Motherhood and Business Ep #63

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“How do you have time to do it all?” is one of the most frequently asked questions Kristen receives. Today she’s sharing more about her journey as a mother and a business owner and how that relationship has evolved over the years.

“How do you have time to do it all?” is one of the most frequently asked questions Kristen receives. Today she’s sharing more about her journey as a mother and a business owner and how that relationship has evolved over the years.

  • Why Kristen believes balance is achievable
  • The 3 most important things to know and decide to find “balance”
  • The one emotion that is always available to you as a mother
  • Kristen’s life and early burnout as a mom and business owner
  • What her mom shared that shifted her out of self-judgement
  • The best questions to ask yourself to create your own vision of growing a business as a mom

There are plenty of opportunities to fall into the trap of “compare and despair” with social media and Pinterest at our fingertips. But Kristen wants you to know that you get to choose and shape your own motherhood journey. You are the one walking and living in it, not anyone else you see in your Instagram feed.

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Transcript of Episode #63: Motherhood and business:

Kristen Boss (00:05):
Welcome to purposeful social selling with Kristen Boss. I’m your host, Kristen Boss. I’m a mindset and business coach with more than 15 years experience in both the product and service based industry. I believe that social selling is the best business model for people wanting to make an impact while they make serious income. This is the podcast for the social seller, who is tired of feeling and authentic in their business and desires to find a more purposeful and profitable way of growing their business. In today’s social media landscape. In this podcast, you will learn what it takes to grow a sustainable business through impactful and social marketing. It’s time to ditch the hustle and lead from the heart. Let me show you the new way. Hello friends. Welcome back to another week of the podcast. Today is going to be a fun conversation. And it’s one I’ve been wanting to talk about for a while.

Kristen Boss (00:58):
And one, I feel like is really going to obviously provide a lot of value for you, but I think it’s going to maybe answer some questions you have. And specifically today, we’re going to be talking about balancing because a large portion of my audience is female, but if you are a dude listening, this could apply for you as well. But I want to talk about the balance of motherhood and business and how motherhood fits into business. And here’s the thing. Motherhood is a full-time job. Don’t let anybody tell you different. I have a, now five-year-old son and four year old daughter, and it is busy, busy in this house. And I get asked a lot. How did you build your business? How did you manage, you know, littles at home? How did you have your husband help you? Are you paying for daycare? So what I’m going to do is I’m going to walk you through how things have evolved since I first started out.

Kristen Boss (02:02):
So, and then I think it will really give you some perspective on the timing of things and when to outsource for help, when to pay for help expectations. And I think it’s also really important to know that I’m not just a mom of a five-year-old and a four year old and I’m married, but also when I decided to start my business on the side, when I decided to create an online business and really think about the future I wanted to create, I was also a hairstylist that worked nearly full-time. I worked between 32 to 40 hours a week give or take, and there was a good time in my marriage. I would say actually the first six to seven years of our marriage. My husband and I, we did not share the same schedule. We actually didn’t have a single day off together, our first seven years of marriage.

Kristen Boss (03:00):
And that was hard. And I remember there being a season where it felt like we were ships passing in the night. And I think I’m going to do a marriage episode separately and just talk about motherhood and business in this episode. And I really think it’s going to be very valuable to you. And, and what I want this episode to do as I wanted to liberate you from stories you have about how you think business a motherhood should look because there really isn’t a guide out there. There’s not a manual for a, this is what to do. If you’re a mom and business, and for me, I grew up, I was very fortunate to have a mom who was a stay at home mom. She didn’t have a job and my mom kept a very clean and beautiful home and she made home cooked meals.

Kristen Boss (03:51):
And I remember she sewed Halloween costumes for us. Like I had a very present, I feel very blessed that I grew up with the parents that I did and I realized not everybody has that. And so I, I feel so fortunate for that, but that was my context of motherhood. And so when I became a mother, the only context I really understood was watching my own mom and how she ran her home. And there was really a season where I really thought I was terrible, that I was a terrible mom, because I couldn’t seem to keep my home clean. Like my mom did and make all the home cooked meals like my mom did. And it just, I just felt like I wasn’t measuring up to the standard. And at the same time, you know, I think around the time when we were getting married, that’s when Pinterest was really taking off.

Kristen Boss (04:45):
And, and I really feel like, you know, my emergence into motherhood was almost the same time as the emergence of social media influence, where we watched people be moms publicly as, as far as how they depicted themselves online or sharing their birthday party ideas or sharing like home decor. And I remember there really being a season where I felt less than I felt like I, this mom game, I was sucking at it. And I also felt like I was also trying to balance, you know, working a full-time job. And my husband is, it was in the nonprofit space and he worked in ministry and there’s just not, you don’t go into the ministry for money. So in our marriage, I’ve always been the breadwinner. So and thankfully I’ve always done work. I have deeply loved, I still feel so fortunate that the work I’ve done in the world has been meaningful and fun work for me.

Kristen Boss (05:53):
So what I noticed was there was this like emergence and I became a mom. I had my first son in 2016 and we had two years of just heartbreak with a lot of miscarriages. And I would just wouldn’t wish that on anybody, but stepping into motherhood while also balancing work. And my context of what I thought motherhood look looks like from what I grew up with and the context of the emerging social media sphere, where you’re watching other women portray their motherhood online. And suddenly, like there was a comparison will always be available to you, whether you are online or you are never on social media. But I do feel like social media kind of presents lends itself to the opportunity for comparison more often. And so I, and I really see so many people in my audience struggle with this. And so here I am trying to navigate motherhood and, you know, I was a hairstylist and hairstylist don’t have maternity leave unless they plan ahead of time and they pay into like Aflac or something else like that.

Kristen Boss (07:10):
And so we were just not in a position where I could not be working for, you know, 12 weeks at a time maternity leave. What is that even? And so with my first born, I was actually back in the salon when he was five weeks old and that was really hard. And I just remember, like I had trouble meeting his meeting his needs and to supplement with formula. And I felt so much shame. And let, can I just say something about motherhood, shame and guilt will always be available for you. Mom, guilt will always be available and you can choose if you want to pick it up or if you want to pass. And I feel like in my, and I realized I haven’t been a mom for a long time, a minimum for five years, but I realized that my, my five years of being a mom, I’ve realized I can choose to not feel guilty.

Kristen Boss (08:04):
I can choose a different narrative over myself and over motherhood, and it is unique to meet. And I think I want you to hear as my listener, that, that your motherhood is unique to you. You are going to make choices that work for you and for your family and your children and your marriage. And that is okay. It’s when we start looking at what other people are choosing, what other people are doing, that we start to question ourselves and we start to doubt the value we are as women and moms and wives. And we, you know, go down that shame spiral. And then that little sneaky story of I’m not enough. And if I just did more, if I was more, if I, if I could do those things and I’ll never forget that I, my, it was my, my son’s first birthday and I was six months pregnant with my daughter.

Kristen Boss (08:58):
My kids are very close in age and I was so tired. I had terrible nausea and I, the morning of his birthday, we had just a few friends come over to the house and, you know, he has a January birthday. And so it’s dead of winter. It’s freezing. So it’s not like you do outdoor birthdays here in Colorado in the middle of winter. So I had gone to Walmart and I went and bought frozen pizza and premade cupcakes. And I was standing in the middle of the wall of Walmart, balling, just crying feeling. And I felt so ashamed. It felt like I wasn’t doing enough. And all I could think of were all the beautiful Instagram stories of these elaborate and beautiful first birthday parties. And I just felt like I had dropped the ball. I felt shame. I felt like a, this motherhood thing I wasn’t going to be any good at.

Kristen Boss (09:57):
And there was crying in the middle of Walmart, six months, pregnant holding frozen pizza and cupcakes thinking I’m just not good enough. And, and I remember choosing in that moment, you know, after I was really thinking I suck and all those things, I just thought, you know, my son’s not going to remember this. I’m going to remember this. What’s, what’s the story I want to tell myself from here. And I will tell you we have kept birthdays, so simple, so simple. And you know, every year now it’s just our kids wake up and my husband goes and gets them donuts. And we put candles in the donut and we do a themed birthday play. And our kids think it is the best thing ever on their birthday morning. We have just kept it so simple. And it has become so sweet. I’m thankful for that Walmart moment, but I just want you to notice that there’s always going to be a Walmart moment available for you when you’re thinking, if I could just do better.

Kristen Boss (10:57):
And so there I am navigating motherhood and just, just the expectations and the weight of motherhood. And am I making the right choices? And I feel guilt supplementing my child. And then I, that he’s not purely breastfed and then I’m not producing enough. I just, there was just so crap. Right? And so take that. And then now let’s compound that with working and with business and the expectations we have on business and who we are as business owners. So here we are trying to navigate who we are as an individual, and then who we are as a mom and then who we are as a business owner. So of course there’s a lot going on emotionally, psychologically, there is so much going on when we are navigating these different roles. I haven’t even talked about wife yet because that’s, I’m going to talk about that another episode, but there’s, there’s this dance and this tension of motherhood while building a business.

Kristen Boss (12:02):
And so it wasn’t just motherhood for me, it was motherhood. And then being a working mom and then being a working mom who was also the breadwinner and also building a business on the side. So my time was so precious when we started, the only time I had to work on my business was when my kids napped and when they were in bed. And I had to be incredibly efficient with my time and my husband and I, I had to communicate with them like, Hey, here’s, here’s the goal. Here’s what I want to do. Here’s how many hours I think it’s going to take. And I, and there was a season now I will be really honest with you. Part of my hustle story was burning myself out in these early years and not understanding what it looked like to work efficiently. And I didn’t understand how to speak to a niche audience.

Kristen Boss (12:58):
Like I was a disaster online. I was just showing up from this deep scarce, meaty place because it we’ve, I felt so desperate and I showed up so desperately and I worked long hours. So I could tell you the unhealthy things I did, but early on, you know, when we, we didn’t have, we couldn’t afford childcare. We, we were switching off between actually, that’s not true. We had someone come to the house a couple of days a week while I was at the salon. And then the days my husband was at work, I was with the kids and I would have to be really creative with my work hours. So I’d worked during nap time. And if the kids didn’t nap, I would create like activity time. And, and a lot of people ask me like, Hey, how do you handle interruptions when you’re working?

Kristen Boss (13:49):
How do you handle that when with your kids? And I’m in, I’m in a place now, my kids are older and my son’s about to start kindergarten. And they’ve been in preschool. They have a full-time preschool daycare program. That’s just been amazing and they love it. They have the time of their lives there. And but before that, it really was kind of constantly changing of the guard. It was like, I would watch the kids and my husband would watch the kids. And on the days when we were both working at the same time, we’d have someone else in the home watching the kids. And so, but the days where I was home with the kids, I had to be really creative. And so I would again create, you know, work hours during nap time. And then, you know, once the kids went down to bed, I would typically work from seven to nine at night because that was the only time I had, I wasn’t really a morning person.

Kristen Boss (14:42):
But there were times where I would wake up at 5:00 AM to, to work, because that was the only time I had. So I just found the hours that worked and I showed up in those hours. And so there, it was, it was hard. I’m not going to lie when you are balancing, not just motherhood, but I was also a working mom. So I had to balance my own work schedule. My husband’s work schedule you know, my kid’s nap, time schedules, I get that, but I was so committed to creating my results. So I think what’s really interesting is people ask me all the time, like, how do you have time to manage it all and do it all? And I think what’s really important that you hear is I don’t do it all. Not at all. I, you know, I remember when we hired a house cleaner and I think it’d be really good for some of you who are like sitting with like the thought of I need help, but you feel guilty pain for help.

Kristen Boss (15:40):
And you’ve made asking for help mean something about you. And I’ll tell you, I struggled with that myself before we hired a house, someone to come and clean the house biweekly. I had so much guilt around that because I didn’t see my mom do it. I saw my mom in my mind do it all. And I remember one day when I called her, I was like, mom, I’m just, I suck at this. I can’t handle this. I, you know, I spend the, my entire Saturday or any day off, I have, I spend the whole day cleaning the house. I don’t have a day for me. And I remember my mom said, she’s like, yeah, but what you saw me do, Chris? And she’s like, I managed to home. That was a full time job. And you can have the expectation of managing a home as a full-time job while also having a full-time job.

Kristen Boss (16:26):
We’ll try and to build a part-time job. And, you know, motherhood truly is a full-time job. And it’s important for you to see that instead of seeing like, and I’m, and I’m sure if you’re a mom, you already you’re like, yes, Kristen, of course it’s a full-time job. It does mean that when you are building a business, that is a another job that takes your time. So you’re going to have to be very strategic about your decisions and how you grow your business. And so one of the things I did was I really figured out what is my time worth. And if someone is going to come, you know, clean my house by weekly, and I just have to tidy up in between, you know, I was like, wow, that’s eight hours of my Saturday. I get back. And I could be doing other things that build my business instead of, you know, deep cleaning my house from top to bottom.

Kristen Boss (17:19):
So my husband and I, we talked about it. We created a line item for it. And I remember that was the first thing I outsourced. And it was huge. And I noticed it was a huge benefit to my mental health. It actually helped my marriage because my husband and I, we could actually spend some time together. Instead of like the time we were together, it would be like a, Hey, let’s clean the house all day type of thing. So, you know, it started there. And then as I grew in my business and in my income, I always put aside a percentage in order to prioritize outsourcing and delegating things. So when we were finally in a place where we could afford like, hello, fresh, I realized, you know grocery shopping and meal planning that is really depleting for me. How can I outsource that?

Kristen Boss (18:08):
And there was a season where we were doing Hello Fresh, or, you know, green chef, or, you know, one of those meal delivery kits. And, you know, we created a line item for that. So notice, like I just started adding one thing at a time as my business grows, like, okay, what else can I hand off? What else can I do? And here’s an, and that’s just a little bit of my story. And then eventually with time as my business grew, then I remember I hired my first virtual assistant. That was, I think she was $30 an hour. It’s so fun. She’s she works with me now. She’s my online business manager. And she is like, we call her the miss pepper pots of my company. She it’s, and I’ll probably bring her on for another episode because she is such an example of what happens when you add value and you serve and you do your work so well.

Kristen Boss (18:57):
She has grown with my company and now she has a really successful career as an online business manager. And she, she pretty much runs the room. She runs the company, she keeps me sane and she’s amazing. I’ll have her on for another episode. But there was, there was a moment where, you know, I remember feeling like, Ooh, that tension. And I was a little nervous to spend $30 an hour on an assistant, but then I realized, okay, but I’m spending all this time managing a Facebook group and scheduling these posts and doing these graphics and managing my email list. And I realized that I could have somebody else do those things to free me up, to do better activities. And so I hired her on, but as I grew, I just kept, I always kept in mind money that I could use to outsource and delegate.

Kristen Boss (19:48):
And here’s something that I think will really help you. If you are balancing motherhood and business is you really have to manage your expectations. One of the things I had to let go of was expecting my house to look cleaned up all the time. Like, do I want to live in a world where my house looks pristine and my countertops are clean and you know, the laundry is always put away. Absolutely. But when I am prioritizing building a business, if it’s between, you know, growing my business and putting laundry away, I’m going to choose growing my business. And so I had to really lower my expectations of how I wanted my house to look for a time. And I had to be okay with that, because if there was a standard of like, you know, my house has to look a certain way and I have to have so many, you know, hot meals on the table and I have to clean my house or whatever it is, I would be, the expectations would have truly weighed me down and kept me from showing up in my business.

Kristen Boss (20:51):
So you have to ask yourself, what is my standard and what are you willing to let go of? You have to ask, what’s the standard and what do I need to let go of what, where do I need to lower my expectations so that I have more energy to focus on growing a business. And I will say in, you know, in the aggressive years of growing my business and I say aggressive, like where I devoted a lot of my mental focus and energy to growing my business. And let me give you an example. I’d love to live in a house that’s like perfectly decorated and looks like an Instagram story, but I knew that just takes time and energy away from a business that I could be growing instead. And so I was willing to have delayed gratification for even how my house was decorated, being like, you know what?

Kristen Boss (21:45):
That can wait. I know down the road you know, I’ll be able to decorate a house, however I want. But right now for me to disappear for three hours at hobby lobby and stage a bookshelf, that’s not going to make me money. So I was willing to even lower the expectations of how my house looked. And yes, did, I totally want my house to look like an Instagram story. Absolutely. But I realized that it would pull my focus away from creating my future. And what’s interesting now is years later now we’re in this like really amazing time in our lives where I actually, now I’m working with an interior designer and we’re, you know, remodeling a house and it gets to look exactly the way I want it to why, because I was willing to say no to those things early on to only focus on the essentials.

Kristen Boss (22:38):
I only focused on the activities that moved my business forward. I stripped it all down. So you have to manage your expectations, both of yourself and of your family and of your house. I want you to ask yourself what expectations do I have of myself that I might need to lower? Are you like, are you expecting perfection from yourself? If you are then motherhood and business is going to be miserable and what’s going to help you with your expectations is getting very clear on your values. What is most important to you? What is the, what are the most meaningful things for you? And those are the things you’re going to protect and cherish and say no to everything else. Like one of my clients, one of her values is having a hot home cooked meal with her family every night. So, because that’s a value for her, she’s going to make decisions from that place.

Kristen Boss (23:36):
She might sacrifice other areas where I think this is valuable to me and she’d be like, that’s not valuable to me. So you have to ask yourself what most meaningful and what is most valuable to me. Like what, what parts of motherhood is meaningful? And so for me in my, my children, I knew like reading them stories at bedtime. That was a, non-negotiable sending down as a family for dinner. Also a non-negotiable you know, having, I think there was a season where we had only Sunday mornings together. And that was like a strict, like no phone time, Sunday mornings, this is it. But you have to ask what matters to me. You know, for me having a home cooked home cooked meal is not a priority. Therefore I outsourced to hello, fresh or green chef. I make, you know, I make concessions, I reduce my expectations.

Kristen Boss (24:34):
I remember there was a time where I really needed help for my husband. And I was like willing to let him cook. And I remember there was a season where he told me he’s like, babe, well, what if it’s just spaghetti every night? Like if I take the reins and cook, you can’t complain about what I make. And again, that was kind of a negotiation. Like I can’t, I’m not going to ask him to cook. And then also hand him this like organic list of gourmet meals and expect him to cook it all. I was so thankful he was willing to help. I lowered my expectation through healthy communication. Not because I don’t believe my husband’s able, but he was saying, this is what I’m willing to do. And I was willing to lower my expectation in order to preserve time. So you have to get clear on like, what do I need to lower?

Kristen Boss (25:20):
What do I even need to let go of? And then you need to be extremely disciplined with your time. Especially as a mom, when you’re, when you’re working in a business, now I’m in a place. People ask me this all the time. Like, what’s your Workday like right now in this day and age with where my company is and where I’m at. Yeah. My kids are, you know, in a full-time school and daycare program. Now I realize that some of you, your values are homeschooling. And that is totally fine. That is not currently a value for my husband. And I, we have not decided that it’s on the table, but we haven’t said, this is our value. Maybe homeschooling is one of your values, but here’s what you need to decide. When you look at homeschooling, that is another full-time job. On top of running a household, you have to ask, what am I willing to let go of?

Kristen Boss (26:17):
Where do I need to reduce my standards? Or do I need to pay someone to come help me to free me up to have two focused hours of, of work during the kids’ homeschool hours? Like there is a way for you to have what you value, but you have to look at what is the cost. If this is the value, what’s the opportunity cost for me keeping this. Like, if you are a homeschool mom, you are going to have to look at your day and decide, okay, these are the hours of homeschool, where are my business hours? And how am I going to ensure those business hours happen? You’re just going to have to make decisions from a different place. And I can’t tell you how many times where I was. I just had to be okay with seeing piles of clothes on my couch downstairs.

Kristen Boss (27:04):
I had to be okay with like literally looking at the same pile for four days. And I, and does everything in me want to change it, fix it, put it away. Of course it does. But I had to lower my expectations in order to give my energy in the things that I knew would help my family financially. I was willing to lower again, lower my expectations. I was willing to be okay with messes. I don’t like messes, but I was willing to be okay with it. And it’s so funny, even even now, you know, when my parents come to visit, my mom knows when she sees things. She knows when I’m in the middle of a launch or when, you know, there’s a lot going on in my business. Like she knows, like there’s probably going to be piles of clothes downstairs. This is, and that’s what I let go of in order to prioritize business.

Kristen Boss (27:55):
Notice how it’s it’s it truly is a balancing act. Some people say balance is a myth. I actually believe you can achieve balance only through managing your expectation. Prioritizing what’s important to you deeply understanding your values and making decisions from there. It’s when you think you need to have it all, is that a disaster is waiting for you. That is when you set yourself up for perfectionism for feeling like you’re not enough for feeling like you’re sucking at everything. Like, no, you can’t have it all right. Now, like as you scale your business and when you’re making multi-six figures, then yes, you will be able to afford, you know, a house manager and, you know maybe even a laundry service and you, you’re going to be able to afford yourself. Those things. You can afford yourself to have the help, to have your house look exactly the way you want it.

Kristen Boss (28:51):
But there were a years. I was okay with looking at a less than perfect house because I was more focused on my future than I was my present. My business coach likes to make fun of me because we joke about this, that there was, you know, even still in my office, I had old vinyl baseboards all around my office and I ripped it up and it left old glue at the bottom of the walls. And I didn’t replace the baseboards. I was just so focused on prioritizing the work that actually mattered that I was willing to be in an office without baseboards for two years. And like, yeah, the money was there, but I’m like, that’s not a priority right now. It really isn’t. I have other more important things to do. And I just think sometimes you have to willing to look at, you know, the ugly, outdated baseboards in order to prioritize your future.

Kristen Boss (29:48):
And in order to prioritize the most essential things, because every decision you make and where you put your time, it, that is your decisions cost you. So you have to decide where you’re going to put your energy and ask yourself, does this activity, does this help propel my business forward? If not, and it’s a personal activity, then you have to ask yourself, does this align with what is most meaningful and most valuable to me, if it’s not, you either need to let it go reduce your expectations or hire someone to handle it for you. And I just think it’s really important that you hear that. You know, now I’m in a place where I, I have a lot of help and I can, my business is in a place where I can afford employees. I have a team that runs my business. And you know, if you don’t know this, I have a team of roughly eight to 10 people that work for my company that keep me in a place where I’m only focusing on my students and how I can serve them and my audience and adding value and showing up for you.

Kristen Boss (30:58):
And it’s because of those eight to 10, 10 people that I’m able to show up on this podcast and, you know, write out episodes and bring things to each week because I outsource the help. I never choose the story that I need to do at all. I love that I’m in a place now where people are afforded wonderful, stable income through my business. And I love that I get to support other. And actually I would say most of my employees, not my employees, but my team I would say seven out of 10 of them are all women who work from home and they they have kids and they work remotely and they love it. It’s, it’s a wonderful thing. So, but I had to grow into that, you know, and it’s just, I think people just don’t know that that’s why I’m asked all the time.

Kristen Boss (31:49):
They’re like, Hey, who watches your kids? What do you do? I’m like, well, now I can afford someone to watch my kids. Full-Time if I wanted to, I could afford to have, you know, a housekeeper full-time if I wanted to, I can afford these things. But early on, I had, it had to be about managing my expectations, getting really clear about my priorities, getting very clear about our family values and what was most meaningful to me and motherhood and making decisions from that place. And being very disciplined with time management. I always had to look at, and I would take portions of my income in order to put it back into my business, such as a virtual assistant or, you know gosh, I have so many now podcast producers, all the things, or even just like other line items, like a meal delivery, service house cleaning babysitting, like I just took portions of that income and made a budget for those things.

Kristen Boss (32:51):
And this is when we start to act like a business owner when we’re like, okay, I’m totally willing to pay $40 for the next two hours for me to go down the street to Panera or wherever and work on my computer uninterrupted because that’s, what’s going to make me money in the long run. It’s willing to part it’s again, it’s short-term sacrifices for the long-term game. And I just think in this, in this balance of motherhood and business, we have to be gentle and compassionate with the stories we tell ourselves. And also, you know, social media, it’s a big fat lie. It’s a highlight reel. We all know that like people aren’t airing like th the hardest parts of motherhood all the time. And I appreciate the accounts that are really raw and honest. And I think that’s wonderful, but you know, if you’re in a place where you’re following a bunch of home decor accounts and it’s causing a lot of discontent in your life, because you’re looking at your house and you’re cursing your baseboards, maybe for a time, you need to unfollow some home decor accounts and learn to find so much gratitude where you’re at and trust that your future is coming trust, that you are going to create the future of your dreams because of the short term sacrifices you are making and, you know, moms who make money.

Kristen Boss (34:15):
And I, and I think this is really beautiful is I really believe in, in mom really empowered women and mothers out there making an impact, making an income and financially contributing to their homes. I think a woman who feels confident in what she offers to the world and that she’s financially supporting her family. I think it’s a, it’s an amazing thing. I see it’s confidence, it’s purposeful. And sometimes we need that. Sometimes we need to feel like there’s more than motherhood and we don’t have to feel guilty about that. You don’t have to feel guilty if you want more than motherhood. If you want a career on top of motherhood. And some of us are wired that way. And some people are like, all I want is to be a mom and stay at home full time and, you know, do home cooked meals and crafts.

Kristen Boss (35:09):
And I admire the hell out of out of those women. I really do, but I have realized, and I’m okay with the fact that I am different and that’s okay. I am living my own motherhood experience and they’re living their own motherhood experience. And we both find our experiences meaningful, although very different. And I can appreciate that she does motherhood differently. And so when you’re thinking about how you are a mom navigating business, understand that it is your story, your story alone, and your family, and you get to shape and choose your own motherhood experience. And yes, it’s hard, but I also want to encourage you to go back and do the things that I did myself. Check in with your expectations, get very clear on your priorities, figure out your values and your family to yourself. And like, what is most, what is the most meaningful version of motherhood for me?

Kristen Boss (36:13):
And write it down. And the moment you start looking from side to side and seeing how someone else is doing their mom game, you got to go back to us and say, oh yeah, I didn’t write that down. She’s living her most valuable motherhood experience and I’m living mine and they’re different. And that’s okay. And then evaluating your time and being willing to outsource or delegate the things that are taking away from you, focusing on building your business. You’re just going to need to be strategic and disciplined, but it can be done. Take it from the woman who literally did this, you know, with at the time, I think when I really decided to grow my coaching business, I had a, three-year-old a two-year-old and I was working, you know, 40 hours a week and my husband was unemployed and I built the business on the side. It can absolutely be done, but you just have to play the long game and you have to be willing to do short term sacrifices. Okay. Friends hope that encouraged you today. Hey, if you loved the episode today, will you do me a favor? Will you please leave a review and a comment and just tell us, because it actually really does help in the iTunes

Kristen Boss (37:31):
Rhythm. It really does help the podcast be seen. And I so appreciate you guys sharing week after week. And I would so love a review. Okay. Friends, we will catch you next. That wraps up today’s episode. Hey, if you love today’s show, I would love for you to take a minute and give a rating with the review. If you desire to elevate the social selling industry, that means we need more people listening to this message so that they can know it can be done at different way. And if you’re ready to join me, it’s time for you to step into the Social Selling Academy, where I give you all the tools, training, and support to help you realize your goals in the academy. You get weekly live coaching so that you are never lost or stuck in confusion. Whether you are a new in the business or been in the industry for awhile. This is the premier coaching program for the modern network marketer go to to learn more.

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