How to Be Proud Ep #102

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If you’ve ever been around kids, you know how excited they can get at even the smallest accomplishments. And as their caregivers, we too light up at the chance to share how proud we are of them. Big or small, we understand the importance of acknowledging their accomplishments but oftentimes fall short when it comes to our own.

If you’ve ever been around kids, you know how excited they can get at even the smallest accomplishments. And as their caregivers, we too light up at the chance to share how proud we are of them. Big or small, we understand the importance of acknowledging their accomplishments but oftentimes fall short when it comes to our own.

Kristen is here this week to talk about how being proud of your work doesn’t make you arrogant and instead believes celebrating your success is an important part of life and necessary work in order to lead a successful business.

Listen in as she discusses these points:

  • How taking ownership of your results can lead to a massive mindset shift
  • What actually happens when you don’t take credit for your accomplishments
  • Why not feeling proud of your work can cause diminished growth
  • How celebrating doesn’t mean you’re growth is done

Feeling proud of your accomplishments can bring a whole host of negative feelings to the surface. When you understand the benefits of celebrating your wins (and what can happen when you don’t), then perhaps you can learn to create space for yourself in order to feel the joy you deserve.

If you’d like to join the launch party for Kristen’s new book, Pivot to Purpose: Leaving the Toxic Hustle Culture Behind,  you can click here to join the list and pre-order your copy today.

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Transcript for Episode #102 How to Be Proud:

Kristen Boss (00:05):  Welcome to Purposeful Social Selling with Kristen Boss. I’m your host, Kristen Boss. I’m a mindset and business coach with more than 15 years experience in both the product and service based industries. I believe that social selling is the best business model for people wanting to make an impact while they make serious income. This is the podcast for the social seller, who is tired of feeling inauthentic in their business and desires to find a more purposeful and profitable way of growing their business in today’s social media landscape. In this podcast, you will learn what it takes to grow a sustainable business through impactful and social marketing. It’s time to ditch the hustle and lead from the heart. Let me show you the new way.

Kristen Boss (00:48):  Hey bosses. Welcome to another episode of the podcast. So excited. I want to start with a pretty exciting announcement and it starts with me saying, thank you. Thank you for your daily weekly listenership to this podcast because this podcast is celebrating 1 million downloads in less than two years. That is insane. I am in awe. I’m delighted. I’m filled with gratitude. Thank you for being here. Thank you for allowing me to serve you. Thank you for sharing this message. Thank you for getting it out. Thank you for partnering with me and seeing a vision of where we want to see this industry go and how we want to see people show up in their work and in their life. I’m just so deeply honored. And you know, I just want to offer to you, you know, when I first started this podcast, maybe this is your first time coming and listening, or maybe you’ve been a long-time listener.

Kristen Boss (01:48):  If you’re an OG of that, of this podcast. I see you. Thank you. Thank you for being here since day one. And I just want to say, you know, it’s, it’s easy when we come into someone’s chapter 20. Like this podcast is chapter 20 in my book. You weren’t there for chapter one when I was recording it in a closet and terrified that I was doing it wrong, or people wouldn’t be receptive to the message or people wouldn’t like it. And, you know, being vulnerable enough to put out imperfect work in the world. And it’s so funny when I think of episode one of this podcast and I, and I go back and listen, I’m like, wow, that person, she’s different. That’s an that’s, I can’t believe how much we can change in just short periods of time, two years. That’s nothing.

Kristen Boss (02:32):  And I look back and I listen. I’m like, wow, I’m a different person. And even my message has evolved a little bit. I’ve evolved so much. My company’s evolved. And so I’m just looking back with so much gratitude, but I just kind of want to offer to you. If you’re doing something brave and extraordinary or starting out a business, offering value in the world really requires you to have your own back in a lot of ways. And when I decided to start a podcast, I had the end in mind. I had the long game in mind. I had no idea how many downloads it was going to get if it was going to pick up quickly. And I just knew I wanted the people I was meant to serve, to find it and listen to it and it, for it to be impactful in their life and impactful in their business.

Kristen Boss (03:17):  Of course, you know, I’m an Enneagram three, you guys know this and I don’t hide this. Like, was there a part of me that’s like, oh, I want it to be like the number one podcast in the world globally with the most listenership, of course, I always know that propensity about myself to want to, you know, turn it into something I can achieve at, or, you know, if there’s a, if there’s a trophy or if there’s, you know, if there’s recognition, I, I know that about myself to, to it’s natural for me to want to look for those things. But for me, when I started this podcast, I had to let all of that go and just trust, you know, in time that might happen. But if it never does happen, it doesn’t matter because this podcast is not for me. It’s not for me, it’s not the Kristen show.

Kristen Boss (03:59):  And if I do end up rebranding it to the Kristen show, it’s not going to be like all about, Hey, look at me and aren’t I so great. It’s about who I’m meant to serve in the world. And I just love that I’m in your ear while you’re, you know, out for a walk with your dog and driving and doing laundry and going about your day and doing meaningful work in the world. Like, I’m thankful that it, I get to do this with you, but you know, in the beginning, I just remember thinking like, oh, you know, I don’t know. I didn’t know what it would take to have a chart-topping podcast. I didn’t research it. I wasn’t like, okay, how do I have a chart-topping podcast? I was just like, okay, what do my people need to hear? What’s important. What do they need to hear?

Kristen Boss (04:37):  And why do they need to hear it? And why is that worth sharing? Even if nobody applauds me and says good job. And you know, for a while, for the first six months, it would, I think it took us, I think, a full month to get to eight or 10,000 podcast episodes a full month that would take, sorry, eight to 10,000 downloads, like in the first six months it took at least 30 days to hit. I don’t even think it was that I’d have to look back at the chart, but I think it was like five to 8,000 downloads. It would take a full 30 days and now, and then eventually it became, and then like the second six months of the podcast, it like became, okay, we would have 10,000 downloads in 30 days. And then, you know, at about the year, it was like, okay, now we’re getting like, you know, 20,000 downloads a month and then 30,000 downloads a month.

Kristen Boss (05:28):  And then it just kept climbing. And now we’re in a place where I just remember thinking like, oh man, I can’t wait to get to a hundred thousand downloads. And we just hit, we just hit a million downloads. We’re just over it. And it used to take, I think took eight months, I think for my podcast to hit a hundred thousand downloads. And now we’re exceeding that every month we’re having a hundred thousand downloads per month. That blows my mind. But this is, this is what I preach to guys. This was what I preach about consistency compounds. And you have to be patient and play the long game. Like I can’t even imagine if I re released a podcast into the world. And my expectation was, oh, I’m going to have a hundred thousand podcast downloads in my first month. And my first six months, like it would’ve been a really miserable journey.

Kristen Boss (06:15):  And I would constantly be, you know, thinking of podcasts from the place of like, well, you know, what’s going to get a lot of downloads. That’s what I’ll talk about instead of like, what, what do my people need to hear today? And why is that meaningful to them? And I think we have to get ourselves out of what do we think performs and back into what serves, what serves and why does that work matter? Because cause eventually if you keep serving your efforts do compound and that, I mean, we’re seeing that now I want to say just our last, you know, couple hundred thousand downloads, it happened like in a really short period of time. I think the first 90 days of this year were at like 250 300,000 downloads. I’m like, holy moly, we’re going to, like, it took me two years to hit a million. And then this year alone, I’ll prob we’ll probably hit a, like a million again in one year.

Kristen Boss (07:05):  And it just keeps the timeline keeps compressing. That is how compounded results work for you. It’s like interest rates or, you know, dividends. It’s like, that’s how it works. It just starts compounding on itself over time, which is why I say like sustainability is so important and that you stay consistent even with, if it’s with the small daily things and it’s easy for things to feel insignificant at first, it’s easy for things for you to tell yourself, no one’s listening. Nobody cares. I could have said that a million times to myself, the first year of my business, I could have said that to myself. First six months, I started, you know, talking about, you know, this, this notion of like, well, what if, what if hustle culture? Isn’t a good thing. What if this isn’t a healthy conversation? And when I started talking about it, there was, there was nobody liking that nobody’s sharing that people were like, girl, you’re crazy.

Kristen Boss (07:54):  Everybody loves hustle. What are you talking about? But I was willing to have my own back because again, I, I always had the end game, the long, the long game in my mind, I always was like, it’s okay. It’s okay. If the results aren’t here today, I know where I’m going. And I just want to invite you back into that. I want to invite you into like the results today. Matter less than the results I am creating for tomorrow, by me showing up consistently, even when it’s hard. So again, I just want to thank you. Thank you for being here, sharing the podcast, sharing it with your friends, sharing it with your team. I know a lot of teams are going through the podcast as kind of like a team-building activity. And I think that’s awesome. Shout out to the teams doing that. And also a huge shout out to my international listeners.

Kristen Boss (08:38):  I appreciate you guys checking in and listening. Like we have a big international I don’t know if you want to call audience or fan base, but it’s, it’s been really great. So thank you for listening to that. And I’m, I’m very proud of this podcast and proud of what I’ve created, which lends to a really great topic that we’re going to talk about today. And it’s so funny. I knew this was going to be the topic today that I wanted to talk about, but I decided I was like, oh, I’m just going to check on the podcast and see how it’s going. And I literally looked at the numbers like just two hours ago and it, I was just so delighted. So in awe and I was like, well, how perfect is this? I’m going to be talking about out how to be proud, how to be proud of your work and what a fitting time for me to talk about this.

Kristen Boss (09:22):  When I’m feeling deeply proud of the work I’ve put out in the world and the way I’ve served. Like, I’m very proud of that and saying that without it being ego-driven, without it being like, oh, look at me. And, and I think that’s where we go when we think of being proud. So I’m going to talk about why it’s important for you to be proud of your work, why it’s important to be proud of your accomplishments, and why that matters. So let’s first talk about like what people’s perceptions are or what they think of when they think of being proud. And I think, I think this is, is Mo kind of bigger for women. I don’t see men struggle with this as much and I could be wrong and maybe it’s worth me having, you know, a male guest on the show and giving him, giving his take.

Kristen Boss (10:07):  But what I primarily notice with women is like a hesitation or believing that being proud of something is the same as being boastful or bragging or egotistical. So I see a lot of women like pushing, being proud away from them and making themselves wrong. And like, they want to be humble, but in a way that doesn’t serve them where they’re like undercutting themselves. And I notice we do this, like not just in business, but it’s like, I can’t tell you how many women have an inability to take a compliment to receive kindness, to receive love. If someone were to say, you look really beautiful. And if you were to say, oh you know, I mean, it’s just like, it’s, it’s cause I’m wearing makeup or it’s the lashes I’m wearing or, oh, thanks. I, you know, finally blow-dried my hair today. You know, that I feel like that’s a way of, of pushing away somebody giving us a kindness, someone giving us a compliment and us kind of like, oh, I don’t want to draw too much attention to myself.

Kristen Boss (11:05):  Kind of batting it away because we don’t feel like we can receive that attention or receive that in love and well, it’s kind of like we batted away and I feel like women do this in their business too. It’s, you know, there’s almost this fear of like, I don’t want people to think I’m all about myself and super self-centered. And so we take on this humility, but not, not the kind that serves us. It’s the kind where we devalue ourselves. And we think less of ourselves in the name of not looking arrogant, not looking braggadocious to people instead of like, can you allow yourself to feel a sense of pride and the work you’re doing in the world, like taking pride in your work in the sense of like, this is, this is meaningful and this matters and I want to do it well.

Kristen Boss (11:56):  And the fact that it impacts people in the world, like, of course, so when the results are coming, being proud of that and saying, I’m deeply proud of the work I’ve done to accomplish this, you know, this result that I’m seeing and feeling like you know, feeling gratitude for it and feeling appreciation for it. But what I notice is because of this, this fear of like, I don’t want to be perceived as arrogant or braggadocious, like women tend to like women or just anybody tends to kind of bat it away or like push the success away by saying like, yeah, well, you know, it’s cause it like they downplay their success. Well, it’s because you know, that one leader under me is really, you know, doing great or, oh, you know what it’s because we had a major sale and that definitely is what did it, or, oh, you know, I guess I just got lucky or, you know you know, I guess I just, you know, all worked out for me or it was luck or my, my, my biggest, I don’t, I don’t know the word I want to put around it, but my, my biggest one that I hear and that, that greats me a little bit is when I hear someone say like, I’m an accidental leader and I coach on this and I was talking to my mastermind about this.

Kristen Boss (13:12):  And I was just like, nothing ever happens accidentally. It’s always a product of our intentions and our actions, like intentional actions that we have taken that creates the results. And so I feel like this concept of like an accident. An accidental leader is like not taking ownership of the work you did on some level that created your current results. And it’s like, we’re, we’re afraid to take ownership of that. And I’m not sure why we women are so afraid to be proud of our work and proud of ourselves. I, and I, and I really do think it comes back to, we don’t want to bring too much attention to ourselves. We don’t want people to think that we think we’re full of ourselves, but here’s what happens when you’re not proud. What you end up doing is diminishing the growth that you have had to get to where you are, because if you’re not proud, what you’re likely saying is like, well, it’s not good enough and it needs to be better and I could do better.

Kristen Boss (14:09):  And it’s like never giving yourself a pat on the back and saying, you know what? This is a good job. And I am proud of this. And there’s still more for me to learn. Of course, there is, we’re always a student. Can I do better? Always the answer to that is always I can do better, but are you using that statement? I could have done better to withhold letting yourself feel proud of yourself. And I really think when we feel proud of ourselves, we feel like, I feel like ego feels very inflated, whereas like a true sense of like taking a deep sense of pride of your work in the world and why you’re proud of the hard work you put in that feels like a very centered feeling that is around gratitude. Like, wow, I’m so thankful to myself that I did those hard things that I didn’t give up when I wanted to, like, I’m very proud of myself.

Kristen Boss (14:59):  Like, don’t you want your child? Like if you’re a parent, don’t you want your child to be proud of their work. Don’t you want them to have a sense of pride of like, I know for me, I want that in my children. I at my son, like my, both of my kids are learning to swim and you know, it’s been quite, quite a journey just watching them, overcome their fears and watching them become confident in the water. And we’re really big on instilling pride in our son. Not like, you know, you think you’re better than everybody, but like being proud of him, self for doing hard things when he’s scared. And we always ask him when he is done, we’re like, Hey, are you proud? Are you so proud of yourself? Mommy and daddy. We’re so proud of you, but can you be proud of you?

Kristen Boss (15:43):  And that leads to the next point is if we aren’t proud of ourselves if we aren’t giving ourselves credit for the hard work we’re doing in a way that’s like, I’m proud of me. I’m so proud that I didn’t give up. I did the things and I showed up. It’s like reserved for ourselves. Like, man, it’s like loving ourselves, right? If you are not proud of yourself, if you never let yourself feel a sense of pride, or if you’re not proud of your work what’s going to happen is you’re going to look for other people to be proud of you. You’re going to look for other people to pat you on the back and say good job. Because if you can’t say good job to yourself, then what’s going to happen is you’re going to feel like a sense of deprivation. You’re going to feel like, oh, am I doing a good job?

Kristen Boss (16:24):  I don’t know. And you’re not there to tell yourself, oh, of course I’m doing a good job. I’m so proud of me. Yay me. We’re going to get back up and we’re going to keep going. But we’re not taught to have that dialogue. I think, especially as women, because it’s like, well, we don’t want to draw attention to self that’s very braggadocious. That’s, you know, that’s, that’s egotistical. Like we make it wrong. Instead of like, I’m proud of myself because I’m doing hard things. And when I’m proud of myself, it allows me to go and do more hard things and I need it less from others. Listen, whatever you give to yourself, the more you give it to yourself, the less you will need it from others. So, you know, for me, a part of my season was like, as I’ve been growing my business and growing my company, I really wanted certain people in my life to tell me they were proud of me.

Kristen Boss (17:09):  I really wanted people. I looked up to say, I’m so proud of you. And I felt so starved for them to say, I’m proud. It was like I needed it. That I was always, what I was doing was I was discounting my success and I kept like looking at me like, are you proud now? Are you proud now? Are you proud now? And I, I look back at that version of me and I just realized, like she was just starving. Like I had starved myself from feeling proud of myself and it made me needy for others to do it. And what it did actually was it, it put me into a constant need to create more and do more because I wasn’t there telling myself, Hey, you’re doing a great job and I’m proud of you. Instead. I just kept creating, hoping that these people would say, Hey, I’m proud of you.

Kristen Boss (17:56):  And I, and this was like so much growth I had to do. I had to stop like outsourcing and waiting for somebody to say it to me. And then I had to start actually creating, looking for evidence of like, wait, why am I proud of me? Why am I proud of the work I’m doing? And why is that enough? It’s enough that I can be proud of me. And what would it look like to not need anybody else to be proud of me either to not feel starved for that attention-starved for that validation? And what’s so interesting is when I started working on myself, when I started like really saying like, I’m so proud of myself, wow, I did this crazy extraordinary thing. And I applauded myself all the way there. I overcame all these hurdles. Like I’m so proud of me. What’s so interesting is when I started to do that more, I was needing it from others less.

Kristen Boss (18:48):  And I stopped looking to others to inform me how I should feel about my accomplishments, how I should feel about what I’ve created, or what I’ve done instead. I’m like, oh wait, I can just choose to have my thoughts about what I’ve accomplished without waiting for somebody else to tell me their thoughts. Right. And it was just like once, once I did that, I w felt so free. I felt free to like create and be proud and not create in a desire to have affection from somebody else through my work. And maybe you’re in engrams or you’re listening to this. And you’re like, dang is calling me out. I know this has been some of my work but that is why it’s important. Can you be proud of yourself today? Because if you’re not proud of yourself, then what you likely are doing is always telling yourself what you could do better.

Kristen Boss (19:39):  Why it wasn’t enough? Like, imagine I want you to imagine your child coming to you. If you have a child I want you to imagine them coming to you with like a project that they did and they show it to you. And like, they have that look in their eyes. They’re like, look what I did. My kids do this all the time. My son is such a little artist and he loves bringing me all of his drawings. And he is like, mama, look what I did. And I look at it and I’m like, oh, I love it. But imagine if I said could have been better. I mean, do you think you could have done, done a different color there? I could just imagine like his little sense of self, just deflating. Like he’s so proud of what he created. He, he was innovating, he was using colors.

Kristen Boss (20:19):  He was being imaginative. And like, imagine if I had said, well, it could be better. And like, when you’re hearing this, you’re like, oh my God, that would be so horrible. Your poor son that’d be so sad, but this is what we do to our else. We create something and we don’t look at it with awe and delight in a sense of pride. Like our children do, like, think about how proud our children, of their creations and what they put out in the world. They’re so imaginative they’re so they create so well. Like we need to learn more from them, from their spirit and how, how they show up in the world. But we do this to ourselves. We create something, we do something. And then we look at them, we say, Hmm. I mean, I guess it’s okay. Not that great.

Kristen Boss (21:03):  It could have been better. Maybe try it again. Oh, that looks like garbage. You know what? We’re not going to put that one on the fridge. That’s the conversation we have for ourselves. And what’s so interesting is like, do you think my son would be excited to show me his next project? Probably not. So why on earth, if we cannot be proud of ourselves, how could we expect, ourselves to be brave and try another new project? When we know at the end of the day, we’re not going to be proud. We’re not going to feel good. And we’re probably not going to be, you know, feeling like we accomplish anything. So why try anything? This is the inner narrative. You might not even know that this is your inner narrative, but it’s so important that you turn it around. And I want you to ask yourself, what can I be proud of today?

Kristen Boss (21:50):  And why am I proud of that? It’s so important. I just remember the first time I heard, you know, a really successful person say, like, I’m so proud of this at first, I was kind of like it had a little bit. I was like, oh man. She’s like, she really loves talking about her accomplishments. And I, and I just remember at first I was like, wow, she sounds really full of herself, and the more and more I thought about it, I was just like, wait, why is she applauding herself so much? Why is she proud of the work she’s doing in the world? And it was, it was a woman that I was listening to. And I was like, wait, hold on. If she’s proud of herself, she needs it less from other, oh, this is just a form of self-validation, like of having her own back in the world and really loving the work she’s doing in the world.

Kristen Boss (22:37):  I’m like, oh. And when I understood that, I was like, I can learn something from this person who starts by talking about what they’re proud of and what they’ve done. And so, you know, and this is, this has been my work too, is like letting myself feel joy, letting myself be proud of the things I accomplished without being there, being like, okay, but what’s next or okay. But we could go bigger or okay. We could do more. And honestly, I feel like that’s been my work most of this year, this year, I’ve just been sitting in like, how can I be proud? And how can I trust that I’m safe in the world as this person and continue to serve? And that I’m okay. Like I’m still having to do work. And I’m really thankful. I get to share it with you and invite you into this work as well.

Kristen Boss (23:23):  And I hope, I hope that I’m, you’re learning from me. So it’s less painful for you. So maybe you don’t have to have like an hour-long cry session on your bed on a Tuesday, you know, at 9:00 AM. Like I’ve had to do that. But I also just want to say, look, look at how growth is always available for us. Like a million podcast downloads later, I’m still learning so much about myself. I’m still figuring so many things out. And I know that like my growth is not done. I’m going to change a lot more. And I’m so excited about that. Like, I love the concept of like, I’m just getting started. You guys, I’m just getting started. And I want you to like, sit with that thought today. What if you believed you were just getting started? I don’t care if you’re making, I know hundreds of thousand dollars a year, like, or if you’re just starting out in your journey or you’ve seen some success, what would, what would it truly mean for you to believe you’re just getting started.

Kristen Boss (24:20):  This is the beginning. This is the beginning of everything for you and it only gets better. Like you’re just getting started. Think about that. I don’t like, and I think some, what happens is some people when they’ve been in companies for a long time where they’ve had a lot of success, they start to think like, I think this is good as it gets now, I’m just going to fight to keep it like, are you there? Is that your story? Like I think this is the part when I just fight to stay here instead of like, wait, hold up. My growth is not done. I’m not done. I’m still going. We’re just getting started. And so I just wanted to offer that to you today. I want you to be proud of yourself. Be proud of the small things in the academy.

Kristen Boss (25:02):  This is one of the things we embody. We talk about like, no, we celebrate everything. We don’t just celebrate rank advancement. We don’t just celebrate bonuses and incentive trips. And we trust me, there’s a lot of that in there, but we teach people to celebrate the small so that they can see, oh, I’m making progress. So therefore I’m going to keep going. I’m going to keep trying, because if we cannot acknowledge our small wins, then we stop trying. We just start telling ourselves nothing’s working and we’re seeing no progress, but it’s only because we’re diminishing the small things we’re saying like because we’re not proud of the small things because we’re telling ourselves it’s not enough. It’s not that big of a deal. And, and I want to draw attention to myself and like, we, we swatted away. So today I want to encourage you this week, just as you go on, I want you to be in the posture of receiving, receiving love from others, receiving compliments from somebody.

Kristen Boss (25:58):  If they tell you like, Hey, you look great. Just say, thank you. Don’t offer an explanation. Don’t say, well, you know, you should have seen me yesterday. Or normally I look like a troll that lives under a bridge. Like really just saying like, Hey, thank you, thank you so much. Or, you know, just for yourself, like notice if, if you get one new customer, be proud of that, instead of telling yourself, it’s just one it’s nothing to write home about. Like, can you look at your current paycheck? Can you look at what you’re currently bringing in and look at that and be like, hell yeah, I did that. That’s awesome. Or you looking at it constantly is your narrative constantly looking at your paycheck and saying could be better. Not where I want it to be. I can’t wait to make it better.

Kristen Boss (26:39):  I just want you to know, you can grow that paycheck a hundred times over and you will still have the same thoughts. Could be better. Not where I thought it would be. I should be further along. It could be better like the paycheck, the number on the paycheck cannot change. How you think about yourself. It can’t you think it does, which is why people are like, I just need to earn more so I can like myself so I can believe I’m successful. Instead of like, I want you to look at your current pay stub and be like, heck yes, I’m so freaking proud of that. Yay me. Yay me for doing the hard things. Yay me for doing a post. Yay me for going live. Yay me for doing something unconventional for being misunderstood. Yay. Freaking me. Will you do that? I hope you will. Because being, be proud of yourself. I’m proud of you. Like you may never see me in life. <Laugh> we may never meet, but I want you to know. I’m proud of you. You showed up today, you’re putting one foot in front of the other. You’re doing the hard work. You’re doing the scary things. You’re learning to tell yourself a different story. You’re learning to live differently and live on purpose without the hustle. I hope you’re proud. I’m proud of you. Catch you in the next episode.

Kristen Boss (27:58):  That wraps up today’s episode. Hey, if you loved today’s show, I would love for you to take a minute and give a rating with a review. If you desire to elevate the social selling industry, that means we need more people listening to this message so that they can know it can be done a different way. And if you are ready to join me, it’s time for you to step into the Social Selling Academy, where I give you all the tools, training, and support to help you realize your goals. In the Academy, you get live coaching so that you are never lost or stuck in confusion. Whether you are new in the business or been in the industry for a while, this is the premier coaching program for the modern network marketer. Go to to learn more.

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