Micro Hustle Ep #97

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What’s your definition of hustle? Is hustle spamming your friend’s list with messages, asking for help meeting your end-of-month sales goals? Is it working on your business 12 hours a day, never taking time for yourself or your family? Or is it something a little sneakier than that?

What’s your definition of hustle? Is hustle spamming your friend’s list with messages, asking for help meeting your end-of-month sales goals? Is it working on your business 12 hours a day, never taking time for yourself or your family? Or is it something a little sneakier than that?

Just because you’ve set healthy boundaries and don’t camp out in everyone’s DMs doesn’t mean you’ve completely erased hustle from your business. Kristen is here to talk about micro hustle – or the small ways that you allow hustle to creep in right under your nose without you ever being aware it’s there. 

Listen in this week as she talks about how to recognize micro hustle and what to do about it. Here are a few highlights:

  • Learning how to love the process of growing your business
  • Honest definition of Hustle (it might not be what you think!)
  • How shame can allow hustle to creep up
  • The language we use that opens the door to hustle
  • Where burnout actually occurs

Hustle doesn’t have to be a life sentence. With helpful reminders and a commitment to serving your audience, it’s never too late to set and then reach those big goals. It starts with healing your thoughts around hustle so that you can serve your audience in a sustainable way.

Click here to pre-order your copy of Kristen’s book Pivot to Purpose: Leaving the Toxic Hustle Culture Behind set to release on April 19, 2022.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https://kristenboss.com/question

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If you’re ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out Kristen’s live group coaching program! The Social Selling Academy: www.thesocialsellingacademy.com

Do you have a business full of customers and almost no builders? You’re in need of a reboot! Learn the three skills you can learn that will completely change your recruitment game. Check it out here.

Transcript for Episode #97 Micro Hustle:

Kristen Boss (00:05):  Welcome to Purposeful Social Selling with Kristen Boss. I’m your host, Kristen Boss. I’m a mindset and business coach with more than 15 years experience in both the product and service based industries. I believe that social selling is the best business model for people wanting to make an impact while they make serious income. This is the podcast for the social seller, who is tired of feeling inauthentic in their business and desires to find a more purposeful and profitable way of growing their business in today’s social media landscape. In this podcast, you will learn what it takes to grow a sustainable business through impactful and social marketing. It’s time to ditch the hustle and lead from the heart. Let me show you the new way.

Kristen Boss (00:48):  Hey bosses! Welcome to Episode 97 of the podcast, so glad you’re here. So excited for today’s episode. Today we’re going to be talking about something that I’m calling micro hustle. You’ve heard me talk about micro-quitting and the tiny little decisions that we make, where we’re quitting on ourselves in small ways where it compounds over time. And on this podcast, you’ve heard me talk a lot about hustle. If you follow me on Instagram, you know, it’s kind of my thing. I love talking about it. And if you haven’t heard, I have a really exciting announcement. I’ve, you know, I’ve been kind of like hinting at it here and there, but my book Pivot to Purpose is coming out. It is set to release in stores and online on April 19th. As far as I’ve heard from my editor, we are on schedule to have the release on April 19th. The book is called Pivot to Purpose. Starting really soon here, what I’m going to be doing is dropping little book teasers every Friday on the podcast until release.

Kristen Boss (01:52):  We are also going to be dropping a launch, like email list. If you want to be a part of the book launch, I have a really fun, like massive online party planned for you to be a part of. It’s going to be a blast. You will want to be on that email list so that you can know all of the news. All of the announcements be in the know for what’s going on with the launch. I don’t want you to miss out. It’s going to be a really unique experience. So keep an eye out. If you’re on my email list, I’m going to be announcing that. Keep checking in with the podcast. We’re going to be dropping some really fun book teaser., But the book is called Pivot to Purpose: Leaving the Toxic Hustle Culture Behind. And I think what I really want to invite you to in this episode is I want to invite you to removing shame from hustle or even judgment.

Kristen Boss (02:48):  And I have a lot of people that come to me and they say, you know, Hey, I, you know, I have this real big business or I have this business and I watch them kind of change in their body language or, you know, in their voice they say, yeah, but I hustled for it. Almost as if that made them wrong for how they built their business or they did it wrong or they did something wrong. And I, I feel like it’s really important for me to say, like you having hustled at one point or another in your business doesn’t mean did it wrong. And it doesn’t mean you are wrong. And it doesn’t mean you are less deserving of the results you have today. What you are learning is to do things differently. You’re learning that hustle isn’t sustainable. Yes, of course it can get you results in the short term, but it often comes at a cost in the long term.

Kristen Boss (03:37):  And that’s why I really love talking about sustainability when it comes to this business model and how you show up in this business model. Because residual income is truly for people who play the long game and you cannot play the long game if you’re sprinting all the time. Like, I don’t know anybody that runs a marathon sprinting full force the entire time. The body is not made to do that. And the brain is also not made to do that. When it comes to building a business, you have to play the long game. And I’ve been, I, I love just hearing from other people who are super successful. And I was watching Gary V on Instagram one day and you know, the man is worth billions and billions. And you know, he’s, I think at times he can sound hustley, but he’s like really a go getter.

Kristen Boss (04:23):  I think hustle for him is just a form of like getting gritty, being willing to do the hard work and put in the time. And I love that nuance, of that. But I think any time it comes at a sacrifice to your emotional health, your mental health, your physical health, your relationships with your family, that’s really when you go to check in with yourself, but I was watching his Instagram and I loved it. He, I think he’s in his forties, he’s worth billions and billions. And he is working on acquiring the New York Jets football team. And I love how he talks about acquiring the team. And he has described it as his, his journey, the process of him acquiring the team. He has said, this is the great work of my life. It is the most challenging and is the hard work, but I love it so much.

Kristen Boss (05:11):  He has found so much love in his journey to acquiring the team more than actually acquiring the team. He has called the process, the great work of his life. And I just wonder if you are viewing your process to the result you want, are you viewing the process you’re in as the great work of your life? Are you looking at the growth? Are you looking at the hard? Are you looking at your challenges and are you sitting with gratitude and saying, man, I am so thankful that I’m going through all of this. This is, this is the best work of my life. It’s making me a better person. I’m learning so much about myself. Like, are you in love with the process? Are you obsessed with the process? Cause if you’re not, you’re not going to stay with it. And Gary V he’s been, he’s literally, I think he’s been working on acquiring the jets for years, years, and he’s not giving up.

Kristen Boss (06:01):  He’s like, I just love the process and he treats it as a game, but he said something the other day that I thought was so deeply profound. And it really hit me to the point where I like sat down and reflected for a good hour. And it was so simple what he said. He said, I’m just getting started. I’m just getting started. Literally a man in his forties worth billions. His thought is I am just getting started. And I’m like talk about somebody who plays the long game. Talk about somebody who sees where he wants to go and is in love with the process. And he really is thinking, I’m just getting started. That is the mentality of somebody playing the long game of somebody that’s truly in love with the process. So when it comes to this idea of like your big goals and where you want to go, are you sitting in the belief of like, I’m just getting started and I’m pacing myself in such a way where I can be in this process for years and I can love it and stay deeply committed to where I’m going, or are you there?

Kristen Boss (06:59):  Or are you in the place of, I need to get out of where I am as quickly as possible because I’m so unhappy. That is where hustle comes in. That is where hustle really takes hold of you because you’re kind of running from scarcity. You’re running from lack. You’re running from where you don’t want to be. You thinking that when you get to your goal, it’s going to be better there and you have to learn to love. It’s actually the best in the process. That’s the best part, who you become, what you learn are you there? So I ki I, I thought it would be important to kind of share that with you through the lens of hustle. And also like, I want to help you remove shame or demonizing hustle when it comes up in your life, because here’s the thing. If you’re demonizing it and you’re making it a shameful thing, you’re not going to see where it’s still creeping up in your life.

Kristen Boss (07:59):  And I say this from like an extremely, a vulnerable place telling you like, this is still my work. It will always always be my work. Always looking for where is hustle still creeping up in my life? Where does lack still have a voice? Where is fear still trying to creep up? Where is my need for control and my need for it? You know, being better. Where is, is that still coming up? Why? Because I am still human because growth is always available for us. We never just conquer something and never revisit it again. It comes up in different areas of our life. We, you might learn to heal one layer of shame. And then as you grow, you find another layer that’s D and it’s more nuanced and you have to be willing to sit with it and see it, but you’re not going to see it.

Kristen Boss (08:48):  If you make yourself wrong for having any hustle in your life, if it’s this shameful thing what’s going to happen is you’re going to put on blinders and you’re going to convince yourself that you’re not doing anything hustling in your life, and it’s going to keep you from areas that you need to grow. So that’s why I wanted to talk about this concept of micro hustle. And it’s the very subtle, sneaky ways that hustle is still creeping into your business and your life that you might know it is because I think there are the really evident, very apparent areas of hustle. And in your mind, when you think of hustle, you might think of like, well, and it’s so funny, cause some people, when they tell me what hustle is, they’re like, well, it’s sending 30 messages a day to people. I’m like, oh, that’s not hustle. That’s not what hustle is because you can send 30 messages, messages a day, have really great boundaries on your time.

Kristen Boss (09:39):  And the 30 messages could be to connect with people, to serve people, to help people. But it’s so funny because people tend to, as they make that hustle and I’m like, no, no, no, no, no hustle is who you are being in the work. It’s not the work hustle is who you are being in the work. It’s what is driving the work? Is it scarcity? Is it fear? Is it lack? Is it worry? Is it this desperation? That is what that, who you are being is what hustle is. It’s not the activity. And a lot of people like to assign the activity to hustle like, oh, reaching out to people that sounds like hustle. I’d be like, Nope, that’s not hustle. It’s who you are being. It’s reaching out to those people saying like, Hey, can you help me? Can you serve me? Can you buy from me instead of, can I help you?

Kristen Boss (10:33):  And can I serve you? And how can I make your day better? And how can I add value to your life? Stay different. It’s very different. So I just want to talk about the sneaky hustle that you might still have going on in your life because this is, you know, it’s so funny. I was, as I was thinking about this and really wanting to share this with you guys and realizing it was still work in my life when I was covering like other subtle layers where it was coming up in my life at first, I felt a lot of shame around it thinking like, oh my gosh, I am the coach who talks about hustle. And I see this little area of hustle and I thought I was like the worst person in the world, but I’m like, wait, hold on, hold on. And I thought of, I thought of Brene Brown and I love Brene Brown.

Kristen Boss (11:19):  And I have so much, I have such deep respect for her work and who she is in the world. And I was just thinking, wait, hold on Brene Brown, who is the expert on shame? And I had an aha moment. I was like, hold on. She is not an expert because she has overcome shame and she never experiences it anymore. She is an expert because she is so deeply intimate with her own shame in order to help other people heal their shame. So it was like a huge epiphany for me. I’m like, oh my gosh, I’m just going to learn to be deeply, deeply intimate with every facet of hustle in my life. I’m going to learn to sit with it in radical honesty and deep compassion and understand where it comes from so that I can turn around and serve you and help you see where it’s sneaking up. Where it’s creeping into areas of your life, where there’s little stories that you don’t know you’re living.

Kristen Boss (12:18):  So I’m like, wow, what an amazing invitation for me to sit and be able to do this work so that I can help you do the work too. And my book is about so much about that. And so this, this idea of this micro hustle, again, it’s the really sneaky areas that you wouldn’t look at and assign as hustle. The hustle you might understand. Now, if it’s not, you know, the messaging and in your mind, the spaming because that’s not what it is. If it’s, if you’re like, well, it’s, you know, not having boundaries around my work hours. It’s, you know, not overworking, it’s not resting. It’s lack of self care. Like yes, those things. But micro hustle is how it shows up in small ways that compound over time, that damage over time. And some of you, when you think of like burnout in your business, and I always tell you, hustle will always equal burnout on some level. Emotional burnout, mental burnout, physical burnout, you will, you could get sick from hustle.

Kristen Boss (13:22):  I literally talk about this in my book. I talk about what it does to your immune system. I talk about the psychology of hustle and what actually happens in your brain when your brain is hustling, because hustle is like a neurological activity. And so this idea of micro hustle, it’s these little small areas where it’s so easy to just dismiss it as harmless, no harm is being done. You cannot see the immediate repercussions of the harm, just like with micro quitting. I tell people like when you micro quit, you don’t feel the immediate consequence of a micro quit. You see it over time that, you know, a thousand small, very small inconsequential decisions that add up over time lead to really big results that are not in your favor. You know, that’s where you’re like, oh, how did I end up here? Well, it’s a thousand decisions that I thought were inconsequential at the time.

Kristen Boss (14:17):  It’s the same with micro hustle. It’s these tiny little, tiny little areas that feel so harmless, but they compound over time that eventually creates burnout in your business that eventually creates problems later on. So it’s important for you to be on to yourself and learn to be really intimate with yourself and understanding your behaviors and how you show up in your business and the stories you’re telling yourself when you’re showing up in your business. So I want to give you example, very tangible examples of what micro hustle looks like. Micro hustle is one example is the tiny little five minutes here and five minutes there when you’re quote, checking in. I’m just checking in. I just want to do a quick, check-in check in with my team, check in over here. Let me just check in with this person. And I always notice for me that the, the saying the expression, I use the words that come out of my mouth before I justify micro hustle is this.

Kristen Boss (15:23):  You ready? Let me just, or I need to just, and I say that so that it minimizes the work. Like, oh, it’s just this one little thing. Oh, you need to just do this thing real quick. And I notice that because it just allows, allows it opens the door just a little bit. It feels slightly permissive. It doesn’t feel like a full, you know, a full-fledged decision of I’m going to work for three hours. My brain would definitely be like, oh, sister, that’s hustling. My brain would definitely say that. But if I say, oh, I’m just going to like, go check this message real quick. It’s not raising the hustle flag in my brain. It makes it permissive. Great example is it’s almost like telling yourself, I’m just going to have like that one little bite of a cookie. It’s fine. It’s fine. But if you have like 30 little bites of cookies all day, it adds up to like three cookies.

Kristen Boss (16:18):  But you’re telling yourself in the moment, one little bite doesn’t hurt, but you’re ignoring the compounded results of one little bite here. One little bite here. One little bite here. One little bite here. One little bite here. And hear this I’m not, I’m not shaming. I don’t want to shame any food that you reach for, cause I think that’s important to not demonize food, but just the stories that happen when you’re reaching for the thing. And you might not even notice it. You’re just thinking, okay, let me just pick up my phone real quick here. And I guarantee you don’t even notice you’re doing it. It’s just like, oh, let me just check in real quick. And where you need to check in with yourself is asking yourself, what story am I telling myself? Or what thought am I thinking? That’s causing me to answer this compulsion I feel to pick up my phone and quote, let me just check in.

Kristen Boss (17:06):  Are you telling yourself things like my team needs me? Or are you thinking what if somebody needs me or what if something goes wrong or let me just make sure what if, what if a sale comes in? Or what if I have someone asking about a product and I miss it? I don’t want to lose a sale. I don’t want somebody to fail. I don’t want my team to think I’m not available. These tiny, tiny little instances. And the problem is when you give into that moment, it when you give into that little bite, when you give into grabbing your phone and doing a quick check-in, what you’re doing is you’re reinforcing the thought in your brain that you have to be checking in on your business all the time. And when you believe you have to be checking in on your business all the time, now you believe you have to babysit your business all the time.

Kristen Boss (17:55):  And that my friend is exhausting. You are going to mentally burn yourself out if you are obsessing about your business 24/7. This is micro hustle. Some of you are like we look at okay, how many hours am I physically at my desk? Oh, I’m or, you know, in my workspace. I’m in my workspace two hours a day, but then I’m going to ask you, okay, that’s in your workspace. How many times throughout the day are you picking up your phone to just do a little check-in? How many times in the day are you mentally obsessing over someone on your team over what’s happening in your back office, over something that’s happening in your company? How much mental preoccupation are you giving your business when you’re not working your business? Do you hear that?

Kristen Boss (18:46):  That will exhaust you. A lot of my listeners are parents. So if you’re a parent, you’re going to understand this analogy. And I was telling someone the other day, I said, listen, you constantly feeling like you need to mentally babysit your business is like a parent who constantly feels like the wellbeing of their child is directly tied to how often they think about their child. Like, are you thinking about your child 24/7 when they are in school? Are you, and is that serving you or are you sitting in anxiety and stress all day? Like it’s almost like going on a, on a date with your significant other and taking your baby monitor with you and watching the baby on the baby monitor the whole time. Not being present with your spouse and constantly thinking is the baby okay? Is the baby okay? Is the baby okay? And just sitting in a constant ball of anxiety, completely unable to be present with your spouse.

Kristen Boss (19:39):  That is, that is a very, that’s an analogy to you feeling like you need to mentally be present in your business at all times. And believing that if you’re not thinking about your business, then your business is dying. That if you’re not present for your business all the time, then your business is dying. And the problem is, is, is that every time you pick up the phone, every time you do a little check in what you’re doing is you’re making that story feel more and more true for you. Because now you’ve made it true. Now you’re like, well, my business runs because I check on it all the time. That is micro hustle. And that is mental burnout.

Kristen Boss (20:17):  I really believe our businesses do not cause our burnout. Hear that. Your business does not cause your burnout. How you are thinking and being in your business is what causes your burnout. Who you are being in your business will burn you out. If you don’t have boundaries, if you’re constantly, let me check. Let me think. Let me do, let me pick up this phone. Let me answer this call. And this like five minutes here or five minutes here or five minutes here. But the problem is is your brain is never off. It’s never recovering. It’s never resting. And you’re going to have mental depletion. You’re going to have mental exhaustion. And then you are going to feel burnout. Burnout happens in your brain. It doesn’t happen in your business.

Kristen Boss (21:07):  So I just want you to check your stories. What are you telling yourself when you are away from your business? And some of you are never away from your business because you’re so scared. You’re so afraid that if you step away for a day, it’s all going to fall apart. This is no way to live. That is hustle. Notice it’s mental hustle. It’s if I’m not thinking, if I’m not present, if I’m not there, it all goes away. And that is fear running the show that is scarcity, running the show. That’s believing it’s all going to go away. And I see so many six figure earners living this as their normal, they think it’s normal. They’re afraid to step away. They never take vacations time. Freedom. What’s that? Yeah, they might be at the pool, but they’re a mental mess. They might be on vacation, but they’re still checking in their phones, checking in with their teams, checking in with all the things vacation.

Kristen Boss (22:07):  What’s that like, I’m talking about really plugging, like unplugging. That’s what, that’s what I was looking for. I’m talking about truly unplugging. And if you are unable to truly unplug at least two to three days a week, we’ve got a problem. Houston, we have a problem. You’re on the precipice of burnout, my friends, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re feeling resentment for your business. Of course, you’d feel resentment because your business isn’t letting you in your mind, your business isn’t letting you go on vacation. It’s not letting you check out. And you think that’s normal. It’s not. I’m here to tell you it is not normal. This is the work I teach my six figure earners. And actually it, it, part of this work happens in the academy as well. Because when you learn to do productive and effective work immediately, and you stick to your work hours, it is amazing how much mental bandwidth that clears in your life and the results you get.

Kristen Boss (23:02):  People think it’s crazy. We think we need to work all the time. And I think sometimes that’s where that’s another form of micro hustle is like feeling like we need to be attached to our business. The majority of the time in order to feel worthy of our income in order to feel worthy. And I, I, I was telling a mastermind member of this who makes amazing money in her business. Amazing. Like she’s, she’s living the dream. She’s living the network marketing dream. She put in her time, she put in the work, she had a, she built this beautiful financial asset, but she had so much guilt enjoying her residual income. She had so much guilt working less. And I had to tell I’m like, hello, this is the business model. This is the beauty of the business model. You’ve put in all the work.

Kristen Boss (23:49):  And now it’s time to reap some of the rewards and she couldn’t wrap her mind around it. And I said, listen, nowhere else do, do people have this guilt? If you were. And I, this is why I love. I tell people the network marketing industry is like the stock market. You play, you play the long game has compounding interests over time. Your work that you put in the front end, it compounds over time. And eventually, it tips over into residual income and it keeps compounding, but you have to play the long game. So I told her, I was like, listen, does anybody else feel guilty? If they make extremely smart investments in the stock market it. And then 10 years later, they’re living on dividends. Are they sitting there beating themselves up for living on dividends? No, cause they realize they made smart decisions early on. So it’s the same with it’s the same in this business model. It’s like, but I think what comes up is especially for women in, but I think it’s culturally normal is we’ve atti tied. We’re still, if you’re still feeling like you need to be in your business all the time, you’re still on some level believing you need to trade your time for dollars.

Kristen Boss (25:00):  But when you have leveraged income, it’s different. You have to stop attaching your worth with how many work hours you have in a week. And some of you taking a step away from your business in a healthy way. Listen, I’m not talking about like you checking out and not, you know, not building a business responsibly and having hello healthy systems. This is why you want amazing systems and processes in place and developing your leaders so that your business can run without you. And people are like, wait, that’s not possible. It totally is possible. But here’s the thing. I think what happens for a lot of people is when they’re not working and, and money is still coming in, worthiness starts coming up. Like we’re not worthy to receive this income. We’re not working. Look at you. You’re being lazy. You don’t deserve the income.

Kristen Boss (25:54):  So what I see people do is people adding unnecessary work hours in order to feel worthy of their income or in order to feel deserving of income. And that also anytime there’s worthiness at play, it allows for hustle there too, because hustle is all always about striving for worth. Instead of believing you have inherent worth. I talk about this in my book and we’ll probably release a little bit of this in a book teaser, but it’s important. You know that like if you were to take a break for a day, like literally have a day off in a really healthy way, not talking about out, hear me not talking about checking out and walking away from your business because you’re angry and mad and resentful. I’m talking about taking intentional time two days off a week. And I’m just curious what stories your brain would offer you with you taking time off.

Kristen Boss (26:48):  Would you tell yourself I’m being lazy? I’m being unproductive. My business is going to crash and burn. My team needs me. My team can’t survive without me. There’s going to be so many problems when I come back to work on Monday, notice all these stories and that’s what they are. They are stories that you keep choosing to believe over and over again. That allows for slight that permission for you to just I’m just going to check in real quick. I know it’s a Saturday and I know it’s a family day. Let me just do a little check in. Let me just dig little here. Let me just here, let me just here now all compounds over time. And that is a breeding ground for burnout and resentment period. So can you have compassion for yourself that there’s still a small part of you? That’s deeply afraid to rest because rest in your mind feels risky. Rest feels like it’s going to cost you your business. And I’m going to tell you right now, friends rest that you do not honor will cost you far more later.

Kristen Boss (27:54):  I’ve talked to hundreds of people, literally hundreds, if not now, thousands of people who did that, like noses to the grind. So I’m just going to go hard, go hard, go hard. And it’s typically at the three-year mark and I’ve said this so many times two to three years, two on the early side. But I feel like it’s average is when their body quits on them, running on adrenaline and your stress, hormone and caffeine getting by for three years, your body is not sustained to handle that. It’s why adrenal fatigue is rampant in entrepreneur circles. It is a problem. This is why I teach about sustainability because people will come in and they go so hard. They burn themselves out. And then three years later they’re exhausted. They hate their business. They’re tired, their family’s hurting. They have adrenal fatigue, immune use weight issues. And they’re like, this is the worst thing I’ve ever done.

Kristen Boss (28:55):  That’s why I’m like, yo no, this is why we, this is why sustainability is everything. This is why working with purpose is so important. This is why boundaries and self care and rest is so important. I’m going to say over and over and over again. And I get it. It might not sound glamorous and sexy at first, but do you know, what’s not sexy. Are your adrenals burning out three years later? That’s not sexy either and that’s not fun. And it’s exhausting. Ask me how I know this happened to me two years ago. Actually. What’s so fascinating was my adrenal fatigue came when, when all of that, all of my health issues that surfaced, it came actually two years after I stopped how hustling, but it was, my body finally felt safe enough to tell me that it was hurting. My body finally felt safe enough to be like Hey, we were neglected for like five years.

Kristen Boss (29:43):  And now that you’re kind of not working 80 hours a week. And now that you’re, you know, relaxing, now we’re going to start raising all the red flags that we couldn’t raise for the raise them earlier because we were too busy surviving your body. I just want to invite you into a better story. My friends, I want to invite you to not live in this survival mode to not live with the story of, you know, everything’s going to fall apart and burn. If I don’t, you know, if I’m not in my business or if I rest, I want to invite you to see the lie that that story is. And I want to invite you into thriving and maybe you’re there. Maybe you’re already like, oh crap, Kristen, I’m already in the burnout. It’s already super, super bad. I’ve lost all love for my business. Where do I go from here?

Kristen Boss (30:33):  I want to tell you, I want to tell you there’s hope for you. It is not too late. You learned some lessons, but you’re here and you can absolutely do it differently. It can be done different. And if you’re, if you’re there and you’re in my academy, you know, you know the steps, it’s all laid out there for you. You can easily turn this around. I there’s a joke. There’s a joke about the academy. And I think it was like, you know because the academy it’s, it’s, you know, it’s only been around at this point. Gosh, how long has it been around? I’ve lost count. I don’t know. I launched, I launched at the end of 2020, so a little over a year. Wow. Crazy. A little over a year. And people have said, they’re like, you know, thank you for, thank you for building a place for recovering hustlers.

Kristen Boss (31:26):  They’re like while, while you were, you know, building this while we were all out hustling like you created this Haven for us to learn, to work differently for us to heal for us, to learn, to work our businesses differently, to love our business and have purpose. Like it is the time. So if you haven’t joined the academy now is your invitation because this is where you get to learn and to love your business. Love yourself, have boundaries, get amazing results without it coming at such a great cost to you. So as you go about this week, I want you to look for little areas where you are telling yourself, let me just, let me just answer this. Let me just pick up this. Let me do this little thing here. One thing here, and just notice that it will add up over time. And I want you to check in with the story you tell yourself of why you think it’s important to let me just in that moment. And if it’s from a place of low belief, 99% of the time, the reason you are reaching for the phone or for five minutes of work is because you are afraid. It’s because you are anxious because you’re afraid you might lose that sale. You’re afraid a team member might ask you a question and you’re not immediately available. And the team member will be mad at you. And then they’re going to quit fear. And you do not want to condition yourself to be somebody who operates in constant fear in your business

Kristen Boss (32:47):  Because where you give an inch, you’ll end up giving a mile. So friends today, I want to invite you to leave the fear behind pursue purpose, and stop my hustling. We’ll see you in the next episode,

Kristen Boss (33:06):  That wraps up today’s episode. Hey, if you loved today’s show, I would love for you to take a minute and give a rating with a review. If you desire to elevate the social selling industry, that means we need more people listening to this message so that they can and know it can be done a different way. And if you are ready to join me, it’s time for you to step into the Social Selling Academy, where I give you all the tools, training, and support to help you realize your goals. In the Academy, you get weekly live coaching so that you are never lost or stuck in confusion. Whether you are new in the business or have been in the industry for a while, this is the premier coaching program for the modern network marketer. Go to www.thesocialsellingacademy.com to learn more.

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