The Result Ratio Ep #130

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We’ve all uttered the words, “there are only so many hours in a day.” When the day ends, and you look back over what you’ve accomplished in a 24-hour span, it might be discouraging to see so much effort being put into your business with such little return. And you might begin thinking that it just isn’t worth it anymore. 

We’ve all uttered the words, “there are only so many hours in a day.” When the day ends, and you look back over what you’ve accomplished in a 24-hour span, it might be discouraging to see so much effort being put into your business with such little return. And you might begin thinking that it just isn’t worth it anymore. 

But have you ever paid attention to what it is that’s actually taking up all of your time? Are you researching endlessly before putting yourself (and your business) out there? Are you consuming more content than you’re creating? If so, then you might want to check your result ratio.

This week on the podcast, Kristen is discussing the concept of the result ratio and how it can help you to monitor your efforts in growing your business. Listen in as she goes over these key points:

  • Kristen’s definition of the result ratio
  • Why advice is always theory until you apply it to your own business
  • How your consumption vs. creation ratio might be negatively affecting your business
  • Why research isn’t a shortcut to growing your business
  • How to measure and monitor your result ratio

At the end of the day, you want to be able to look back and know that you’re adding to the enrichment of your life and business. Instead of drowning in research – it’s time to get out there and apply those theories in the real world. You won’t grow until you do the work. Failure isn’t forever. Failure is a stepping stone on the way to your goal.

The Book Bonus is back just in time to get in on the last 90 Day Challenge of the year! When you join the Social Selling Academy between now and midnight CT on October 3rd, you’ll receive a free copy of the Goal Getter Workbook sent right to your door. Join now by clicking here.

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Do you have a business full of customers and almost no builders? You’re in need of a reboot! Learn the three skills you can learn that will completely change your recruitment game. Check it out here.

Transcript for Episode #130 The Result Ratio:

Kristen Boss (00:05):  Welcome to Purposeful Social Selling with Kristen Boss. I’m your host, Kristen Boss. I’m a mindset and business coach with more than 15 years experience in both the product and service based industry. I believe that social selling is the best business model for people wanting to make an impact while they make serious income. This is the podcast for the social seller, who is tired of feeling inauthentic in their business and desires to find a more purposeful and profitable way of growing their business. In today’s social media landscape. In this podcast, you will learn what it takes to grow a sustainable business through impactful and social marketing. It’s time to ditch the hustle and lead from the heart. Let me show you the new way.

Kristen Boss (00:48):  Hey friends, welcome to another episode today. We are going to be talking about how to enrich your life through something I’m calling the result ratio and the ratio you need to be aware of. If you want to create massive results, not just in your business, but in your life as a whole, because what we do in one thing we do in many things, how we approach our business is often how we approach many areas of our life, which is why I love being a business coach and a life coach, because I see the blend in how it all applies. So even if you’re somebody that’s watching or listening and you are not in business, maybe this is just applied to, you can apply this to other areas of your life. Or maybe you’re not a social seller. You’re not in network marketing. I didn’t really design this podcast to just talk about one thing.

Kristen Boss (01:36):  I really started thinking, okay, but what do people need in general to be successful in life and not just successful, but to have a life of significance in meaning and value and purpose, because you can have all the success, but if you don’t have value and purpose and worth and significance, it’s going to feel empty. And I don’t want that for anybody. It’s like, how do we have a full rich life based on what you want, because your full rich life might be different than what I would define as a full rich life. In fact, if you don’t know what that looks like for you today, I would encourage you. And I didn’t even plan on saying this in the episode today, but I would encourage you to take five minutes and write down what does it mean for me and my family or in my life personally?

Kristen Boss (02:22):  What does it mean to have a full rich life? And what does that look like to me? Because if we don’t define it first, we start looking at other people and how they are living their life and think, oh, maybe, you know, I’m not measuring up or I don’t have as much success as them or look at their life. If that’s a definition of a full rich life, then I can’t have that. But some things we can look at and say, yeah, I can see how they might like that, but that’s not important to me. That’s not a value of mine. Like someone might say my, my idea of a very full rich life is, you know, being in a motor home and you know, know, traveling all across the country and homeschooling my kids and being free to go wherever and see whatever and have all these adventures.

Kristen Boss (03:05):  That is the definition of a full rich life for me. So I would just encourage you to remind yourself, what does it look like to me to have a full rich and abundant life and why that matters to me? Because once you know what matters to you, you can take off your blinders and stop comparing yourself to how other people are living their life and remind yourself, oh yeah, that’s not important to me. What’s important to me is something else. So let’s talk about what it takes to create a full rich life and what I’m going to call a, a life that is net positive. And if you’re like, well, what does it mean? What do you mean by net positive? What do you mean about, you know, getting net positive results? And I mean, how all of your habits, your decisions, what you do in your day to day, is it creating an overall net positive result or net positive impact on your life as a whole?

Kristen Boss (03:54):  And we can compartmentalize this in, in, in areas. We can just look at it generally and your life as a whole, but I’m going to specifically be talking about it in business today because you know, it’s a marketing podcast and likely you’re here to really think about how can I grow my business, increase the revenue, increase my income. How can I really, you know, grow my financial wellbeing? And so I want to talk about it through that lens is how to have a net positive result specifically in your business. And then we can kind of zoom out and think about, okay, how do, how do I create net net positive results in my life as a whole? Because it really is about all of your decisions and specifically what I’m going to call your results ratio and your result ratio determines if you were creating a net negative impact in your life or a net positive impact in your life, it determines your results.

Kristen Boss (04:45):  And really the ratio is all about input versus output, how much you are taking in versus how much you are putting out. And I’m going to define that for you so that you can understand if you are creating net positive or net negative results in your life. So here’s what happens when you are in net positive, you feel fulfilled, it feels sustainable. You have gas left in your tank. You feel joyful. You have the results you want, you have the income you want and plenty to keep going again. There’s gas left in the tank, because you’re like, yep. I can keep going. It’s sustainable. Being net positive is sustainable. It means I can keep doing this for long periods of time when you are net negative. That is when I see people burning out, they could be putting out, you know, a ton of content crushing their business, but they could also be experiencing a net negative in their life as whole, because they’re burnt out.

Kristen Boss (05:45):  They’re depleted. They haven’t cared for themselves. They have no boundaries. They work 24 7. So I really want to help you differentiate between the output versus the input in your life and your business. So I was thinking about this the other day, I was thinking that a lot of people grossly underestimate the volume of output, the number of output, how much output is required in order to see and create the results you want in all areas of life in business. It’s so funny. My husband and I, we have this joke in our house. Like we, when we first got married, we had just a bunch of house projects. We built our own furniture. We had just tons of things. We were so broke. We’re just like we can’t buy furniture, let’s build our own. <laugh>, that’s exactly what we did. And so we had this joke because I wanted to, you know, go about things, you know, the quick way.

Kristen Boss (06:38):  And we learned after many home projects and many times to home Depot, back and forth and back and forth, we realized we came up with the San nothing, no project is either fast or easy. It always takes longer. It’s more complicated. It requires more effort and it’s more exhausting than we thought. It’d be every single time, every single time we grossly underestimated the time and the effort it would take to get the project done. So I noticed that people do this in business all the time. People grossly underestimate the volume or the level of output that is required of them. A lot of times, because our brain is designed to conserve energy. A lot of people think what is the minimum effort required of me to get the maximum results? Sorry, you can’t play that game when you are starting out of business. And when you are building a legacy and building an empire and really wanting to create massive results, you can’t approach it with what is the bare minimum that is required of me to get the maximum amount of results.

Kristen Boss (07:37):  It is no. What is the maximum amount of results I’m willing to put towards this? Because my goal matters that much. How much output am I willing to do? And how long am I willing to do it in order to create the results that I want. That should be the question you’re asking yourself. But most people they think, okay, well, how long am I going to have to do this for? And how much energy is it going to take of me instead of as long as it takes, as hard as it is, it still matters. But I want to specifically talk about, again, the volume ratio, because what I noticed was I’m like, okay, I think a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners, grossly underestimate the volume and the output that is required of them to grow their business and create the results they want. And they put often too much value on input.

Kristen Boss (08:26):  For example, research and development, and specifically entrepreneurs and people maybe that are launching coaching businesses or all those things like, oh, let me research this. Let me create, you know, create three website designs. Let me work on branding. Let me, you know, have more conversations. And let me just do more research and listening to podcasts and reading books, consuming, consuming, consuming, you know, listening, going to another free training, buying another, you know, $5 thing, another freebie, another download, one more thing. They’re just compulsive consumers. I often think being a compulsive consumer for an entrepreneur is from, you know, a lack of trust, a lack of self trust with themselves, believing like it’s okay for me to go out there and figure it out. I might do it messy. But what I always tell people is, listen, failure is a part of the process. Failure is feedback.

Kristen Boss (09:20):  If you want the best data, you have to go out there and implement it because you can hear me tell you, try these things, do a, B and C, but there’s theory what I’m presenting to you. And honestly, when, when I’m presenting to you is my applied theory. It’s like, Hey, here’s the concepts that I’ve applied in the real world. And here’s what works. And then you hear it. My applied theory, because I’ve, I’ve gone out and done so many things. And then I share it with you when you hear it and receive it. It still is theory for you until you go out and apply it and become master of it yourself. I always, I always think of when I was in hair and I went to like a really prestigious cosmetology school and there was so many things I learned in theory. And then when I was actually a hair stylist behind the chair, taking clients who paid me, then there was applied theory and mastery and it was a massive learning curve.

Kristen Boss (10:13):  And I really thought if you had asked me when I was in cosmetology school and you know, getting all my training, I would’ve told you, oh yeah, I know it all. Like, it’s fine. I’m ready. And then there was like real world experience in the salon where theory was put into practice. And this is where I see a lot of entrepreneurs. They put so much value to much value. They put way too much value in research and data and information and consumption where there is no implementation. And here’s the thing. If you want to create insane results, you need to double down on your creation, your output, what you are putting out in the world so that you can test it. See if it works, refine it, keep putting things out there so that you can get feedback and say, okay, this didn’t work. I’m going to try this.

Kristen Boss (11:00):  Okay, this didn’t work. I’m going to try this. But most people are fatigued at the idea of trying a lot of things until they figure it out. People want to know, okay, just tell, let me research it to death. So I know what’s going to work so that whatever I put out the first time, it’s guaranteed to work for me again so that I can conserve energy. What is the minimum amount of effort that’s required of me so that I can get the result. And so people spend all their time researching in order to cut down on their efforts. I’m sorry to tell you. And it might be a disappointment for you, but you can do all the research, but massive effort will still be required of you to create a legacy business and to really change the tra trajectory of your life. No amount of research is going to cut the efforts for you.

Kristen Boss (11:42):  And I know a lot of people think if I just research it enough, I’m going to be able to shortcut my learning curve. Sorry. You have to join with all of us and like learn the skills, acquire the skills, put things out there and fail, fail, fail. So you can get feedback and feedback. But if you want to change your life, literally everything in life is about the ratio of your output being double or much higher than your input, your creation being far more than your consumption. That is the equation of every successful entrepreneur. The, I mean, think about people that have a hundred million dollar a year businesses. They aren’t going around consuming podcasts and consuming and researching. They’re, they’re too busy being out there, creating and innovating and failing and testing and putting things out there. The most successful people in the world are people that are too busy creating that they put very Le they just put a lot less value on consumption and what they consume.

Kristen Boss (12:43):  And they’re incredibly selective with their consumption. So if you aren’t seeing results in your business, if you aren’t seeing results in your life, it is very likely your consumption outweighs your creation. If you are consuming more than you’re creating, you are in research mode, you’re stalled out and it’s, you know, what’s so funny is if we parallel this with your health, it’s the same thing. If you are consuming, if your input is higher than your output, meaning like all of your eating and what you’re doing in a sedentary lifestyle, and you’re not thinking about your output and your activity and your movement, we’re going to have some health issues. It’s going to create a net negative result. When you have more input than you do output, it is the same for your business. When you have more input, when you’re busy, consuming, comparing, and despairing and watching what other people are doing online, what are they doing with that platform?

Kristen Boss (13:39):  Let, let me just watch another reels training. Let me redefine my niche again for the 15th time. Let me try this again. Let me research some more. Let me follow this person. What are they doing over there? So B we’re literally wasting our most precious resource, which is time because it’s non-renewable and because we’re not out there testing, we’re not getting feedback. We’re not getting, you know, information. We’re not acquiring data, we’re just consuming. And so when you are consuming too much and you aren’t creating enough, you stall, you’re not growing, but what’s so funny. And here’s, what’s really sneaky about the brain is the brain will eventually tell you that learning it will make you think that learning is working. Learning is doing that consuming is the same as implementing. And I believe that started in our school systems because we are, we are trained to be students first where we just spend all this time, you know, consuming knowledge, consuming knowledge, and we’re trained to test well.

Kristen Boss (14:37):  But you know, as far as implementation in the real world, that’s a skill we have to learn. So it’s very easy. I see people get stuck in student mode forever. Instead of going into the apprentice mode where you have to, you’re working as you are learning. I love that. You know, and that’s also very common in trades. You know, hair styling is considered a trade. And so part of the trade is, yeah, I got my education. I was a student. And then I was an apprentice, which means I was learning through application. I was learning by doing and most people want to go straight from learning to mastery because apprenticeship is too humbling. It’s humbling to suck at something. At first it’s humbling to not see an immediate return for your efforts. It’s humbling to put a ton of effort out and not quite see the results that you thought you would.

Kristen Boss (15:30):  It’s it’s a really, it’s a big hit to the ego. To be honest, no one wants to be an apprentice. We all want to go straight to being a master. And we think if we do enough research, we just get to go straight up right over apprenticeship and go right into mastery. But that’s not that way. And I will tell you the most successful people in the world, they value apprenticeship. They put themselves, it’s why they hire coaches. It’s why they hire mentors. It’s why they joined masterminds. This is what I did. I was like, I’m not going to assume to know everything I’m going to get in rooms. I’m going to pay to be in rooms with master and I’m going to be an apprentice and I’m going to learn. I’m going to fail. And I still see myself as an apprentice in many ways. And actually I hope I never master <laugh>.

Kristen Boss (16:08):  I mean, there might be things where I have mastered, but there just when I’ve mastered something, there’s another thing for me to apprentice in and to learn. So again, you have to look at is my consumption, outweighing, my creation, how much, you know, social media are you consuming on a day, a given day? Are you scrolling aimlessly because scrolling doesn’t make you money scrolling. Does it add to your life? You have to ask yourself this. Every, every activity, behavior and decision you’re doing, this is where you have to go back to, to help you understand, is this input or is this output, is this consuming or creating? You have to ask yourself, is this one particular activity creating a net positive result in my life? Is it going to contribute? Is it going to add, or is it going to take, is it it going to create a net negative result, scrolling, scrolling a little bit, you know, 15 minutes, 30 minutes a day, or whatever, having a, a set aside time where, you know, maybe that’s what you do for your leisure time, but you have a strict standard to not do it during your work hours or whatever, like scrolling.

Kristen Boss (17:16):  Oftentimes if you are doing more scrolling, but you aren’t networking, you aren’t engaging, you, aren’t commenting. You’re actually creating a net negative result. You have to look at, okay, look at all of my habits, all of my behaviors. Am I just listening to podcasts? Am my researching? Am I just learning? Am I attending calls and nodding my head and taking notes, but doing nothing that is still creating a net negative result consumption again, knowledge only serves us when we apply it. That’s when we become masters. And that’s when we create a net positive result. So I kind of want to give you some, some things that are, that contribute to a positive impact or create net positive results so that if you’re not like, oh, you know, is input. Is that self care? What is that? But I want you to think output versus input, output being, you know, is this creating a positive impact input being, you know, is it creating a negative impact?

Kristen Boss (18:12):  And I’ll kind of unpack that a little bit more for you, but here are some positive impact or things that create net positive results in your life. And even in your business sleep, how many hours are you sleeping? Are you only sleeping five to six hours a night? If you do that consistently, you’re going to create a net negative even with your health, right? Eventually all of those things compound into creating a bigger net negative result. Nourishment, what are you eating? What are you putting in your body? Are you fueling? Are you caring for yourself or are you just, you know, consuming the things that give you the dopamine, the highly processed foods, the sugars, the alcohol, like, is it the instant gratification through food, driving your pleasure from food, right? And Hey, listen, I love food as much as the next person, but there is a point where food, depending on how we approach food and nourishment, we could be creating serious net negative results in our life.

Kristen Boss (19:03):  Okay. More is rest. That’s a positive impact. Creating net positive boundaries, boundaries with people, boundaries, with friends, boundaries in your business, taking action, actually creating anything in creation that creates net positive, right? Delayed gratification. Your ability to let go of what is instant gratification and trading it for delayed gratification that does create positive impact. Think about the times in your life, where you were willing to have delayed gratification and what net positive result that created for you in that one area. It is no different in your business. Where are you not playing the game of delayed gratification in your business? But most people want instant gratification in business. They just want it. They, I want my results and I want them now. And also while grossly underestimating, the level of output that is required for those results, okay. More, more net positive can be, you know, also exercise taking care of yourself like expending energy, making sure you’re walking more net positive is investing your money, saving your money.

Kristen Boss (20:11):  Those create net positive results. Let’s talk about input or consumption or net negative behaviors. Okay? Research mode. If you’re caught in research too long, there’s nothing wrong with research itself. But again, if your research is outweighing your application, you’re going to have a problem, right? Media consumption, what are you taking in? This is another area. Like what I do take in, I’m going to be very selective about. So are you watching news? Are you following accounts that puts you, that, you know, increases your anxiety, puts you on high alert that you walk away, depressed, frustrated, confused, sad. Are you following accounts that make you angry that are causing outrage? You know, like for me, I am extremely selective on how often I consume the news or media because often listen, the media has to make money too. And so what, I can’t think of a better way to get people, to keep watching media than to create outrage, fear and anxiousness.

Kristen Boss (21:14):  Because if the news tells me something and I feel anxious, my know my desire, my brain’s desire to comfort myself is I need more knowledge in order to comfort this part of me, that’s feeling anxious. So just notice like, Hey, the media’s out to make money too. I don’t care what media you watch, but it’s their job to get ratings. It’s their job to have a lot of people watching. You have to ask yourself, why, why is that? So for me, that’s something I do very little consumption of. Another thing is opinions of others. How often are you consuming the opinions of everyone around you literally, or are you being extremely selective over the opinions that you take in? There are very few people in my life whose opinions I value over certain areas of my life. Like with business, it’s maybe five people where I, I value their opinion.

Kristen Boss (22:06):  And also I care about my students and those things, but like, it’s such a small percentage of people who I listen to their opinion, the vast majority I have to let it go. Otherwise I’d be a stress case. People pleasing all the time and create a net negative result in my life. A hundred percent. Another thing is instant gratification. How often are you delaying your future? Because you have an impulse for something that feels good right now in the moment, again, it’s like I could do this thing for my business, or I could read a book or watch Netflix, or do this fun thing again, that’s instant gratification going there instead of the delayed gratification and working towards your longterm goals. Another thing is like, are you sedentary? Like more sleep like sleeping in that can create a net negative. And I’m not saying like, don’t get your sleep.

Kristen Boss (22:57):  I’m just, just notice if you are, if you have a sedentary lifestyle, right, that creates a net negative results as well, more net negative results, or, you know, things that create a negative or a deficit or take away from again, alcohol foods, shopping, anything that gives a really quick dopamine release. If it’s, if we do too much of it, it creates a net negative result or spending habits, Netflix, all of those things. So you have to look at your daily behaviors and ask yourself, what is the ratio of the things in my life that are net positive or the things that create positive impact and the things that create negative impact. And at the end of the day, am I creating net positive results for myself at the end of the day is my output more than my input, because that is truly the ratio in order to create the results you want in your business.

Kristen Boss (23:55):  If you want to change your life, cut your input in half the things you’re consuming and the things you’re taking in and the things you do take in, let it be really high quality that adds to and creates a net positive result and then double down on your creation and your output, what you are putting out in the world, the volume in which you’re putting out and the quality of what you are putting out. Because people that make literally hundreds of millions of dollars are people that are creation, oriented, innovative, and they’re constantly putting things out. They’re not busy consuming all the time and what they are consuming. They’re incredibly selective about. So a couple questions to ask yourself each day is ask yourself, are my daily decisions, creating positive net positive results in my life. If I’m to look at my day as a whole, am I in the net positive?

Kristen Boss (24:46):  Or am I in the net negative? Everything you do you have to ask yourself, is this adding or taking away from, is this adding to a net positive life? Or is it taking from, with when it comes to things you’re consuming, ask yourself, does this add value to myself and to others? Am I propelled to take action from this input? Does this particular input enrich the quality of my output? For example, self care does self care when I’m taking care of myself and resting and nourishing myself and prior getting my water in and taking my supplements, is that contributing to a better quality output? The answer is yes, but if I’m eating highly processed foods and living on caffeine and drinking too much alcohol, like that type of input is that enrichening the quality of my output likely no, if anything, it’s going to hinder the quality of my output.

Kristen Boss (25:39):  So again, you have to look at the value of the input that you were taking in. Okay. Lastly is the amount you are creating and putting out in the world more than the amount you are consuming. You just have to keep going back to the, to the ratio in what you were sitting with and constantly revisiting your compelling desire to keep sticking with the work and sticking with the output, realizing yeah, in order for me to have the results, I have to double the output versus my input. And if you are maintenance, if you’re status quo, if you’re at net zero, it’s likely because your input and your output are equal. You’re like, yep. I, I put out X amount and I input X amount and I stay here and we create status quo. We create maintenance. And a lot of times in order to get to the next level of where we want to go, it’s like, okay, got to shake it up.

Kristen Boss (26:29):  And I got to double down on my output. I got to double down on what I’m doing in order to create the results. But again, we can’t, it’s hard to do that when we’re too busy, cut up in, you know, instant gratification feeling like it’s owed to us. Haven’t I put in enough effort haven’t I done enough. And I see that all the time. And I’ve in one of my older episodes on the podcast, you know, I have an episode called success entitlement when we start to feel entitled for our results too quickly. And we give up to soon. And that’s what I see a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners do is they give up too fast and too soon because the results aren’t coming at the speed in which they wanted it to, and it’s requiring more effort and more time. So again, think about the value ratio cut by cut down in half your input and double your output and watch the results that you create. We’ll catch you in the next episode,

Kristen Boss (27:29):  That wraps up today’s episode. Hey, if you loved today’s show, I would love for you to take a minute and give a rating with the review. If you desire to elevate the social selling industry, that means we need more people listening to this message so that they can know it can be done a different way. And if you are ready to join me, it’s time for you to step into the Social Selling Academy, where I give you all the tools, training, and support to help you realize your goals. In the Academy, you get weekly live coaching so that you are never lost or stuck in confusion. Whether you are new in the business or have been in the industry for a while, this is the premier coaching program for the modern network marketer. Go to to learn more.

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