Phases of belief Ep #85

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Happy New Year! 2022 has arrived and with it a blank slate full of endless possibilities and excitement for what’s ahead. If you’re like most people, you begin each year by setting resolutions to break bad habits, or by setting goals that you’d like to reach by the end of the year or quarter. Instead of setting the same tired, lackluster goals you always do, what would happen if instead, you set your sites on that one, big impossible goal you’ve been kicking around for while?

Happy New Year! 2022 has arrived and with it a blank slate full of endless possibilities and excitement for what’s ahead. If you’re like most people, you begin each year by setting resolutions to break bad habits, or by setting goals that you’d like to each by the end of the year or quarter. Instead of setting the same tired, lackluster goals you always do, what would happen if instead, you set your sites on that one, big impossible goal you’ve been kicking around for while?

What happens when you think of that big scary goal you’ve been afraid to go after? Kristen knows. And she’s back this week, fresh off of her blockbuster 3-day event, to talk about what happens when you set impossible goals and what’s needed to turn them into inevitabilities.

  • The 3 phases of belief
  • What causes the shutdown when you confront your impossible goals
  • Why labeling a goal as impossible may actually be a cop-out
  • Explanation of acute vs chronic disappointment and how it’s harming your business
  • Kristen’s own impossible goals and her path to achieving them

Which sounds more uncomfortable to you: confronting the impossible goal, or being in the same place as you are now this time next year? Failure is going to happen, there’s no need to fear it. We all fail. But if you never give yourself the chance to meet the goal, you’ll never reach it. Challenge yourself this year to be brave and go after that impossible goal. 

Interested in Kristen’s exclusive mastermind for six-figure earners in the network marketing industry? Get all the details and join the waitlist here.

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Transcript for Episode #85 Phases of Belief:

Kristen Boss (00:05):  Welcome to Purposeful Social Selling with Kristen Boss. I’m your host, Kristen Boss. I’m a mindset and business coach with more than 15 years experience in both the product and service based industries. I believe that social selling is the best business model for people wanting to make an impact while they make serious income. This is the podcast for the social seller, who is tired of feeling inauthentic in their business and desires to find a more purposeful and profitable way of growing their business in today’s social media landscape. In this podcast, you will learn what it takes to grow a sustainable business through impactful and social marketing. It’s time to ditch the hustle and lead from the heart. Let me show you the new way.

Kristen Boss (00:48):  Hey bosses, welcome to episode 85 and Happy New Year to you. Man! What a year 2021 was, I just wrapped up the biggest event I have ever hosted in my career. It was absolutely insane. We had more than 15,000 social sellers at the three day live event, sustainable success, 2.0, and it was such an honor to be able to serve and see so many breakthroughs and people have aha moments and people see just how simple and possible and approachable this business model is the model of network marketing. And someone said this, and I, I really appreciate that this was kind of their takeaway and there were many, many takeaways, but the one that really resonated with me as I was reflecting on the event was someone said, thank you for bringing professionalism and ethics to network marketing, bringing ethical marketing, ethical selling, and making it professional.

Kristen Boss (01:51):  And you know, when I heard that, I was like, you know, amen. I love that. I love that. You know, that was, you know, the ethos of the entire event is just bringing profess and high quality business habits into a great business model. And it was just such an honor. It was so much fun. I mean, seriously, 15,000 people. And we had more than a thousand brand new students join the social selling academy and time for our 90 day goal getter challenge. And I am just so honored. I’m really, I’m so honored to be ushering in the next generation of leaders and business owners and that they are a part of this momentum of making the industry better. And I couldn’t be more proud of all my students and actually just hearing some of their wins. And, you know, the first round of the 90 day go-getter challenge just wrapped up.

Kristen Boss (02:49):  And some of the stories you kind of heard from stories in last episode, but they were still kind of in the middle of the go-getter challenge. So I’ll compile a few of the students’ testimonials and I’ll shout ’em out probably next week, but I, I was just truly in awe to see what my students have created and that they’ve learned what it takes to actually become consistent. And some of the students that went through the 90 days, they went through like really heavy thing and their personal life like death illness, you know moves all those things that tend to disrupt our life. And it’s so easy to just kind of take our foot off the gas and forget about business. And it was just amazing to see these people, you know, move through life and go through hard things and still be able to get right back up, prioritize what was important while still allowing space for grief and processing feelings and being there for their family.

Kristen Boss (03:45):  It was really inspiring to see. So what an insane start to the year 2022, if you are still thinking about joining the academy, it’s not too late for you. The best thing about the academy is because it’s lifetime. You, you can start the goal getter challenge anytime when you join. So if you were to join today, we have a little tool in your member library. It’s a specific training for the 90 day challenge that you could use at any time today can be your day one. And I really believe in that ethos because you know, life happens and sometimes people want to come in and, you know, start day one on January 17th, they’re on, you know, February 3rd. So let today be your day one, whether you’re in the academy or not let today be your day one today is a Monday. And I just think there was this hilarious meme that’s out saying, Hey, who decided to eat healthy and you know, do all the healthy things on the first of the year.

Kristen Boss (04:38):  And the first, the year was, this was Saturday. And then it said, and who else decided to put it off towards Monday? Which I thought was hilarious. Totally hilarious. And I was one of those. Absolutely why? Because I play the long game anyways. I’m just like, no, I don’t need to promise that I’m going to do this harsh detox on my body. That I’m going to, you know, whip myself into shape. You know before we really go into the topic today, I just want to invite you into the mindset or the posture of you don’t have to start the year by believing you are something or someone who needs fixing that you need to be a new, completely new version of yourself that you need to overhaul yourself. What if you just a for, you know, 1% better? What if it’s not about this?

Kristen Boss (05:25):  You know, I have to throw everything out and do this really intense start. Like I think sometimes a lot of times we, I see people approach the new year from this place of like, I have to fix me. I don’t like me. I’m fed up with me and they move into the new year almost from a place of shame. Like I don’t me. So this year is going to be about fixing me. But what if this could be the year about loving yourself and caring for yourself and doing something from a place of, you know, nurturing and caring for yourself? Not because you feel like you’re broken or you aren’t good as you are, but because you want to care for yourself differently, it’s just a little bit of a mindset shift. And I just want to invite you into that today. If you started this year, we’re thinking like I need to fix myself.

Kristen Boss (06:07):  What if you didn’t believe that you were broken or needed fixing, and you were just on a journey of just loving yourself more and just doing a little better, right? It’s a different story to tell yourself. So what I want to talk about today, this topic is about the phases of belief. And I want to talk about that. Especially since most people have a lot of goals on the front of their mind as they start the year. And I, you know, joked about this in the three day event, this is when people love to go by planners and highlighters and you know, all the fun, little post-it notes. And we, we go by all the stationary thinking that’s going to get us to our goals. And I, I finally got to the place in my life where I just stopped buying planners, cause I never used them. I keep everything digitally on my iPhone calendar.

Kristen Boss (06:54):  I do journal a ton. I keep notebooks empty notebooks. That’s what works for me. I’m always just joting down my ideas. You know, self-coaching and getting some thoughts out, right? But I don’t, I never believe my goals were behind a planner. So what’s interesting is since, you know, everyone’s goals are probably in the forefront of their mind. I want to talk about the specific phases of belief when it comes to your goals and how that affects your goal setting. So there’s three phases of belief and the three phases are impossibility, possibility and inevitability. And what I see most people do is I see most people setting their goals in the real of possibility and inevitability. But very few people will set impossible goals, mostly because they’ve decided it’s not possible, right? They, they can’t see how it could be done. So they tend to set goals based on things.

Kristen Boss (07:55):  They’ve seen things, they’ve done things they’ve experienced things they can wrap their mind, their mind around. So I’m going to kind of walk through the phases of belief and I’m going to share with you how that affects how you set goals, because here’s, here’s a problem. If you never set, if you’re never brave enough. And I say brave, because setting an impossible goal does require a measure of bravery and we’ll get to to that. But if you’re never brave enough to explore the and set the impossible goal, then you’re always going to do what you’ve always done. Think about that. I see some people stuck at their income because it’s the income they understand. They know how to stay at that income. They know how to stay at that exact phase of their business. They understand the activities that would need to be the beliefs that need to be there.

Kristen Boss (08:48):  They’re kind of just like, I know how to do, how to make this much money in my business. I know how to have, you know, a hundred K a year business, but the impossible goal, let’s say, if you make a hundred K you’re in your business and the impossible goal is a million dollars in your business. What happens is when people look at the impossible goal, it kind of shuts them down and they don’t set goals that get them closer to a million dollars. They just stay with what they know. They’re like, well, you know, I’m just going to maybe I’ll and possibly the goal of possibility might be okay, I’m going to increase to 150 K because they can wrap their mind around that. Right? So they set goals that they can understand, or they feel a certain measure of certainty around the goal. Like if their belief is pretty high, that they think they can account it, then they’ll set that goal.

Kristen Boss (09:37):  But if they don’t have belief that it can be done, I see people not set the goal because they don’t believe it could be done because it’s never been done. And therefore it’s impossible. That’s what makes it an impossible goal. It’s outside of what we know, it’s outside of what we have personally experienced. And it’s the phase of belief where our brain has the least amount of certainty and the least amount of evidence. And so most people spiral when they think about the impossible goal because they don’t see how it will happen. And the brain doesn’t like uncertainty, it really arrives off of certainty. Your brain wants to make a plan. It wants to anticipate it wants to know exactly what’s going on. And so what’s interesting is when someone, when a lot of people think about the impossible goal, it can trigger a lot of negative feelings, like doubt, despair, hopelessness, confusion, frustration, anger, defeat, you know, but the biggest, the biggest emotion that it can stir up is one of uncertainty where I don’t and uncertainty doesn’t feel good.

Kristen Boss (10:51):  It feels a little restless. It can feel a little anxious and that’s not a fun place to be. Cause it feels at the ground beneath us. Isn’t sh stable, it feels shaky. And so I see people like kind of shut down with the impossible goal, cause they don’t see how they’re going to get there. They don’t see the steps. And that’s where I see them start to spiral. And they’re like, well, well how would I do it? And who, who would I need to talk to? And where would that come from? And how on earth would it happen that way? And because they can’t picture the, how they dismiss that it’s even possible and they believe it’s impossible and cannot be done. It can’t be done. And what happens is when you decide it can’t be done and that it’s impossible, your brain shuts down and it doesn’t look for solutions or ideas to create possibility.

Kristen Boss (11:42):  I want you to think about that. Possibility is something we create with our own mind. It’s when we’re willing to explore and get curious and find evidence for how might it be possible, but we can’t create possibility. Once we have deemed something as impossible, as soon as we say impossible, it’s like, it can’t be done. And it almost becomes this fixed thing. Like I feel like it’s cementing it. It’s impossible. We can’t change it. Move on. Right. And then because people can’t see the path for impossible, they start to just set goals in the possible. They just, that stretches them a little, just a little bit beyond what they’ve done before. And they can see the path forward. They can see the steps and it has some measure of certainty. Possibility like impossibility feels very closed. I want you to think about that. Think of you, picture your impossible goal.

Kristen Boss (12:39):  The one where you’re, that triggers your brain to immediately fight you and say that’s not possible. Nope. Nope. We can’t do that. Nope. Nope. Nope. Find that goal. And as soon as your brain says, Nope, can’t be done. I want you to notice what emotions come up when your brain is telling you, it cannot be done. It’s a very closed, very tight feeling like it. It’s almost like it feels like effect like duh, no, everyone knows you can’t fit a square peg and a round hole. That’s impossible. It feels incredibly closed. It feels defensive. Whereas possibility feels a little more open. You are interested. You’re open to listening. You are curious. There’s interest. There’s intrigue. It allows for resourcefulness, you become, there’s a little more optimism there. There’s room for optimism. There’s room for hope. And I find with possibility, you have belief. There is belief that you have influence over the outcomes.

Kristen Boss (13:46):  But I think with impossibility, we deem it as impossible. When we don’t believe we have any say over the outcomes. And I see a lot of network marketers kinda living in this way in their business. Like I can do what  I’ll try, but here’s all the reasons why I think it would be impossible. A, B, C, D, E, and F and G and all, you know, all the reasons that they feel they can’t control. And therefore, because they don’t feel like they can control there’s no, that goal is totally impossible. Cannot be done. But with possibility, there is belief that you can have influence over your outcomes and you take personal responsibility for your actions to ensure that the desired outcome happens. When you are in the leaf of possibility, you are openly looking for evidence of how it could be true. You’re kind of building on some existing evidence.

Kristen Boss (14:46):  Like you’ve gone out, you’ve collected some evidence, maybe it’s your own evidence, or maybe it’s evidence from somebody else. You saw them do it. And therefore you’re like, okay, if they can do it, maybe I can too possibility is something you have to cultivate and create within yourself. It’s, it’s a very active posture, whereas impossible. You’ve decided it cannot be done versus possibility. It says, well, what do I already know? And what do I believe can be done? And suddenly it unlocks your brain to start doing creative problem solving and to get very curious. And here’s the thing innovation has happened because people dared to believe in the impossible. They dared to sit with the idea of something that once felt impossible and they were willing to feel the uncertainty, to feel the discomfort of certainty, to feel the frustration of not giving all the answers ahead of time.

Kristen Boss (15:45):  And they went and gathered enough belief in evidence to start believing in possibility of what they once deemed impossible. I kind of think of like all of our modern technology and innovation and, you know, think phones, planes, space, travel, all those things were once considered impossible until somebody was brave enough to think. I wonder if we can get man humans up in space and I’m sure somebody was like, are you crazy? That’s just not, that is not possible. But someone dared to sit with impossible dreams and think about how it could become a possibility. And they were willing to innovate and, and try new things and fail. Listen, when you believe in possibility, you’re willing to fail because you believe it’s possible. You’re like I’m eventually going to get there. We’ll figure it out. It allows for trial and error. Possibility is where, where human curiosity lives.

Kristen Boss (16:52):  Once we believe something is possible, even in a small measure, we become curious and we start to innovate and we try things and we do brave and extraordinary things. But I also think, listen, impossible when we say something is impossible. I believe it gets us off the hook from taking action, because if it can’t be done, then I don’t have to take any at that feels uncomfortable for me. But if it could be done, that would require me learning a new skill and maybe thinking a new way and maybe stretching myself in a way that feels so incredibly uncomfortable. But what if I could believe in the possibility of this happening? And I see some people set goals there, right? They set goals of like, but it’s a goal that they can see. It’s a goal that they can understand. It’s a goal that they can grasp.

Kristen Boss (17:40):  They can like chart their path there, but impossible. I see very few people willing to set an impossible goal because they can’t handle the uncertainty and the negative emotion that comes up with IPO, the impossible goal. And I’ll, I’m going to give you an example after this because I, I am literally living, I’m living out my impossible goals, a goals that like used to trigger me and I would think there’s no way, how would that even happen? I’m going to walk you through how I got through those phases, right? But possibility allows for us to expand and explore and innovate possibility is I, I love possibility, right? And then there’s inevitability. Inevitability is fun, but inevitability can, sometimes we can use against ourselves. So inevitability is something that feels done. It feels very certain. It has in all the phases of belief, it has the highest measure of certainty and the most evidence typically that we’ve created, that allows for us to feel so certain that of course it’s going to be done.

Kristen Boss (18:53):  In fact, it feels so certain that you’d be willing to fight someone on it. You’re like, no, fight me. I will, I will. I’ll go all in. I’ll bet you on this because I believe it’s inevitable. It’s done it’s happening. I think of the Marvel movie Thanos, man, that was a dude, a villain on a mission. And he believed, he’s like, oh no, my impossible goal is inevitable he’s and he even called himself. He said, I am inevitable. You guys I’m a total nerd. I love Marvel movies. But that’s what Thanos said. He said, I am inevitable. Like he was just so certain, of course, this is what’s happening. You cannot stop me. That is inevitability. It cannot be stopped. It’s a force inevitability. You’re also sitting with really high levels of belief. You’re not so attached to the how, how it’s going to unfold, how it’s going to come to you.

Kristen Boss (19:43):  You you’re trusting the process. You know, it’s going to unfold in your favor. You bring certainty to your work. Imagine that. I just want you to think of what would change in your business. If you brought certainty, if you brought like your Thanos self concept of, I am inevitable that rank, that you know, place in my business where I want to go. That version of me is inevitable. How might you show up in your day to day business? If you believed it was inevitable. I guarantee you’d be more confident. You’d be committed. You’d be focused. You’d be determined. You’d trust. You’d be open. You’d be confident. Failure would not stop you. I mean, look at all the, I mean, guys, I’m just going to keep going back to Thanos because that dude, like, it was like he could not be stopped. Right. He just was able to overcome obstacle after obstacle, after obstacle.

Kristen Boss (20:37):  Right. And we know we know how it ended, but still like that dude was like, you cannot stop me from this happening. And that’s what, that’s how we show up. When we believe our goals, our outcome, what we want is inevitable. And, but that is also where I see people setting goals. Like they only set goals with what feels inevitable to them right now with what feels easy to believe, like what feels easy for me to believe what feels like. I, I, a guarantee I’ll set that goal because if I believe it can be done, then it feels less scary for me to put myself out there. And the only reason we don’t want to set big goals is because we’re afraid of disappointment. That’s the only reason we’re afraid we’re going to put all this effort and that we’re going to feel heartache, that we’re going to feel disappointment.

Kristen Boss (21:33):  And my thing is, do you want to feel acute disappointment or chronic disappointment? Acute disappointment is when you go all in and you try something and give it your best and it doesn’t happen. Of course you’re going to feel disappointment because you put a lot of work into it, right? You went hard. And some of you don’t want to feel the acute disappointment. So you decide to live with the chronic dull disappointment of never reaching for the impossible goal of never doing big things of never reaching far beyond your comfort zone. So you live in this chronic disappointment and the chronic disappointment is never realizing your full potential, never wondering what you’re truly capable of because you’ve never pushed yourself.

Kristen Boss (22:21):  The impossible goal is all about exposing yourself to your greatest potential instead of living within in what you are comfortable with, what you know, right. So you have to, you have to ask yourself, do I want to experience disappointment on my way, doing the work, doing, you know, on my way to my goals, or do I want to experience the chronic disappointment of not putting the effort in of never knowing what I of cause I wasn’t brave enough to try. That is why I say impossibility. The impossible goals require extraordinary bravery because you have to be willing to sit with brave with uncertainty. You have to be willing to fail. You have to be willing to try while also still actively building your belief. The only way we move from possibility to possibility is if we ask ourself one question, how can this be done?

Kristen Boss (23:20):  Instead of it, can’t be done just asking ourself, but what if it can be done instead of, I don’t know into, but what do I already know? And working from that place it, it opens up your brain to really do some magic. I’m going to give you an example of this idea of like the phases of belief in moving from an impossible goal to making a goal that feels inevitable. So this event that I just did, we had a, my team had a goal that our minimum goal was 8,000 people at the event. And our, my impossible goal was 10,000 people. That was beyond what I could wrap my mind around. It was beyond what I could understand for how it would happen. Like I was just like, okay, if I, if I give all of my resources with advertising and how I write emails and how I show up on my, you know, on all my platforms and how we broadcast it on podcasts, like my realm of what I think is impossible, what feels beyond what I can pro solve for or mathematically, you know, have all the steps for understand or whatever is 10,000 people, but I’m going to problem solve for 10,000 people.

Kristen Boss (24:35):  What, how, what might I need to do? How might I need to show up how mu how might I need to sell people? You know? And it’s interesting, a lot of you might think, you know, it $9 offer and a lot of you might think, oh, you don’t have to sell that hard. It’s $9. It’s cheap. But I knew I wasn’t selling someone partying with $9. What I was really having to sell people on was them partying with their time that they could be doing something else. That was the primary thing I knew I had to overcome. It wasn’t nine. It was how can I sell them in such a way where they would be willing to give up an hour of their time each day to learn and to train when it’s typically a vacation week, they could be with their family, they could be traveling.

Kristen Boss (25:21):  So instead of thinking, $9 is done. It’s so easy who wouldn’t want to do this? I was like, okay, well, if I, I had to sell 10,000 people, how would I have to do it? And even though my brain was like, it’s impossible, there’s no way we’ve. And it’s also because my brain was like, I’ve never seen this done before. I had never done it before. Our last event was 4,700 people, six months ago. And so my brain, what felt inevitable with phases of belief, what felt inevitable was 4,700 people. Why? Because it had been done. I’m like, great. I know how to do that. That feels done. And then when I stretched beyond all of my certainty with what felt like done with what felt factual, I was like, well, what, what can I stretch to, can I believe we can double? Yeah. I believe in the possibility of doubling of eight to 9,000 people being at this event, what feels impossible?

Kristen Boss (26:12):  Well beyond doubling now, we’re really going outside of what feels done to me now, we’re now it kind of feels obscure. I’ve it feels a little crazy, but okay. The impossible goal was 10,000 and you’ve heard by now it became 15,000 people. And I really believe it’s because I sat with what I did was I sat with what evidence do I need to collect for myself to believe that there are 10,000 people out there that would want this, that would desire this, that would find value in this. And I literally, you guys, belief is not something you just do once you don’t just look in the mirror and say, I believe there’s 10,000 people out in the world who value what I have to offer. These were thoughts I was working on for months for 90 days. Listen, my team and I, we planned more between 90 and 120 days, that much planning for a three day event.

Kristen Boss (27:07):  And so much of that was me working on my belief, working on like, what do I believe is possible? What feels impossible? What am I willing to do? And here’s, what’s amazing when we stop saying that’s impossible and we ask ourselves, well, what if it, it could be possible? What’s interesting is I created the possibility once we become open to, okay, what if the impossible could happen? Then what happened was I started problem solving and I wrote down a ton of ideas and I innovated and I got curious and I was well willing to try a bunch of things. Right. And because of that, I created the possibility. Think about that. I want to kind of go back to somebody that, you know, ha was bold enough to dream in something that had never been seen or done before, or there was never evidence of it before.

Kristen Boss (28:02):  Right? Think of, think of, you know, tell Amison there was no light bulb, but he was willing to believe in this impossible thing that had never been done. He’s like, okay, I’m going to try and, you know, build this new source of light. That’s not an open flame that’s in, contained in glass that, you know, is turned on by, you know, power or whatever it is. And he was willing to, to sit with the possibility of that happening. And he kept innovating and creating what he did was he created the possibility. And then as he kept going, the possibility became inevitability and he made a light bulb. This is, this is where innovation begins with sitting with the impossible and asking ourselves, but what if it would be possible? And then we create possibility with our beliefs. And that is what I did. I created the possibility with my beliefs and I was also willing to have my own back.

Kristen Boss (28:58):  And I was also willing to love my result no matter what, if we only got 4,500 again, I was like, great, amazing. If we got 8,000, we’d be like, great, amazing. And we totally hit the goal. The day of the day before the live event, we, we exploded. We hit the goal. And then that’s when crazy town happened. Like 7,000 more people came in 48 hours. It was absolutely bonkers. And that felt like magic to me. But I believe that was only created because I first created the possibility in my own mind. And I was willing to sit with the uncertainty, not knowing the, how I just was in the place of, well, what do I know? What can I do? And how might I show up and how would I need to deliver at such a level to attract 15,000 people to this? This is exactly what I teach you on the podcast. In my, in my social science academy, when I was telling people, I say, listen, you can literally watch me apply the exact principles. I teach you on a much grander, much bigger scale. And so, and it was fun. Cause my mastermind members were like, oh my gosh, watching this, like watching everything you teach us happen on such a huge scale is really fascinating and educate.

Kristen Boss (30:23):  And it’s funny. And I told my mastermind members, my six and seven figure earners, they are given a launch, an opportunity, an onboarding system that I teach them that helps them run efficient and smooth events. That is duplicatable. That gets high turnout. That creates momentum. Like they’re like, oh my God, what we just watched is what you’ve taught us for us and our teams. I’m like, yep, exactly. Right. So I just want you to ask yourself, as you’re thinking about this year, have you set a goal from a place that feels comfortable to you? Have you just set a goal with like, well, this is what I know because I’ve done it before. It feels, it feels done. Listen, if your goal’s not causing you to sweat or itch a little bit, if it’s not triggering you, if it’s not bringing up stories, it’s not a big enough goal.

Kristen Boss (31:15):  And I don’t want you to. And let me, I think this is really important to say too, the idea of 10,000 didn’t cause me to shut down. It wasn’t so big where I was like, I can’t do this analysis paralysis overwhelm, and then no action was taken. No, it was like, okay. I was just, I was unattached to it. I think, you know, if someone said get 20,000 to an event, my brain probably would’ve freaked out a little bit and been like, what? That’s impossible. Can’t do it. But what’s interesting is I’ve just grown my capacity for believing in the impossible. That is really how you achieve impossible goals is growing your capacity for uncertainty, growing your capacity, for doubt, discomfort and uncertainty and willing to grow your belief, willing to do the work, to grow your belief. It was something I cultivated over and over and over again.

Kristen Boss (32:11):  So when you’re looking this year at your goals, be willing to sit in the discomfort of the impossible, be willing to ask yourself, how might this actually be possible for me, be willing to innovate and listen. And being willing to innovate means being willing to fail innovation and failure go hand in hand. And I’m so thankful for the people who are the great innovators who are out there failing and doing extraordinary things because they believe in making the impossible things, inevitable things, and it is no different with our business and with our goals. So I want you to sit with that today. Evaluate your goal. Are you willing to sit in the uncertainty of your impossible goal and are you willing to commit to growing your belief, collecting evidence and turning it into an impo into a possibility and then sitting in the possibility until it feels inevitable.

Kristen Boss (33:11):  This is the story of my business. Literally, if you were to tell me three years ago that I would be here today, I would have told you the words coming out of my mouth. Would’ve been, that is impossible. But eventually, with time it’s my that’s impossible become became, maybe it’s possible. How might it be possible? And then as my belief grew, my language changed too. Oh, it’s totally possible. Oh, it’s possible. Definitely possible. Oh, it’s happening? It’s happening. It’s inevitable. That was the scale of my belief. No way, no way. That’s impossible, Uhuh. Nope. Nope. How I don’t get it? Nope. Oh, well maybe, maybe it could be possible. Maybe. Ah, well look at it. And, and you know, the, my language changed as my belief grew and then it became, oh, it’s done. It’s happening totally happening. I don’t know when it’s go going to happen.

Kristen Boss (34:03):  That’s the thing about inevitability. You’re not so attached to the win and you’re not attached to the how you’re just really committed to the what you’re like, I know where I’m going. I know what I’m doing and I’m getting there. It doesn’t need to happen tomorrow. I know what’s happening. And I think when we’re in a rush is when we’ve lost belief. It’s like, oh no, it’s not happening fast enough then. Oh no, maybe it’s just not going to happen if it’s not happening fast. And I just never allowed myself to have those thoughts that I was just going to enjoy the ride, enjoy the journey. So today be brave enough to think about and entertain your impossible goal. And you might just amaze yourself when that impossible goal becomes possible and eventually becomes inevitable. I’ll see you next week.

Kristen Boss (35:03):  That wraps up today’s episode. Hey, if you love today’s show, I would love for you to take a minute and give a rating with a review. If you desire to elevate the social selling industry, that means we need more people listening to this message so that they can know it can be done a different way. And if you are ready to join me, it’s time for you to step into the Social Selling Academy, where I give you all the tools, training and support to help you realize your goals. In the academy, you get weekly live coaching so that you are never lost or stuck in confusion. Whether you are new in the business or been in the industry for a while, this is the premier coaching program for the modern network marketer. Go to to learn more.

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