing. When you were fully responsible and you take full ownership, that actually helps you become a critical thinker who makes changes to their business to improve it. You need to be a critical thinker and critical thinking cannot happen in a place of high emotion.

Kristen Boss (32:28):  I want you to think about that. Someone who’s dedicated to hard work knows that success is inevitable. Eventually, it’s coming. They very much think from a place of I to they approach their business from a place of purpose, service, and deep self-integrity. They’re motivated by helping others get what they want. They know if they help enough people get what they want, then they’re going to get what they want for themselves. At the end of the day, the best business owners are the ones who were deeply devoted to helping others get results. I know at the end of the day, if I help you get results, as best as I possibly can, I create my own results, but I’m not sitting here thinking about how can I have better results for myself? No, I sit down and think about how can my clients have better results? How can I give more people better results faster? Do you think that way about your business? Or are you thinking, how can I get myself results? Faster? Someone who is working hard, the feelings they have are committed, calm, confidence, trusting, focused. They’re disciplined. They’re also excited and they’re energized. I want, I want to draw attention to something for you. The physiological things that happen in your body with anxiety, that elevated heart rate, that higher-pitched voice that also happens with excitement.

Kristen Boss (34:03):  But the thoughts behind them are very different. Here’s what hard work looks like. There’s set work hours working efficiently and focused blocks of time, set a timer. But honor, it’s really focusing on efficiency. There’s daily rhythms and habits in place. And knowing what the money-making activities are, there’s reasonably attainable goals. This is huge reasonable attainable goals based on the health and structure of their business. Not an incentive that they will sacrifice the team or their customers to attain. There are times in business where maybe it’s not a high recruitment or selling month, and it is a month to focus on your systems, make sure there’s high customer care and fulfillment and a responsible, hardworking leader. Who’s not in a hostile state. We’ll evaluate how’s our fulfillment. They’ll look at the backend of the business and be like, what’s our attrition rate at how’s. The emotional health of my team is my team ready to make this goal instead of shoot, there’s this huge incentive coming on.

Kristen Boss (35:17):  I’m just going to rally everybody, whether they’re ready or not, whether the backend is there or not. And they sacrifice the health and integrity of the team to reach a short-term goal. That is not what hard work does. That’s what hustle does, right? There’s also high follow through on customer service. They have a lot of time to vision cast, goal set and evaluate. They can improve an implement what’s going on with their teams. Even if you don’t have a team, I want you to hear this. There are highly committed to the process. Yes. And they deeply trust that the outcome is inevitable. They balance their systems with selling theirs assistance strategy that they trust over time. They’re not con consistently. They’re not constantly being like, let’s try this, let’s try this, let’s try this. They assume responsibility for themselves and their team. They’ve consistent pace from the first of the month to the end of the month.

Kristen Boss (36:10):  Now I want to be clear. I do understand that when, when it is the right time and the right place and in the right way. And if your team is positioned in a healthy Integris, is that a word Integris manner then yes. I understand that the last three days of the month, last four or five days of the month, maybe you’re going to be up a little late. Your hours are going to be longer, but is that a consistent way of being, is that your, is that your standard? Is that your monthly standard or is it a once in a while? Like I know we know in the business world as coaches, we go into something called launch mode. When we’re about to launch a new program, launch a new offer, that’s going to take a little more devoted time, a little more energy, maybe some late nights, but we choose our launches.

Kristen Boss (36:59):  Well, it is the same for when you in your business push for a rank that would, it’s very similar energy to a launch in the business, to a launch in the coaching world. Okay. There’s times for it. I get it. Another one is family. Time is respected. When you work hard, you can also set down your phone and walk away knowing that you worked hard, you worked at efficiently and you can leave it. Mom can put the phone down hard work is they take the time and prioritize personal development. And they set aside business expense money for the growth of themselves and their team. They’re detached from the outcome. And they trust that it’s inevitable. Here’s the results that someone who’s hardworking gets. There’s a work-life balance, which provides a deep sense of fulfillment and joy in their business. They become an emotionally healthy leader because they’re not emotionally spent and emotionally healthy leaders create emotionally healthy teams.

Kristen Boss (38:08):  And remember how I said earlier, you cannot be a critical thinker while you were emotionally spent. So they also become critical thinkers. They are purpose-driven rather than performance-driven. Let me just tell you self-worth from purpose is so, so much more beneficial and fulfilling at the end of the day, instead of purpose, performance-driven, take it from the three, hear me. They have high self-worth because they are no longer looking for that in others or outside things. Not in the rank, not in the one trip or the incentive, not in what their upline says or graphic about them. They also have really high relational capital with their team so that when it’s actually time to push the team is in they’re excited. They’re excited to come alongside their leader. It becomes a movement rather than a rally where like the leaders come on, everybody come on, let’s try and do this.

Kristen Boss (39:12):  And they’re dragging people hoping that no one’s off, right? This hardworking and emotionally healthy leader, their team is their team is invested. Their team is excited about supporting their leader’s goal and vice versa. There’s energy management, meaning they’re not spent and exhausted. They understand how to manage their energy, which creates sustainable growth in their business. There’s way less extreme fluctuations in business fluctuation as normal. You need to hear that, but it’s less extreme. Fluctuations. Growth is not linear. So you’re going to have dips, but it’s going to be way less extreme. They’re also going to experience healthier relationships with their family and friends outside of their business. You’re going to make your investors happy. Who are your investors in your business, your husband, your children, your spouse, your partner, they are your investors. They are allowing you to step away at bath time or bedtime.

Kristen Boss (40:17):  There was a season where my husband handled bedtime and bath time so that I could do some work, but I had focused work and we talked about it. He was my investor, and I knew my investor would be happy that when I was done with work, I was actually done with work. How are you treating your investors? Because it’s costing them for you to be working. So they want a positive return on their investment. And a positive return means a Prezi, a Prezi? A present happy wife, spouse, partner, mom. Happy investors mean that they, their positive return is a fulfilled wife and mom. Another result of hard work is long-term, sustainable success, way less turnover, way less attrition.

Kristen Boss (41:21):  Do you hear the difference? I feel like I gave you so much today. This is so important. Sit down. If you have to listen to this again, send it to your upline, send it to your sideline, but also sit with yourself because remember you’re taking full ownership here. You’re the healthy leader who takes full ownership of all things. It’s no longer the what your up line gives you what your downline does, what your company offers, the trainings. It’s you taking full responsibility, no matter what. So let me invite you today to drop the hustle. Choose the long game. I’m going to say something kind of radical here. If you have to pick up another job while you were growing your social selling business, so that it protects your energy, your thoughts and your emotions, and it makes you come to your work, less scarce, less self-serving then do it. I know that’s crazy. You’re like what? Whatever helps remove scarcity from the game for you. You have that ability. So what can you do today to remove scarcity from the equation? Because as I told you, scarcity is the lighter fluid for hustle and purpose. And self-sufficiency is the rocket fuel for hard work, which leads to sustainable growth and success. I promise you I’ve got something pretty exciting coming in the works in the pipeline for my friends in the social selling industry who want to learn how to show up in that place, how to make meaningful connections, how to be someone who’s high value in the online space. You’re going to want to stay tuned because that will be announced soon. We’ll catch you next week, friends.

Kristen Boss (43:20):  That wraps up today’s episode. Hey, if you loved today’s show, I would love for you to take a minute and give a rating with a review. If you desire to elevate the social selling industry, that means we need more people listening to this message so that they can know it can be done a different way. And if you’re ready to join me, it’s time for you to step into the Social Selling Academy, where I give you all the tools, training, and support to help you realize your goals. In the academy, you get weekly live coaching so that you are never lost or stuck in confusion. Whether you are new in the business or been in the industry for a while, this is the premier coaching program for the modern network marketer. Go to to learn more.

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