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Leader Shame Ep #148

Being a leader can be a tough gig. Especially if you feel like you don’t deserve to be in that position. But what is it that makes you think that you’re unworthy of the title? These feelings of unworthiness can manifest into thoughts like ‘If I were a better leader, my team member wouldn’t have left,’ or ‘If I knew how to talk to my team, then their sales numbers would be better.’ And those kinds of thoughts just aren’t serving you.

Triggers, Teachers, and Truth Ep #146

In this episode, Kristen is adding onto the leadership topic by discussing what leadership really looks like. And spoiler alert! It’s not what you might think. Leadership isn’t just for super successful, 6 figure earners. Leadership also isn’t just plugging your new team members into a system and hoping they figure it out. And it’s definitely not always having the answers.