Finding Success as an Enneagram 9 with Kelsey Hansen Ep #42

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This week Kristen interviews long time friend, client, and self-declared Enneagram 9, Kelsey Hansen, on her success and how she did things differently to build her business. Kelsey is a six figure earner with her company and is known as the “Sourdough Mentor” on Instagram. Yes, she provides value and creates content around sourdough bread AND has a successful business that is completely unrelated to that, on the same Instagram account. And she does it without hustling.

This week Kristen interviews long time friend, client, and self-declared Enneagram 9, Kelsey Hansen, on her success and how she did things differently to build her business. Kelsey is a six figure earner with her company and is known as the “Sourdough Mentor” on Instagram. Yes, she provides value and creates content around sourdough bread AND has a successful business that is completely unrelated to that, on the same Instagram account. And she does it without hustling.

Kelsey wants people to know that you don’t have to be a super type-A, outgoing, extravert to build your business online. She’s showing up as her exact (introverted) self, developing relationships, and building trust. Relational equity and trust is a key foundation to a sustainable social selling business and Kelsey is the perfect example of that philosophy.

Here’s what you’ll learn during their conversation:

  • How Kristen and Kelsey started their own mastermind after meeting on Instagram
  • Kelsey’s philosophy on investing in her business and how it impacted her growth
  • Why Kelsey said she had to ‘get over herself’ and the image she had about network marketing
  • How she built a 6-figure social selling business with 2300 Instagram followers in 10 months as an introvert
  • What Kelsey did at the start of the pandemic that resulted in a growth explosion
  • Why Kelsey is on a mission to show other women that they can have success with ease that is sustainable
  • Why so many people think fear and discomfort is a ‘red light’ and how it should be used as a compass, instead

Follow Kelsey Hansen on Instagram for sourdough tips and watch how she runs her successful company with ease and sustainability. She’s the example of what’s possible as an enneagram 9 and/or a small following.

And if you’re ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out my live coaching program!

The Social Selling Academy:

Download the 3-Day training SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS for SOCIAL SELLERS where Kristen will be going to be giving you the exact tools you need to have success in today’s social selling landscape. Without creating more confusion, complicated algorithms, frustrating funnels, or sales scripts. Check it out here.

Transcripts for Episode 42: “Finding Success as an Enneagram 9 with Kelsey Hansen”


Kristen Boss (00:01):
Hey friends, welcome to another week of Purposeful Social Selling. Hey, today I have another great guest interview lined up, but it’s actually by a friend with a friend, my friend, Kelsey Hanson, and she is also a mastermind member in my purpose and profit mastermind. And she was also a one-on-one client of mine when I was still doing one-on-one clients. And a lot of people will ask me like, Hey, are you still doing one-on-ones? Nope, I don’t do that anymore. If you want to work with me, it’s either in the academy or in my six-figure earner mastermind. So in this interview, you’re going to get to know Kelsey and hear a little bit about her story and how she grew organically and through service and through kind of a bizarre niche. And also specifically, I love the anagram. I love speaking to different personality types, and I think oftentimes people have stories of the type of personalities it takes to have success in this industry. So I think this is going to be such a great episode for those of you who are Kelsey as in Enneagram nine. So you’re going to learn a little bit about how she found her voice found her place and how you don’t have to have this huge, strong aggressive personality to have success in this industry and how finding your voice and finding your speed and finding yourself really is the key to having lasting sustainable success. So I’m excited for you to hear the interview.


Kristen Boss (00:03):
Hey, boss babes. Welcome back to another week of the podcast. We have a special guest here with us today, and she’s not just special because she’s a special human, but she is special to me because she has also been a friend of mine for the past few years. And she is also in my mastermind. She has been a client of mine and my one-on-one coaching. And so I am bringing on my friend and client Kelsey Hansen today. And she’s just going to be sharing a little bit of her story. I’m going to be interviewing her because I feel like she has so much value to offer and she shows up so well for this industry and I wanted to have her on, so Kelsey, welcome.

Kelsey Hansen (00:46):
Thank you. I’m excited!

Kristen Boss (00:48):
Me too. So let’s give our readers or our listeners just a little background. So Kelsey and I found each other on Instagram. What was it like three and a half years ago?

Kelsey Hansen (01:01):
Yeah. Four. I feel like it’s been awhile. Yeah.

Kristen Boss (01:05):
So Kelsey was, I think you were doing paleo recipes and I found you because a friend had shared this amazing, like paleo peanut butter fudge cup thing. It’s still our favorite in this house. Scott still talks about it and I followed you and we were friends and well, actually we weren’t friends and we were just kind of connecting and then we just had a lot in common. I can’t even remember like how it evolved, but it really was Instagram friendship at its finest.

Kelsey Hansen (01:34):
Yes. Yes. It was. We chatted in the DMs and all that good stuff about that health and all the things.

Kristen Boss (01:42):
Yeah, that’s right. Cause you were really focusing on that’s why you were doing like the recipe sharing. Cause you were healing your own gut and that was kind of what your audience was finding. And I feel like at the time, how many followers did you have when I started following you? I feel like it was five.

Kelsey Hansen (01:55):
Yeah, probably around 5,000. Yeah.

Kristen Boss (01:59):
And had you, I think you had just started with your company, right?

Kelsey Hansen (02:03):
Yes. Yeah. Four years ago. Yeah. It was pretty new. You probably found me five or six months after I had started. Yeah.

Kristen Boss (02:11):
Yes, yes. I totally, I remember that. So Kelsey and I, we just had a lot in common. We were really big on mindset and personal development and Kelsey reached out to me and said, Hey, you know, I think we have a lot in common. We should do this. Like it was our first little mini mastermind together.

Kelsey Hansen (02:31):
Yes. If we had no idea what we were doing,

Kristen Boss (02:35):
No idea, but we knew that we both valued personal growth and serving really well. And just connected with someone who’s on the same has the same mindset and outlook on the world was just so important where like, I don’t know what you’re doing or what you’re up to, but I think we’re like the same human. We need to connect more. And so it was you and I and two other friends. And we did that sound like a year, right?

Kelsey Hansen (03:01):
Yeah. Even, yeah, a little bit longer than that we got together and San Diego did her own little retreat. We just knew that yeah, we had the same values and we’re focused on growth and said, Hey, let’s help each other out. I love that. Yeah.

Kristen Boss (03:18):
So Kelsey was there for a pretty pivotal moment for me. If you haven’t heard me talk about crying in a parking lot, it was literally on a FaceTime with Kelsey in our mastermind where I was finding my purpose and what I was meant to do in the world. And I’m pretty sure it was you, Kelsey were like, why, why are you not coaching?

Kelsey Hansen (03:39):
Yes. I’m going to cry. Just thinking about it was, it was powerful. It was powerful.

Kristen Boss (03:46):
Significant moment. I remember exactly where I was. I was parked in front of a beauty supply, picking up hair color for a client. And I just felt like I am not living to my fullest potential in this world. And things were really hard at the time when you’re like, why can’t you just do coaching? And I, do you remember what I said to you? No, I remember. Cause I said, cause I think that would just be too easy and you nearly slapped me and you’re like, Kristin, it’s supposed to feel that way.

Kelsey Hansen (04:15):
Yes. Okay. Yes. I remember that.

Kristen Boss (04:19):
Yep. Kelsey was front row cheerleader and watched me take on this massive trajectory as a coach. She watched me invest in Kelsey herself. I, what I really love about Kelsey is she has a really strong investment muscle. She is a six-figure earner in her company. And she, you invested, I think before you even got there pretty significantly. What, what was kind of your first big investment being in this?

Kelsey Hansen (04:44):
My first big investment was two years in about a year and a half in, I invested $5,000 into a program with Bob Proctor to just like amp up my mindset specifically because I needed some self-confidence and like some self-image help and yeah, that was terrifying. But I knew that by investing, I would grow, I just, I just knew that I needed something else. I couldn’t do it on my own. Yeah.

Kristen Boss (05:17):
And most people wait until they get to their goal or have money in the account to make the investment. But you did that before. So tell me how, just that, that shift, like what did that create for you?

Kelsey Hansen (05:32):
It was actually, it’s actually a really cool story. I’ll try and sum it up, but I made the decision. We didn’t have the money, period. I got into this industry because I needed money. I know people do it for all different reasons, but I, we needed the money. And so we didn’t have the money to invest. We didn’t have $5,000 sitting in the bank. We were living in a 900 square foot house, paycheck to paycheck. But I made the decision. I decided I’m going to do this. And then it showed up. It showed up, my husband had a truck that we’d been trying to sell for like a year. And as soon as I made the decision that next week someone bought it for $8,000 cash. Oh my gosh.

Kristen Boss (06:20):
And had like $3,000 extra. And I love that.

Kelsey Hansen (06:26):
Yeah. We actually put it all towards it. And my husband got in with it too. And we did it together. I

Kristen Boss (06:32):
Remember, I remember your husband went with you and you guys got to do that together, which I think is so special that your husband did a personal development experience with you. Cause some husbands would be like, okay, you do you honey, but he totally did that with you. I remember when you guys went and did that. So before we go a little further down your road, I kind of want our readers to know a little bit about what you were doing on Instagram before you joined your company and just kind of that struggle that you were in and why you decided to do network marketing.

Kelsey Hansen (07:03):
Yeah. So I had been a food blogger for years, probably six years at that point. It’s been about a decade now, which is crazy, but I had been blogging. And so I was learning SEO, taking photos, learning how to edit photos, creating content, trying to grow a following on Instagram, around my blog so that hopefully I could get a viral post, make money. I was making no money blogging, but I was putting so much time and effort into it. And you have to like, you know, collaborate with companies and they would maybe pay you this little percentage, but only if you had a huge following and it was just hard. It was really hard. I was investing in like courses and how to as running my own website and doing all of this and trying to build on social media. So I was actively trying to make money online, but it wasn’t working for me. And it was taking a lot out of me. And then I decided to try this product just to try it myself. And in the back of my mind, thought, I know, I know how this works. So I started digging, you know, into that specific company and looking at the compensation and I just thought, I’ve got to get over myself and do this. This could be the thing.

Kristen Boss (08:24):
What part of yourself did you feel like you had to get over? Most?

Kelsey Hansen (08:28):
The one that said I will never be that girl the worst because I had a little following. So I attracted people who were, you know, sliding into my DMS and saying, Hey, like you should do this. So I was getting a lot of messages like that. And I was just, I had this idea of what it was and that every company was probably the same and that just the industry, just, I purchase the products from other people, but I would never be the one selling them ever. So I had to get over that.

Kristen Boss (09:05):
So you you had people trying to recruit you and your DMs into their companies, and that was kind of your context of the industry and you’re like nah. You’re not going to be that girl. Nope, no,

Kelsey Hansen (09:16):
No, no. Yeah.

Kristen Boss (09:18):
And also, I think it’s really important for, for anyone in our audience. That’s listening that like, has your similar story of maybe like the food blog and building this really solid personal brand. And then there’s this fear that when they partner with a company that they’re going to have to like sacrifice the brand or turn the brand over overnight and be like, oh no, I’m now going to be the lipstick girl or the nail girl instead of like the food bloggers. So I think a lot of people have reservations for like protecting the brand. They worked so hard for. So tell me a little bit about how your brand and how you served people like that didn’t happen for you.

Kelsey Hansen (10:00):
Yeah, I, it was terrifying. I mean, I was talking about food in particular, like sourdough bread. So I was talking about food and then suddenly shifting into a beauty, but I was like, this does not make sense. I, this doesn’t make sense. My audience is going to be like, I’m not here for that. So there’s a lot of like mindset, like stuff that I had to work here to even say, Hey, I’m doing this thing, but I kept sharing what I had always been sharing. I just added it in to what I was already talking about. I just shared this new thing that I loved and truly believed in. And I think because I had been working and building that value in that audience and that chest, they did, they said, Hey, yeah, I want to try it too.

Kristen Boss (10:53):
Yeah. And I, I remember you telling me, I feel like even before you had 5,000 followers, I mean, you had a relatively we’ll call it like micro following and you made a fantastic income from your micro following. And I really, because if people were to go to your account today, I think, what do you have? Like 35,000 or something. We’ll talk about that too. But if they were to go to your account today, they might think, oh, I can’t have Kelsey success because I don’t have 35,000 followers. So I think it’s really important for our audience to know that you had, you are making great money with a micro following because you served well, right? Yes. Yes.

Kelsey Hansen (11:30):
I mean, when I started with my company, I had 2300 followers and I built up to the six figure level within my first 10 months with that tiny little following and earned the car and like did big things within my company. It’s only in the last year that my account exploded. So yeah, I’ve built a significant business with a micro following-I didn’t get that swipe up until a year ago.

Kristen Boss (11:58):
It’s so funny. I remember that being a big deal. So we’ll talk about what happened for you a year ago. But I think what also is important is a lot of people have stories about what kind of success that they can have in this business. And that’s kind of why I wanted to highlight that even with a micro following, you had great success. And even with the value, you were a food blogger and you sold a beauty product. Cause a lot of people think, oh, I need to suddenly become a beauty account in order for people to buy a beauty product. And that’s what I, I teach so many people I’m like, no, your niche does not have to reflect your product. Your needs is just how you serve. And really what you did was you served your audience really well ahead of time before you made an ask of them.

Kristen Boss (12:43):
And the ask being like, try this product so down. So that’s one story I kind of wanted to tackle as far as like I have to have a big following to have big success, not true. My niche has to, or like my platform has to match the type of product I sell also not true. I also want to talk about the story of you are an Enneagram nine. And so I think people also have stories of certain personalities that have big success in this industry of like, oh, it’s only for really outgoing type threes type sevens type eight. So I’d love to hear a little bit about your journey and finding yourself and your success as yourself, an Enneagram nine doing this business.

Kelsey Hansen (13:29):
Yeah, I, it was a lot of growth to be honest. I mean, where I was at when I started and where I’m at now. I mean, if you know, the Enneagram and Enneagram nine in growth takes on some of those awesome three qualities. And I’ve really discovered that within myself, but I had to decide to grow as an Enneagram nine. And it’s been really interesting seeing like that growth pattern where in the beginning I was like, Ooh, I don’t want to bug people. Like I just, I don’t, I don’t want to like come off the wrong way. I want everyone to be happy, especially sharing on social media as an Enneagram nine, trying to keep everybody in the world happy and not create any conflict with anyone that was really hard. But I decided to grow. I decided I need this and why not me?

Kelsey Hansen (14:23):
And so I decided to grow and within that growth, I’ve found those parts of me that are like, no, you can do this. You are brave. But I also take my chill time. Right? Like I, I protect my tea time, my cozy blankets. I still do all of that. I’ve still been very true to my personality, but it’s really interesting too. The, you grow within that and become more. Self-Aware the more like you attract people to you that are like that too. And I’ve been able to like, teach them, okay, like you can do this. You don’t have to be a type, a intense, like personality. You can just grow within who you are to be the best version of you. And that will attract certain people that aren’t attracted to that. Like, if I saw that type three go go guy would be like, man, like I can’t do that. So I think I’ve attracted a lot of people that thought they couldn’t do something like this. And I’ve hopefully shown that you have.

Kristen Boss (15:35):
Yeah. I think, I think that’s a really important thing to know is that for my hustlers in the audience, it’s just that we have to be mindful of just because it’s what is fun for us. And we hustle because it’s, it’s, we’re go, go, go personalities. We have to take into account the stories your team is having from watching you. So if they’re watching you not take breaks go until 2:00 AM every night and you are answering team messages all the time, your downline is eventually going to make the conclusion. I can’t do that myself. If I, if being at that rank requires that of me. I don’t want that. And they might not even say on a conscious level or out loud, but they might sabotage their efforts to keep them from increasing in their business because they’re watching their leader take on so much and they decide, I don’t want to take on that much.

Kristen Boss (16:37):
And that’s where the fear of responsibility comes in and people don’t want to grow because they’re like, I don’t want to have to be responsible for 300 people on their thoughts and feelings. But in this industry, you learn too that a good leader realizes I’m not responsible for babysitting everyone’s emotions on this team. They have healthy boundaries. And I think you exemplify that so well. And that’s why I preach all about the sustainable success. And that’s why I want to do on the podcast because you exemplify what sustainable, healthy leadership looks like. And that you kind of break a lot of the norms that I think people buy into when they join this business. Like I have to be outgoing. I have to go, go, go. I have to hustle myself to death. I have to have a big following. My niche has to match my product and you undo all of those things.

Kelsey Hansen (17:23):
Well, I really appreciate that because yeah, that’s kind of, my mission is to show women that you don’t have, you can have it with ease, right? You can have this sustainable long term. I think a lot of times it’s like do it now and make all this money. But my goal and my mission within my team is long-term sustainable businesses with ease where you’re not sacrificing everything. I mean, I would not do it, period. If it meant I was on my phone all the time. I mean, I homeschool my kids, you know, I want to be present. I have this idea of what I want my life to be like. And there’s no way I would sacrifice that for, for this business. I just, I wouldn’t because that’s my personality. I just that’s what I want. So I appreciate that because that long-term sustainability is what I want to teach women that they can do it without the burnout. Just what you teach.

Kristen Boss (18:20):
Yeah. Well it’s just because, I mean, they could have, they could hustle themselves to death, to a six-figure income overnight, but then at what costs like missing out on memories with their children, their marriage being in disarray, their financial you know, even things be it. I just see when they try to hustle all their way, all the way there and as quick timeframe as possible, there’s a lot of fallout and consequences to that. And that’s why I see here’s what I see happen a lot in this business. And I don’t think people talk about it. People will hustle themselves to death to get to six-figures. They will be so burnt out that they take a break and sometimes they never come back or they just, they just take a, take a step back and they’re like, I am so done. I never want to touch this business ever again because that’s what they think they need to be to continue to have success.

Kristen Boss (19:13):
So that’s why your approach and how you teach your team and how I teach other people in this industry is like, it’s not about the money you make in the next year. It’s the money you make 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 years from now. And you actually have founder’s shares in your company. So even more so beyond that, right? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And so I, I just feel like it’s so important to have voices on this podcast who have had success with ease and without cost to their personal happiness, the relationships with their children, their relationships with their spouse, their home life, you homeschool. So let’s go to what happened in the pandemic year ago. So there, you were just continuing to add value to your audience and it’s super fun. Like you have always been like sharing the sourdough starters and just yummy recipes. And, and also just from your journey with Bob Proctor, you’ve shared a lot of mindset and gratitude and journaling. You just gave a lot to your audience. So what happened about this time a year ago on your Instagram?

Kelsey Hansen (20:21):
Yeah, it has been almost exactly a year. It was the end of March and things had just start, you know, we were just starting to be in lockdown and I’d been sharing about sourdough for years. It’s a huge part of my personal story with health and everything. And I honestly was in kind of a funk with my Instagram. I was laying in bed. I remember as a Saturday night laying in bed thinking, oh my gosh, I haven’t posted in like a week. What am I going to post about? And then I just, I just had the thought I’m like, I should just ask, like, who’s even doing it. Like, who am I? Audience is even doing sourdough, put up a post. Hey, like, do you still have your starter? Have you never started one? Are you curious about it? And that was it. And the comments exploded within the first like few minutes went nuts.

Kelsey Hansen (21:11):
I want to try it. I want to try it. Like, all these people are suddenly stuck at home and like, oh, that sounds fun. And so, yeah, I was up around like 8,800 followers at the time and overnight jumped up over 10 and then 12, like within 24 hours, I just kept growing and snowballing and I thought, okay, here we go. I’m going to teach you how to make your own sourdough starter. Did ID TV, videos just added a ton of value. I was answering messages for a couple hours a day, just helping people learn this skill, which was really exciting for me because I obviously love it. But I was teaching and helping people learn this skill and my account grew and exploded. And I gained this whole new audience who wanted to learn sourdough. And then, yeah, I went up over 20 K and then by the end of the year, over 35,000 with another surge on candy making of all the things.

Kristen Boss (22:11):
Yeah. And yourself.

Kelsey Hansen (22:13):
Yeah. That was a big year,

Kristen Boss (22:15):
Big year. And also like you did and about, I think it was in August is when you decided to reach out to me. And I was just so honored when like just being friends and you being in that parking lot moment with me, you’re like, I want you to coach me. And you had, it was so fun to coach you during that surge and like finding your voice and being bold and writing copy with your audience. And I think you, your sales grew by like 30% or something. Yeah.

Kelsey Hansen (22:48):
In our first few months together they did. Yeah.

Kristen Boss (22:52):
And then also what you did was you, you kept, you kept being willing to get uncomfortable. And I love that about you as you’re like, okay, that’s so uncomfortable, but I’m going to do it. And so when, when reels came out, I feel like that was your second, like growth surge. You saw reels. Cause I feel like reels were what in July, maybe it was when they released August. Yep. So reels jumped on and you’re like, all right, gonna do it. And your reels exploded. You got more followers than you did a candy making rail in December. They get like a million views or something crazy like

Kelsey Hansen (23:25):
That three, 3 million views on like, it’s the dumbest thing ever. But it brought a lot of people to me, but I, yeah, it was insane. But I did the same thing with stories. When stories came out years ago, I just had this feeling of like, I have to do this. I have to put my face out there. I have to be more vulnerable. I have to let people in. That’s how I’m going to build a community and get people to my website and do all these things. And I did. And that’s why when I started my company, I had so much trust built because I had been putting myself out there. So it’s real, same thing. I was like, okay, new thing, I’ve got to do it. I’ve got to just put myself out there and try. I have to try, even though it makes my stomach hurt. Oh my gosh.

Kristen Boss (24:13):
It’s so funny. I was just telling a friend of mine. I was like, Hey, if your stomach’s hurting, you’re about to make a lot of money because you’re about to move into your, your growth zone. The growth zone never feels good. It feels like sweaty palms, sick to your stomach. You’re like, but I’m going to do it. And I love that. You said trust was built with your audience because you were willing to show your face and people need to hear that. And I think a lot of people want to hide behind a post hide behind these things. I’m like, if you want people to know you, you have to let them see your face. You have to actually let them get to know you. So just the fact that you’re like, okay, they’re going to see my face. And I just think, again, your story is just validating so much of what I teach students and what you teach your team is like adding value because a lot of people get really in their head about what adding value is.

Kristen Boss (25:06):
And I think most people with like, if they were sourdough people like making sourdough at home, they would automatically probably gloss over sourdough. They’d be like, no one wants that. That’s not interesting. I don’t care. I mean, it has just sourdough, but you just asked a question and your audience said, yes, please. And then you made yourself a servant to your audience that said, I’m going to help you with this problem. You solve the problem of like, what happens if my sourdough smells funny? What if it goes bad? What do I do? You gave so much. And then what you didn’t do is you didn’t have a surge of followers overnight and then decide to land, blast. Everybody about that product or company stayed true to yourself. And you stayed consistent in your stories with like, it’s my skincare routine. These are my favorite products, but then you also kept sharing. Okay. And here’s what you’re gonna do with your sourdough. It’s just, I see people make the mistake of like, I have a new surge of followers. I gotta talk. I gotta make a big, big old company posts, big old product posts because they, they feel scarce around, okay, I have all these people here now. Now I have to convert them. But you trusted the process of eventually they will convert. It’s not a problem. I add

Kelsey Hansen (26:22):
Value. And that’s what you, I mean, that’s what you teach in the academy too. It’s right. It takes a few months to warm up that audience that came in. And so it honestly was that timeline for me, that was like March, April, may. It was this huge surge. And then in August I signed up 45 new customers in August. Right. It took them to be like, oh, well, yeah, you just taught me this thing. You answered all my questions and oh, now I’m ready to trust you with this other thing. So there really is a timeline there you have to be patient, but it’s so worth it.

Kristen Boss (26:59):
Yeah. I tell people about like, depending on how much value you’re adding, like 60 to 90 days is a pretty solid, like turnaround for someone that’s new to you to convert or show interest. If you don’t have, if you haven’t been adding value, it could take as long as six months. And I talked about that at our mastermind event. So then so Kelsey was crushing it and then she also decided to do another uncomfortable thing. And she is in the purpose and profit mastermind. And I, I remember, so I was still, Kelsey had like maybe six or seven sessions left with me one-on-one and I had come back from my mastermind with my coach. And I was like, every single person I’m coaching needs to be in the container with other six-figure earners. That is where the most growth is going to be for them.

Kristen Boss (27:49):
And I knew it was going to scare the pants off of everybody being like, all right, you’re, you’re, you’re a little one-on-one time with me. Your cozy, cozy time is done and you’re going to go in this container with other people. And it was like, I mean, I know it was a hard ask of you, so, but your response was so great. But tell, tell our listeners a little bit about that growth that I asked of you as a coach, because I literally stripped away something that was very comfortable. You being, one-on-one having that little intimate time with me every week and being like, Hey, now you’re going to be in a room with 25 other.

Kelsey Hansen (28:20):
Yeah. I felt I had all sorts of these like imposter syndrome. Like I told you, I’m going to be the small fish, like, oh my gosh, these women are, you know, I just had all these feelings come up, but I knew, and because I have invested so much in my growth, I mean, I we’re friends. Like I had access to you. I could Marco polo you. But in August I was like, listen, like I see the results your clients are having. Like, I need to be an actual thing client. And then I grew again. And so when you said, okay, now I’m doing this other thing. I mean, to be honest, I had seen you go to every mastermind you’ve ever been to and come back and just grow. And I knew from my own investment from seeing your growth, that this was the next thing.

Kelsey Hansen (29:07):
So I said, you know, I’m in, I’m in, I’ll do it. It scares me. I’m terrified out of my mind, because also as an Enneagram nine, I tend to shrink into the background. I’m not going to be the one speaking up in a group setting type of a thing, but already, what has it been two weeks and already, I am so excited for the growth that is coming and already happening in my business. So it’s uncomfortable. But I know that exactly what you said, if it feels that way growth is on the other side. Yeah.

Kristen Boss (29:39):
And you did. And I loved response when I challenged you with that. I was like, oh boy, oh boy, this is going to be it. Cause I, I give every single one of my one-on-ones that I ended the contracts early. I’m like, you could take your money back and I can refer you to another coach. Or you can join me over here in this mastermind where I believe your best growth is waiting for you. And I love that you were, you’re just so honest. You’re like, okay, it scares me, but I trust you. And I think this is my next right step. And if I’m scared, it’s probably because that’s what exactly what I need. And most people don’t interpret fear that way. Most people interpret fear and discomfort as like a red light to this must not be right for me. It’s not the next right step. But I, I tell people, you gotta use fear and discomfort as your compass. Like that is where you’re

Kelsey Hansen (30:21):
Proud of it, right? Yeah. You have to push through it to get to the other side or you’re going to stay where you are. You have to push through. And it’s so uncomfortable sometimes. Especially I feel like for certain personality types, it is terrifying, but now I’ve proven it to myself. So I know what’s on the other side.

Kristen Boss (30:42):
So I’d love to hear. So you were in Austin for the live two day event kickoff. The, I mean, it was intense. You guys have a 75 page book and I even told you, I was like, y’all are going to be tired. You’re going to go home. You’re going to be real tired with all the things I’ve, you know, I’m going to give you, so what were some of the, what was the shift you had just in that? Because it was an intensive over the weekend. Like I literally threw so much at you guys. It wasn’t like, I even warned you I’m like this. Isn’t like some convention retreat where you guys are like, you know, just mingling, it’s going to be work. So I’d love to hear just maybe a shift you had or just how that experience caused a shift for you just in that weekend.

Kelsey Hansen (31:23):
Yeah. I think the biggest one for me, because going into it, I did have that feeling of I’m going to be like the little guy, the underdog, like I did, because I didn’t know. I knew a couple of the other women, but I mean, here’s all these women in all these different companies making, I know they’re making at least six figures and some seven, like that is powerful, but being there with them, learning these things, I was really validated in some of the things that I had already done. And some of the things that they, you know, like others haven’t done this and they’ve done this and that. It was just cool to see. We all have places where we can grow and to help each other do that was powerful. But the biggest thing for me was just, I belonged like, just realizing like, don’t discredit your own success. Like you’re here for a reason. You did this to you belong in this room with these women. And that is a confidence builder. I mean, it’s especially for me to be like, oh, that’s me too. Like, I’m not just there on accident. Like I, I belong there and that was really cool.

Kristen Boss (32:38):
Yeah. Really does shift your self-concept when you are in a room with people that are doing big things and when you decide to belong, cause I coached you all on that before you arrived in, like, you all have to make a decision that you belong in the room and when you decide to belong, how that shifts, how you perceive yourself as a leader and someone who is making a shift in this industry, it really does, like you said, it creates validation and your confidence skyrockets, and that does translate into your business. Now you’re like, oh, all these thoughts I had about myself, which is so interesting. Every six-figure earner, it’s like, they’ll have all this massive success. And then somewhere in there, massive success, they start telling themselves their stories about their success. Like it was a fluke, it was an accident. Or it’s almost, I have this, this one huge recruiter under me. I feel unworthy of this. Like every single six-figure earner I have ever coached has a story about their success that does not serve them. And I feel like you all being in the room, it finally forced you all to like own what you have created. Right?

Kelsey Hansen (33:40):
Yeah. And when you do that, yeah.

Kristen Boss (33:43):
When you do that, it changes how you show up in your business.

Kelsey Hansen (33:46):
It really does. I mean, coming home from that, I have put on that posture of the CEO and it’s been a big mindset shift for me to instead of the month to month, I’m like looking longterm, like this is a business, this is going to be a multi-million dollar business. Like just that posturing and that confidence after two days was it was really good for me, for sure. Yeah.

Kristen Boss (34:11):
Cause that is one of the big things we focused on in the mastermind was getting you all out of the monthly metric manager mode of like, I’m just going to manage everyone’s numbers and like focus on the first of the month, the 30th of the month. And just be only thinking in 30 day increments and getting you all to, like, I had you all sit down with your three-year plan and I could just see everyone’s faces in the room like three years. Dear God, I can’t even think beyond like 30 days, but it caused such a huge shift for everybody realizing, oh, this is what a CEO does. And there’s a lot of discomfort in scaling into a CEO position and network marketing. Because honestly you’re not, it’s not talked about in network marketing. It’s not talked about CEO and it’s preached like you are preached the four hour work week and time freedom, but no one is giving you the tools to actually have the four hour work week and the freedom, which is why I’m like, no, you all join for time, freedom and financial freedom. And if you’re not experiencing that, there’s a problem.

Kelsey Hansen (35:11):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep.

Kristen Boss (35:15):
So I, I just, I’m so thankful that you came on the show today, just because I feel like all of all of the listeners really needed to hear your story and how you showed up and served and trusted and you continued showing up. Cause I do remember there being a stretch where you were really discouraged and you were really burnt out and I feel like you, I mean, I feel like that’s almost like the being initiated into the industry. It’s like, if you haven’t experienced burnout, you haven’t been in a long time. So I know you were there and you totally pulled yourself out of it. You refocused. And that’s when you had just explosive growth, both personally on your social platforms, in your team with your sales. Like, and, and this is just the beginning for you. So Kelsey, I’m just so proud of you. Like just as your friend. I just think this is just, yeah, it’s a sweet moment from the car to the podcast. Years later, it started with the little chat in the DMS and here we are. And I just love just being your coach and your friend and cheering you on to your goals. So our listeners are well, if they want to follow you, connect with you, we’re going to have your Instagram handle in the show notes. But Kelsey, thanks again, friends. Thank you.

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