On the show today is author, entrepreneur, activist, and all around powerhouse Liz Forkin Bohannon. A few years after founding her company, Sseko, an ethical fashion brand which creates education and employment opportunities for East African women, she recognized that Sseko could have an equal impact on women in the US by transitioning it from a wholesale structure to a network marketing, community-driven direct sales business.
She and Kristen cover that story along with so many other powerful realizations they’ve each had as they learned what it really means to ‘find your purpose.’
- Separating your identity from your output in the world
- What happens when you release yourself from being ‘special’ and own being ‘average’
- How being in purposeful alignment it unlocks a whole new world of creativity
- Why Liz is so passionate about cultivating community for her family and for women around the world
- The difference between saying “I found my purpose” and “I built my purpose”
- Why “CQ” is as important if not more important than “IQ”
- The story behind how Sseko morphed from a wholesale company to a direct sales/network marketing company
- How leaders who drop their “polished and perfect” armor have more impact on their following and employees
Join Kristen and Liz in this open and refreshing conversation about women, community, and social selling. You can learn more about Liz on her podcast or on her website here:
Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https://kristenboss.com/question
And if you’re ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out my live coaching program!
The Social Selling Academy: www.thesocialsellingacademy.com
Download the 3-Day training SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS for SOCIAL SELLERS where Kristen will be going to be giving you the exact tools you need to have success in today’s social selling landscape. Without creating more confusion, complicated algorithms, frustrating funnels, or sales scripts. Check it out here.
Transcripts for Episode #44: Pluck and Purpose with Special Guest Liz Bohannon
Kristen Boss (00:00:05):
Welcome to purposeful social selling with Kristen Boss. I’m your host, Kristen Boss. I’m a mindset and business coach with more than 15 years experience in both the product and service based industry. I believe that social selling is the best business model for people wanting to make an impact while they make serious income. This is the podcast for the social seller, who is tired of feeling and authentic in their business and desires to find a more purposeful and profitable way of growing their business in today’s social media landscape. In this podcast, you will learn what it takes to grow a sustainable business through impactful and social marketing. It’s time to ditch the hustle and lead from the heart. Let me show you the new way. All right. Happy Monday, boss babes. We are back for another episode of the podcast. Today is a really special day I’m fan girling a bit with yes, we have on our podcast today. I found
Kristen Boss (00:01:03):
This guest when I was at a leadership summit several years ago. We’ll talk about it, but on the podcast today, I have special guests, Liz Bo Hannen, and I’m so thrilled. She’s here with me today. I’m honored and with the value she’s going to bring and how she leads her business and about her business, I just felt she had so much to offer my listeners and this audience, because we talk so much about operating with purpose and authenticity and being on a mission and the beauty of this business. So I’m going to intro Liz and just a second, I’m going to just brag on her because she has a really awesome rap sheet. She is the founder of Seiko designs. It’s a socially conscious fashion brand. We’re going to talk more about that because I love the mission of her company and she is recognized by Forbes as a top public speaker.
Kristen Boss (00:01:51):
And she was named by John Maxwell, y’all know John Maxwell. He’s a big name in this industry as one of the top three transformational leaders in the U S and she was actually featured on shark tank, good morning, America and Vogue magazine. And she currently lives in Oregon with her family. And she is on this episode, like weeks away from her third baby coming. So Liz I’m so glad you’re here. Thanks for being on the show.
Liz Bohannon (00:02:15):
Thank you so much for having me and for building and then welcoming me into this community.
Kristen Boss (00:02:20):
Yes. So I am so excited about just our conversation we’re going to have today. When we connected a few weeks ago, I’m like, wow, we have so much in common. So many things that we cherish. I think our core values are very similar. And I also love that you are such an ally when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion in the business world.
Kristen Boss (00:02:42):
And your business reflects that, how you show up on your platform reflects that. So and we’re going to talk about your book a little bit because I do, I love your book so much and I was recommending it to people before I stepped into this coaching position. I was a part of your book, launch team. I was a plucky. It’s so fun. And I just remember when you were speaking at the global leadership summit a couple years ago, and you were you gave this phenomenal talk and my husband came home from the conference. I watched it virtually and he came home. He was like this girl, Liz, I think you’d be friends with her. She seems so fun. And here we are years later on a podcast and I’m like, what, what a world we live.
Liz Bohannon (00:03:24):
I love it. I love it.
Kristen Boss (00:03:26):
So I want to talk a little bit about your book beginner’s pluck, just because there are some really amazing principles from that book that I talk with my audience about all the time and they’re principles that I feel like are counterintuitive and so different than what we hear in the entrepreneur business space. And especially when it’s like the subtitles, build your life with purpose and impact now, hello, this is so perfect. You’re on the purposeful social selling podcast. It couldn’t get better.
Liz Bohannon (00:03:57):
I love it. I love it. Yeah. I definitely joke that I’ve got to be one of the only like motivational speakers that stands up in front of an audience of, you know, thousands of people and tells them really inspiring things like dream small and own your average. And you’re probably never going to find your passion because I, I think that the way these are all good things.
Liz Bohannon (00:04:20):
And I say that with the preface of, if you don’t know me I’m a big, big believer in living in building a really passionate, purposeful life. I love big dreams. It’s just that I think the way that we talk about these things, sometimes isn’t super helpful and it’s not getting people to where they want to go. The language that we use, kind of the stories and the narratives that we have around finding your passion and dreaming big end up for a lot of people, not everybody, but for a lot of people end up creating a lot of fear and anxiety and analysis paralysis. And we’re just constantly comparing ourselves to other people. And so my approach with this book and really with my leadership style in general is to kind of go, okay. Okay, okay. Let’s rethink how we’re thinking about this, how we talk about this in a way that I hope reframes it for people and makes it more accessible, more experimental is part of it, right?
Liz Bohannon (00:05:19):
I’ve just kind of having a spirit of curiosity and pivoting and listening of to some degree disconnecting our identities from the, the output of, of our work, right? So we have more freedom to be experimental and to hear feedback and to stay really curious. And so, yeah, that, that really is my hope is to reframe some of these messages that I just think have been not very helpful to, to a lot of people, because I do deeply believe that purpose matters. And I, I hold a per a personal belief that like every person was created on purpose and for a purpose. And that the best that we can do in this life is when we can integrate our work. The dream scenario, right, is that we can integrate our work, how we actually put food on the table for our families and spend, you know, however many hours a week doing something that feels like it is in alignment with the impact that we want to make in the world with what we are created to do that when we can achieve that, that sense of kind of a purposeful alignment that really, that unlocks us to a whole world of creativity and energy and connection.
Liz Bohannon (00:06:35):
And so I really do deeply believe that. I just think we can go about it in a way that’s a little bit different than the industry and kind of the self-help gurus have been teaching us and leading us over the last decade or so.
Kristen Boss (00:06:48):
I couldn’t agree more. And I really think this idea of just find what you love and then go do that. And I see, I see my students, they spin out a lot, actually, the first, the first thing they do when they join my academy is I have them identify core values and what drives you, but then they really, it’s easy to get stuck in research mode. And you said this so good in your book, like passion, doesn’t find you purpose. Doesn’t magically appear in descend from the heavens and come to you and say, oh, here’s your purpose? No, no, go out.
Kristen Boss (00:07:20):
It’s actually all about for you. But for me, finding my purpose was so messy and it felt heartbreaking getting there. And I felt like I had a lot of, I’m going to say biases around my purpose. Just assuming that that couldn’t be that meaningful, I guess. It’s not that that doesn’t seem extraordinary. Would you say it was kind of similar for you?
Liz Bohannon (00:07:40):
A hundred percent. And that’s why, like, in the book, I really talk about trying to even reframe and get rid of the language around finding your purpose. Because I think when we think about, when you say, oh, I found it, you know, I don’t know what it is, your keys, the love of your life, whatever it is there, it kind of, even just the spirit of saying, I found this thing, I found a new ice cream shop. I found whatever it is.
Liz Bohannon (00:08:04):
It almost kind of implies an element of luck in it, right where there’s this sense of, like, this thing kind of found me, or I got lucky or right place right time. And it kind of has that like magical feel to it. I love magic and I love whimsy, but I do think it’s interesting how, when you say I built that it’s a very different sentiment. It has a different emotion behind it. It an implies a lot of intentionality, a lot of work, a lot of probably heartbreak, mistakes, wrong turns over budget, over timeline, pivoting, you know, like all of these subconscious things that when we talk about building something, we think about sweat equity and we think about planning, but then we think about actually doing, and for me, that is a hundred percent how my journey to building a life of purpose and passion been so much more, it feels like it fits a lot more with, with building something, with heartbreak, with going in the wrong direction, with learning hard lessons, but also being able to stand on the other side of it and say like, look what I’m building.
Liz Bohannon (00:09:08):
Not like, Ooh, look, what I found in, in really puts you in more of kind of an active and I think empowered kind of mindset. And, you know, folks might be like, well, that’s just semantics finding verse building, but I think language is really important. And it does it changes the way that we see ourselves and that we see the world. And so that is one shift that I have made in my vocabulary is just talking about building lives or businesses of, of passion versus versus finding them.
Kristen Boss (00:09:37):
I think, I think you bring up such a good point, why language is so important and why building it puts agency and choice and taking action in your hands instead of happening upon or finding, like you say, people, it starts to feel like luck and it starts to feel like, and I even see people start to look at it like a genetic disposition or how they’re made.
Kristen Boss (00:09:58):
It’s like, oh, she found her purpose because of her personality and the home she grew up in and all of those things, instead of like, wow, if it’s something you can build, then anyone can do it in any way. It’s so much more freeing than this. I feel burdened. Some idea of, I have to go on this quest. I hope I find it. I hope I look under the right rock at the right time. And maybe, maybe I’ll be a lucky one, but you’re right. Language changes, everything. It really is in the nuances. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So I love this and kind of going on that, that same thread with the idea of, you know, purpose is something you build and one messy brick at a time and through a series of turns and miss turns. And you’re always, I I’ve learned even, I’m never not learning.
Kristen Boss (00:10:49):
I’m just learning that every level of like some, the lessons are bigger and they feel a little more risky at the, the further we get along. But I’m like, okay, I’m always learning. But I think one of the most freeing things you also said in your book was you talked about average, like owning your average and like it was comical and such a relief to be like, thank God I am average. And I don’t have to be a special unicorn in this world, but a lot of people attribute to, if I want to have massive impact, I can’t do this being this average person.
Liz Bohannon (00:11:22):
Absolutely. And here’s the thing about averages, you guys, statistically speaking, you’re probably pretty average like it’s math, like average is a culmination of kind of the average of most of us. Right? And so we are, we are taught specifically in modern American society.
Liz Bohannon (00:11:42):
That that is such a dis, right? Like, oh my gosh, it’s so average. You you’re so average would be seen as such a negative thing to say about somebody and what it ends up doing is it perpetuates this mentality that in order to do something special or meaningful or impactful in the world, the prerequisite to that is that you need to be special. You need to be a special person. You need to be above average, whether that is in creativity, intellect, skills, talent, whatever it is. You need to first believe that you’re special. No, first you need to be special. Then you need to believe that you’re special. And then you can go out and actually do something special. And I would argue that like actually being special, isn’t a prerequisite to doing something special. And in fact, the opposite of that and all the social science shows us, this is that when we, what I would call own, our average, just be like, yep.
Liz Bohannon (00:12:34):
Pretty average. What that ends up doing is it releases us from the pressure to prove that we’re special, which actually unlocks in us a lot of psychological tendencies that lead to what is called a growth mentality, where you kind of assume you’re starting off as average. You’re going to learn as you go, you’re going to keep learning. You’re going to keep making mistakes. You’re going to welcome challenges in a new way because you see the value in the opportunity even to learn through failure. Whereas if you’re stuck in the mentality that I need to convince myself and others, that I’m special, we start to get really selective about what we will choose to take on because we don’t want to prove to other people that we’re actually not that special because we have so much riding on our identity as being really, really special. And so there’s some really, really cool studies and I referenced some of them in the book that kind of show the actual effect of what happens when you just release yourself from that and say, you know what?
Liz Bohannon (00:13:29):
Like I’m pretty average. That’s not that’s not, self-deprecating, that’s not humiliating. That’s not like, it’s just like fact I’m going to, I’m going to take whatever it is that I’ve been given. And, and, you know, one of the things that I love is that, you know, things like IQ are pretty hard to change. It is one of those things that you’re like, you kind of get what you get. You’re like, my four-year-old one of our favorite phrases in our home is you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit. And I Q kind of sits in that category, right? There’s this other thing it’s called CQ. And that, that is your curiosity quotient. And you are actually in control of your curiosity quotient. That is something that you can change about yourself. That is something that you can build that you can grow.
Liz Bohannon (00:14:15):
So that’s neat, but then what’s really neat. Is that what the studies show is that curiosity is actually just as, if not more important when it comes to determining long-term outcomes of success than your intellect, right? And so there are these things that are within our control and curiosity is one of them. It’s one of my favorite characteristics for a variety of reasons, it’s going to be, it’s going to set you up better to, to succeed. And that, to me, that message is just like, it’s so empowering. And then that way, I think it’s, it’s where we’re all at anyway, battling this question of like, am I really that special? And here’s the thing. Once you start asking that question, it leads you down this rabbit trail of you’re just constantly looking to the left and to the right, because you, you have to have a benchmark.
Liz Bohannon (00:15:00):
You have to be measuring yourself against somebody else to even answer that question of like where on the bell curve do I sit? And that my friends is wasted, energy, mental, emotional, and psychological energy. That’s a waste. And we only have so much. Right. The other thing about owning your average, you know, is that I think so often as leaders, we believe we have to be polished. We have to be perfect. We have to have arrived at a certain place. And then we get to start leading and inspiring others. And that’s just not true. It’s actually the exact opposite. I would say, I just did an interview. So my company, Seiko, you mentioned it, we’re a socially conscious fashion brand. We are a direct sales network marketing company. And so just a couple of weeks ago, I did a Facebook live and I interviewed one of our fellows.
Liz Bohannon (00:15:45):
She’s pretty new in our community. She joined in like spring of last year, she’s already built this amazing big team she’s earned and all expenses paid trip to Uganda. She’s going to, we’re going to Mexico together in October, all the things she’s like building this amazing business and I’m interviewing her, her name’s Britta Miller, and I’m interviewing her on this Facebook live. And she is sharing about her experience of becoming a Seiko fellow and how in her first trunk show that she did back in, you know, spring of 2020, she just completely freaked out. She, I got everything that she was going to say. She just started crying. And her, her big sister she was like, please take over for me, please do this. I can’t do this. And her big sister was like, no, you got this. She didn’t rescue her.
Liz Bohannon (00:16:30):
And she just said, she was like, it was just, it was such, it was such a mess. It was such a train wreck. And you know, goes on to share. So clearly that wasn’t the end. She’s built this amazing team and this business, and she’s now on a mission to retire. Her has been the whole deal, but she got like that. Wasn’t just, it wasn’t like, oh, I bombed. And so then I went and I got really practiced and I never messed up again. Right. I think what she realized so early on in her career with Seiko is I think she had five people that signed up to host a show during that show. And then she had a few people that joined her team from it. And this, this show that she would look out and say, that was a failure.
Liz Bohannon (00:17:08):
I just like totally bombed and embarrassed myself. And I would argue what she did was like, she went first. She showed that actually like you don’t have to be, you know, a Nobel prize winner. You don’t have to be an amazingly accomplished, like, you know, speak. So people connect in vulnerability and they want to support you when you show up in your authentic self and she’s gone on to build this business. And it has some chronic illness things and talks about how, you know, she does Facebook shows laying completely horizontal in her bed. Because that’s where she happens to be. She’s like incapacitated, but she’s like, I’m still gonna show up in whatever way that I can. And look she’s been successful. And I would argue that she hasn’t been successful despite her authenticity, despite her challenges, despite her quote, unquote failures or pluck ups.
Liz Bohannon (00:17:58):
Right. I think she’s actually been really successful because she embraces it. And then she gives other people permission to say like, well, gosh, if, if Britta can build a business from her bed, you know, like laying down in her pajamas, like maybe I can do that. Even though I have this challenge. Or even though I have this fear, even though I feel totally competent in this area, it really creates a lot of freedom for other people to show up where they’re at. And again, to perpetuate that growth mentality, you don’t have to have it all figured out when you start just start and then have a goal of eventually figuring it out.
Kristen Boss (00:18:32):
There is like a million golden nuggets. You dropped that segment. But I, I think when her, you guys call it, her fellow with her big SIS, is that like your term for upline?
Kristen Boss (00:18:44):
I love that. I love that her big SIS did not rescue her. I think that was all [Liz: shout out to Amber Lee!] And really amazing because that is, that is also a sign of leadership. Just saying there is more for her here, letting her learn in this. I love that you called it a pluck up in the pluck up and, and also like it, you know, who was it that did the trunk show? [Brita]. Okay. And now she has, from that experience, she drew the, her brain logically made DSM now, from now on she’s like, oh, I can fail and still come out ahead. Her brain now no longer sees a pluck up as catastrophic. Oh no, what can go wrong? And like you said, it gave permission for everybody that signed up with her in that trunk, show those five people saying, well, if she can do it, I can too.
Kristen Boss (00:19:35):
It’s this idea that vulnerability creates so much permission for people to try. And it’s this perfectionism that I sometimes see a lot of uplines thinking I have to present, present it in such a way I have to do it right. And they don’t realize that their downlines take on the exact same mentalities and it actually freezes them from taking any action at all. And it just perpetuates the cycle. And so I love that, you know, Brita exemplifies, I can do this from bed. I can do it messy. And she literally decided, oh, I can quote unquote, fail and still win. And still come out ahead. And still I can be average. I can be ordinary and I can, I can do something extraordinary. Still I can be ordinary and have extraordinary results. And like you said, that that creates so much breathing room for people to try and to do new things, because the brain’s not wired to want to do new things.
Kristen Boss (00:20:35):
It’s designed to fight flight or freeze. It’s designed to be like, oh no, we don’t do this. Let’s just hide stay with what we know. And curiosity, like you said, is the key to unlocking that growth mindset and saying, how can I, what is this here for me? And it’s like you say, in your book, choosing curiosity over criticism and curiosity is what opens up. You know, it activates the creative, the thinking part of your brain instead of the criticism was shuts you down. And has you wanting to eat bond bonds on your couch and watching Grey’s anatomy instead of working?
Liz Bohannon (00:21:07):
Absolutely. Yep. That’s totally, totally. There’s just, there’s so much freedom. And in truly then it does also unlock you to actually grow right now. Britta is like amazing at doing live presentations and her public speaking. And so it’s not to say that you even sit in your average, it’s just like a place out of which you get to then grow, but you’re growing with such a sense of freedom because to your point, you’ve made the discovery that failure isn’t fatal.
Liz Bohannon (00:21:35):
So it’s like, it’s a lot, failures always stinks. And I don’t think I’ll ever get to a point in my life where I’m like, I feel good after I fail, but you do certainly build a resiliency. And it stops feeling like the end of the world. And that enables you to learn and to grow and to become a better fuller version of yourself when you’re not so ruled by fear. And so that’s in our community. We just like, I love we’ve built this amazing community that like, I remember we were doing like an, a big every July is a huge, we do a big birthday sale. So it’s one of our biggest revenue months of the year. And one of our top top leaders, she’s a director at our company. I remember her name’s Taylor, she getting on getting on her Facebook page, like her team’s page and talking about the day of like, she just had this, you know, big day planned for huge revenue for her, for her sales and just bombed, like, she didn’t know what was going on, but for whatever reason, everybody else seemed to be selling, selling, selling.
Liz Bohannon (00:22:39):
And she was just like, I just had a crap day and got on and shared about it. And not in a way that was like, whoa is me not in a way that’s like, something’s broken, but literally in a way of like, Hey, I just want to let you know, I’m building an awesome business. And I’m like pretty good at my job. And also I had a really bad day and those two things can totally, co-exist like, we don’t need to be in a place that when we experience failure, we go so quick to like, oh my gosh, it’s the end. This is over, something’s broken, I’m broken. You know, like if I can’t, if I can’t sell a lot on this day of the sale, then that’s an indicator of just this level of confidence of like, I’m here, I’m making money.
Liz Bohannon (00:23:19):
I’m building my team. I’m good at my job also today was really bad, you know? And just like that of just like we can co-exist in those things. And that to me is so much more beneficial in life giving because that leadership, that her name is Taylor exemplified to me in that moment is like, then when her downline inevitably has a crap show, a bad day in off for revenue or recruiting or whatever it is like, isn’t like, what, oh my gosh, everybody that I see that’s above me, that’s succeeding, doesn’t experience this. And so therefore I must not be one of them. Therefore, I must not be cut out for this. And when we share our stories, I have an entire podcast it’s called plucking up. And I interviewed some of the world’s most successful people literally were talking about Matthew McConaughey and Arianna Huffington and Liz Gilbert.
Liz Bohannon (00:24:10):
And and literally I’m like, Hey, can you come on my show and just tell me about your pluck ups. I’m like, I don’t want to talk about the highlight reel. I want to hear about the time where you failed, where you embarrassed yourself, where you didn’t meet your goal. And I want to learn how you worked through that. And what I want to do is build a library of stories and community and experience where that is so normalized. So, so that when we experience it, we don’t immediately jump to well that day of the sale sucked. So I’m a sec. So therefore I’m done. I can’t, I’m not cut out for it. I’m not one of them. I’m not special. I’m not destined, I’m not a unicorn. And instead where we say, oh, it was a hard day because I’m trying to do something interesting and hard and awesome in the world.
Liz Bohannon (00:24:55):
So of course those are gonna exist. And I shouldn’t be ashamed of that. And really, I think one of the most special things that we’ve done at Seiko is, is commute is, is build that type of authenticity and community where people feel like they can show up in. And then what that also releases us to do is to celebrate our successes really big, because then when we’re successful, it’s so fun when you’re with people and you’re like, oh, I know that you struggled through that, but you kept going. And then now look, and like, they’re, it takes away so much of the competitive. We’re all just looking at each other to see how we stack up. And instead of saying, like, we’re all just here, figuring it out and doing the best we can and you let me into the hard parts. And so now I really authentically want to celebrate with you when you win, because I haven’t set up that dynamic that you’re just like the untouchable unicorn and everything you touch turns to gold because I don’t really want to celebrate your success when it feels like everything you do works automatically, and you don’t have to, to work for it or try for it.
Liz Bohannon (00:25:56):
And I do, I will say that I think a big part of our ability to create that community comes from the deep shared purpose that we have. So, and I know that that’s something you’re obviously pretty passionate about and talk about on this podcast. But I think that there is something to be said for when you are so passionate and so committed to a bigger vision. It does allow you to take a little bit of the focus off of yourself. Like I don’t have to be the star of the show actually, because I’m so excited about what we’re doing together. So for us at Seiko, that’s using fashion to create community and opportunity for women across the globe. So Seiko started in Uganda and we have an entire kind of work study program that enables really high potential female scholars who graduate from high school, but can’t afford to go to college, to come work with and alongside of our company to create an opportunity for them to earn a scholarship, to continue onto university.
Liz Bohannon (00:26:53):
And then they go on and do these incredible things in their communities. And we work with organizations like this all over the world. So in India and Ethiopia and Peru, people who are saying like, we want to employ people, we want to use our business as a launch pad so that they can go out and be creators and leaders in their own community. We want to serve people who are coming from really vulnerable and marginalized populations. And so at our company, like, that’s a very exciting thing to be a part of when you’re like, oh man, my sales literally contribute to creating fair wage, dignified, beautiful. I can count on this jobs for my brothers and sisters across the globe and create opportunity for incredible high potential academically gifted female scholars to continue on to university. Like that’s so big that you actually kind of get bored by the story.
Liz Bohannon (00:27:47):
That’s just like, has you completely epicenter? And now all of a sudden you’re willing to take some more risks and to say like, I’m going to go big for this because this matters. And I’m a part of something that’s bigger than myself. And if I fail, like, yes, it’ll sting, but like, man, it’s, it’s worth it for us to all like attempt to do this big, big thing together. And that, I think that, that it’s a really, really powerful, a powerful thing when you become smaller, not in a self-deprecating or I’m shrinking myself way, but just in like a I’m zooming out and seeing that I’m a part of this mission. That’s so much bigger than myself, that that I have some resiliency to, to have some off months or to, you know, experience a couple of embarrassments or failures because what we’re doing together matters so much.
Kristen Boss (00:28:33):
Oh man. So good. I’m I’m just here being like I is, what else can I say? It’s so good. And I love that you have said that purpose allows for resiliency. And a lot of times in this industry, when people are telling me, I want, I want to retire my husband. I want to hit that. They look at the company comp plan and they look at the rank and they see, you know, the company car, the, the paid all expense paid trip. And I see that being the center and it doesn’t, it’s not strong enough for the bad days. It’s really not. It’s very, and I have to challenge and be like, there needs to be more than that. That’s an outcome. That’s a reward. That’s not a, why that’s not, that’s a perk. That’s not really, what’s going to get your feet out of bed in the morning and light your butt on fire and say, I am so excited to wake up today.
Kristen Boss (00:29:22):
And I just feel so filled up. And it’s, it’s, that’s not enough because your brain is going to be like meh, when it’s a really hard day. And when you don’t want to do things, your brain’s gonna be like, well, we don’t need the all expense paid trip. I mean, I’m fine without the car. And we start negotiating with why, where we are is fine. But when there is a purpose outside of ourselves, studies, even show that we’re more likely to do things for others than we are for ourselves. So getting that people centered purpose and like, what is my benefit and give to others. And I love that Brendon Burchard says this. He asked like, who needs you to be on your, a game today? And like, who do you, who, who do you need to show up for? Why is it important for you to be on your a game?
Kristen Boss (00:30:05):
And how does that affect others instead of my paycheck, my outcome. And like you said, when it’s, when it’s bigger than us, we are resilient. We do get gritty. We find that tenacity and we’re not as we don’t take it so personally, because we’re not making it about us. It’s not about like, oh, there goes my quote, big dream that I put all of these, my identity on. And I talk a lot about the difference between hustling and like not the traditional idea of hustle, but I’m talking about the glorified the energy of striving. It’s like, I have to strive for my worth to prove something, to be someone instead of working from significance and working for significance. And I’m all for hard work. Like we talk about grit. We got to do the hard things sometimes, but that’s very different from this place of, I have to wake up and meet my own needs and make sure I hit this place and hit my rank and hit my quota and hit my revenue.
Kristen Boss (00:31:08):
And that puts people, I see them in this, what I call the hustle mentality, where it’s very self-centric, it’s not as customer driven. And it actually, it, it’s not good on the team culture because no one on the team wants to follow asleep. Like, I don’t want to sell more to see someone else get a car like, oh, but you tell me the bigger purpose you tell me, what is our mission as a team and, and what is outside of me and who are we serving and how are we helping them I’ll show up for that.
Liz Bohannon (00:31:37):
We talk about that a lot in our community, the difference between striving for and striving from, because they can look the same because when you feel a deep sense of your why, your own sense of worthiness, that is a part from what you do and what you create and what status you hit every single month.
Liz Bohannon (00:31:57):
And you feel it connected to this larger mission. You run because you are stoked about the work that you’re doing. So you work hard, you run. But man running out of that, out of this overflow of like, I’ve experienced this and I want to build that and help create that for other people and bring more people into it is a very, very different motivation than the striving. And then the, like I’m going to run because when I get here, then I’ll feel fulfilled and then I’ll feel fixed and then I’ll feel significant. And, you know, we just talk about it ad nauseum in our community, that it’s just like I was going live with our community today on Facebook. And just continuing to say, like every, it all matters. You know, our general manager and Uganda, her name is Aggie. And she spoke at our sales summit last year.
Liz Bohannon (00:32:47):
And one of the quotes that came out of it, which was just so powerful that we, we quote all the time is that she says it all matters. And if we are each contributing, whatever it is that we can contribute, like it amounts to great, great things. And I don’t care if you’ve sold one brave bracelet, you know, which is our like lowest price point item or you’re one of the top sellers in the company. Like it all matters. And it all really does add up to something really meaningful. And I think that that is that’s the type of community that we want to create. That it’s like, if you are a driven entrepreneurial boss, babe, it’s like, I want you in our community to build a business that literally has no limits. And to push yourself from a leadership capacity, from a revenue capacity, from an organization building capacity.
Liz Bohannon (00:33:35):
And I, I want to partner with you so that you build a business that literally has no cap to the upside. If you are someone who is like, Hey, listen, I’m in this season of life. And here’s what I have to offer. I can host a few shows every season and I, I can share I’ll wear the products and I’ll share it with my friends when they ask like, actually that matters so much. And we need people in each of those seats in order for us as a community to thrive. Because so often there’s a sense of like, well, I can’t do enough, so I just won’t do anything. It’s just like, that’s not how it works. Cause if I can get, you know, a thousand people who are saying like, it’s not enough, I’m going to look at that and go like, yeah, but look what you all did together.
Liz Bohannon (00:34:12):
Like you made an incredible impact on this community that we’re creating and you can see the ripple effects of this across the globe and wanting folks to feel like we, we can, and we do celebrate all of those contributions. And so long as our contributions and efforts are pushing ourselves a little bit beyond, you know, what we’re comfortable with. It’s like even this month and the month of April for recruiting, we’re really focusing on folks who have never recruited before. And it’s like, if you don’t have a big dream of going out and building a huge organization and recruiting a ton of people this month, guess what, who is your plus one, who is the one person in your community that you’ve experienced life and support and purpose here. And you want to extend that invitation and opportunity to somebody else. And then if we can, you know, when we activate an entire community of people who are like, I have a small dream of recruiting, one person, that’s a massive impact that we make together.
Liz Bohannon (00:35:12):
You know, whatever that like, quote is many, you know, many of the hands lighter, the work. And that only is real if you’re a part of a bigger purpose, right. You know, because if you’re not, the buck kind of stops with like, oh, I had a, I had a logo and I achieved this like small thing. But man, if you’re doing that in the context of other people who are also doing that, and then you can step back and go like, look what we did together. You know, in the, in 2020, in the midst of obviously COVID 19 and the global pandemic, the impact on the global supply chain and specifically on garment workers across the globe was devastating. And garment workers globally are some of the most vulnerable marginalized people on the planet, less than 2% of garment workers earn a living wage.
Liz Bohannon (00:35:59):
So to put additional strain on this group of people is literally a difference between life or death. Right? And so many huge brands were canceling their orders. They weren’t paying for orders, but you know, these companies and these workers had already made this product. And so it’s like people that are already just like on the edge of survival, just, just losing their grip and falling off into the oblivion. Right. And it’s horrible and it’s heartbreaking and there are no safety nets. And, and we interact with these people through product every single day. We want to believe, we don’t want to know that, but it’s like open up your closet. And in that is, that is a relationship that you have, whether or not you choose to acknowledge it and to see our community in the midst of COVID-19 when everything was shutting down where it was like, Hey, y’all are global community.
Liz Bohannon (00:36:47):
There’s no safety net here. We are the safety net. So like, I know that you’re scared. I know that nobody wants to reach out to book a show or to like recruit or to sell when we’re like sheltering in place. And nobody knows what’s up and we’re all like totally freaked out. But here’s the thing like, it’s, it’s like we’re in this together and our community just rallied. They rallied and they rose above. And there was this sense that like, yeah, this isn’t just about me hitting my goal for the month, because to your point, you know, if you’ve got a nice goal, but then a global pandemic hits, like, you’re just like, okay, I’ll do that goal next month. They’re like, maybe it didn’t really matter that much in the first place, but when you’re like, oh, I’m a part of this thing that actually matters so much.
Liz Bohannon (00:37:33):
And I could just cry thinking about this, Kristin, but I mean, in all of 2020, despite like the massive implications to the global supply chain and to garment workers across the globe, we literally didn’t have to let go of a single person in our global supply chain for the entire year. And not only did we maintain all of our jobs, we actually were able to grow production and offer people jobs during a time where they needed it more than ever. That doesn’t happen if you’re not connected to something that’s bigger than yourself. And so to me, like, that’s the like, yeah, that, that’s why I believe in it. And that’s why I love it. And that’s why when you get to wake up in the morning and say the work that I’m doing big or small adds up together, and it matters one of the core values that we hold in, the Seiko community is collective ambition.
Liz Bohannon (00:38:23):
And this idea that, especially for women ambition is seen as like, I don’t know, it’s a little much, right? Like we, we have a real problem with ambitious women. And so we love using the word ambitious of saying like, no, no, no, no, I’m ambitious. I have, I have goals and I’m going to work hard for them and I’m going to be proud of them and I’m going to celebrate when I get them. But that collective part being like, but I’m a part of something that isn’t zero sum. Like the more successful I am, the more that takes away from you. We’ve literally built a business model that it’s like, Hey, the more successful you are, the more good and the more of an impact you’re making for your sisters across the globe. That’s pretty neat. Like that. Isn’t zero sum. You know, like if I shine, I take the light away from you.
Liz Bohannon (00:39:04):
It’s like, no, the more I show up and the more I shine, the more I get to amplify and lift up and walk alongside women here in the U S and my global sister.
Kristen Boss (00:39:14):
I love that because really what it all boils down to is when we are pursuing from purpose and pursuing a greater purpose, the profits take care of themselves. They really do because we’re showing up from a, from a greater place instead of this, you know, I always say that hustle is, is rooted in lack of, oh, no, meeting my need. There’s not enough. And it’s a very scarce mentality. Whereas the posture of service and hard work is very, it’s driven from purpose and gratitude and abundant, like, look at what I get to do in the world. And it feels different. And I love that. You even said, it can look similar.
Kristen Boss (00:39:48):
The activities look similar, but the energy and the, how we’re showing up, it could not be more different. And I tell people that I’m like, look, someone who’s hustling and someone who’s working hard. They, the activity looks almost identical, but how that person is showing up in the work and the fulfillment and the satisfaction. And actually the sustainability is with the person who operates from purpose rather than the one who’s operating from hustle and meeting their needs. And I love that. What you’ve done is you’ve created a sustainable business culture. And that’s one of the things I tell people, I’m like, Hey, if you want to hustle, you know, to every night until 2:00 AM burn the midnight oil and operate from that place, you will have success. No doubt you won’t, you will, your numbers will hit up, but will it be lasting? Will people buy into that mission?
Kristen Boss (00:40:41):
Will people be sold on continuing on with you? But when you have a celebration culture, when you have a culture that is all about the greater purpose and celebrating it, it all matters big and small. And you’re actually creating celebration between the milestones. Because what I see people do is when they only celebrate that rank or that, you know, I’ve hit triple unicorn status in my company. And the further they, they get in their companies, typically the longer it takes, especially at the higher up. So I’m like, well, how are you celebrating and finding joy and doing celebration between the milestone. So what are you celebrating? Right? And so you’ve done that with your community and being like, look, look at this purpose we’re doing, and what did you call it? The co collective ambition. I love that. I love that so much. And I also love this idea of when you also, when you teach people to celebrate small, I was actually just teaching a student this today.
Kristen Boss (00:41:36):
She was having a lot of stories about staying exactly where she was in her business for a whole year. And she was, she had the big dream and she was trying to go for two ranks above. And I said, why aren’t you, why aren’t you have you done the one rank just ahead of you? And she said, no. I said, why? She’s like, well, it’s not enough. And I said, how long have you been telling yourself that’s not enough? She’s like, I guess this whole time, I was like, have you thought, maybe that’s why you haven’t hit that rank. And then why the other rank feels so far away. And I’m like, what would it look like to downsize your dream and fall in love with it and commit to that fully? And so this, but it was the only reason she couldn’t do that was because she kept naming it as like, that’s not enough, it’s too small.
Kristen Boss (00:42:21):
And she had stories of like, my success needs to be bigger or sexier to share this business with others. And like, w you know, we can’t forget that the small things are huge to some people that someone would give their right arm to make a hundred dollars in extra sales that month. And people think I have to sell this sexy income of like $5,000 a month in order for me to feel confident, you know, selling this business model. And I tell people, have you thought about the people who just want a hundred dollars a month, $50 a month, or someone who heck just wants to wake up and be excited about a mission and something bigger than herself and tired of just wiping butts and wants a little bit more than that. It’s like, there’s so much. And just unlocking that again. It’s the story of like, what is the bigger purpose here and what is the story?
Kristen Boss (00:43:09):
Which kind of wants me to circle back. And I want to ask you, so Sseko designs did not start with this business model. Right. It was pretty much, was it direct to consumer when you started,
Liz Bohannon (00:43:20):
It was wholesale. So we sold like retail. We sold wholesale into like retail, boutiques and stores across the country.
Kristen Boss (00:43:28):
Yeah. So what made you choose this business model?
Liz Bohannon (00:43:31):
You know, it’s so interesting that, yeah, I never, in a million years could have imagined this. In fact, I, I I’ll skip ahead a little bit to tell you. Okay. So we had kind of started noodling on this idea. I was so unfamiliar with direct sales, with multi-level marketing, with network marketing. Like, I didn’t even have like an aunt who sold Mary Kay. I just was like, it was not in my like vision. But I definitely, when we first started noodling on this was like, thought that we invented it….we had this thing called the ‘brave collective.’
Liz Bohannon (00:44:09):
And this was before we had the Seiko fellows in our direct sales opportunity. And it was just like our core group of like brand evangelists basically. And we created content for them every month. There was no sales, there was no promotion. It was literally just like a group of women that were coming together to support and encourage and be brave together. And so we started thinking about this kind of how powerful this like kind of core group of advocates were. And then, you know, we were like, well, what if I don’t know what if they could, like, what if we sent them a box of product and we called it a party in a box and we literally, Kristen would just send them out product with like a printed out spreadsheet. We had no way to track it, by the way we just sent them the product for free.
Liz Bohannon (00:44:47):
And then they sold it. They sold as much as they could. They would send back their unsold product with like an envelope of dollar bills in this like spreadsheet. It was, it, it was operationally a disaster, but it was like, people seem like they were having fun. And oh yeah, by the way, I forgot to tell you this. They didn’t earn anything. They literally just sold the product, would send it back to us and did it because they wanted to be a part of mission. And so I’m like, wow, this is really interesting. People seem like they’re having a lot of fun. I’m like, could you imagine if like, what if they had, like, what if they got a perk? Like what if they earned something from what they sold? And they were like, oh yeah, that could be cool. That could be really motivating to people. And they were like, and then what if, like, what if then they told their friends and they got their friends to host a party and then like, they got something from that now I’m just like so hard. I’m just like, I think this is, I think we’re onto something. Like, I really think maybe we just came up with something that’s really interesting.
Liz Bohannon (00:45:45):
So we like start going down this path. Could you not where it’s like the party in the box, like brave collective program. And I don’t know who it was, was kind of like, so, oh, so like an MLM and I’m Googling, like, what is MLM? What did he, what was that acronym? Is that a sports acronym? So to answer your question, it was not obviously like in Pardes the entire time that for us, why we even started thinking about it in the first place was because at this point we had spent your genuine laughter right there and how red your face is. And like the tears coming down, [inaudible] really happy right now, your husband was right. We are totally friends. But we, we really were just asking this question. We were about five years into our business and we had really, we were feeling really good and really proud of the impact that we were making in east Africa and for women and girls who needed educational and economic opportunity.
Liz Bohannon (00:46:47):
And we were just jazzed about that. And then we looked at the U S side of our business and we were, frankly, just like, it’s fine. You know, we go to trade shows, we’ve got, excuse me, we have a team of sales reps. And you know, we’re like running this business and it’s fine, but it was so focused on our global impact and in the U S side of the business, the sales and the marketing and everything here just felt like a means to an end. And we were like, could, could our us business have more purpose to it? You know, we say that our mission is to create community and opportunity for women. And like the production side of our business is doing that. But the sales and marketing side of our business is just kind of like ho-hum plain vanilla and it just serves kind of the international component.
Liz Bohannon (00:47:30):
And so we really just started asking the question of like, how could we serve women here in the U S how could we create community and opportunity for women right here at home? The needs are obviously different. The situation is different, but one of the things, the biggest thing for me, Kristen, is that, you know, I speak a lot and I’m on podcasts and I write books. And so I get a lot of people who reach out and at the time were reaching out to me with their need, which is how did you do it? How did you find your passion? You seem so passionate. You seem so purposeful, like can you, can I get 30 minutes of your time to just like, understand more of that, which, you know, you get to a point that’s very overwhelming and unsustainable to think about having 30 minute coffee dates with hundreds of people.
Liz Bohannon (00:48:14):
And so I was like, there seems to be a need one women in the U S ni community. Like there’s some serious loneliness and sense of like, I’m constantly giving of myself to my family, to my job, to whatever it is. And I’m losing myself and my passion and like who I really am. And I feel really lonely. And like, people aren’t in it with me that seemed like a need that I heard over and over again. And then to this need for purpose of just like, I don’t, I don’t, I’m not into what, like I wake up every day and I’m like, I go to my job and I’m making money for somebody and something that I don’t really care about. And like, I don’t really believe in, and I, I believe it’s out there, but it feels so elusive and it feel so big.
Kristen Boss (00:48:55):
And like, can you help me figure that out? And so my inbox is really where the answer was, was it’s just like in these emails started to really overwhelm me of just like, okay, these are two big needs that women in the U S have community and purpose, and then flexible income being another one, right where it’s like the traditional nine to five doesn’t work for me. And it doesn’t work for the lifestyle that I want to build, but also I need to need or want to make money and to earn an income. And so it was kind of all of those pieces of thinking about how we could serve women here in the U S in a way that wouldn’t detract from how we were serving women globally, but it would actually enhance and create this like mutually beneficial community. And so that, that is how it was born.
Liz Bohannon (00:49:38):
So it was, it was a wild ride. I mean, we didn’t know anything about direct sales, as I mentioned. But we were like, this model is awesome and the possibility is incredible. And like, you know, I was just on a Facebook live today with, with my community. And when she’s talking about how grateful I am, I’m just wild about community. In general, I live on like an urban commune. I’m like all about, like, we raise each other’s kids and we leave our doors open and we share our lives and our secrets and our finances. And like, I just believe that humans are better together. And that when we live interdependently, I’ve learned so much from my global community about how to live in community. I’m just, I’m just wild for it. And I’m like, how lucky am I that in my job now, where I used to go to trade shows and, you know, make line sheets and try to sell to, you know, buyers now I get to cultivate community for people.
Liz Bohannon (00:50:31):
And I just feel so grateful that that is such a core part of our actual business model is connecting folks. And you know, even on this call today, just talking about the amount of women in our community, who would say before Seiko, I had lost myself before Seiko. I didn’t have real friends before Seiko. I didn’t feel connected to that bigger sense of purpose. And now are their lives. Perfect. No, I’m just like never going to be the MLM, like snake oil person. Who’s just like join our company and all of your problems are going to be solved and you’re going to get rich so fast. It’s going to blow your hair back and like here, you know, you’re guests, this is why.
Liz Bohannon (00:51:13)
And then, and you hate each other right now, but just join our coming in. It’s all going to get fixed, right? Like, no, that’s like, no, it’s not magic. It’s not a silver bullet, but man, there are like, but, but is there the possibility that you will get connected to like-minded people that you will create genuine and real friendship that you will feel connected to a sense of purpose that a part of you that maybe you never knew existed or that died for whatever reason we’ll come back to life. It’s a good possibility. So why not take a chance, you know, like $149 starter kit money back guarantee. If it doesn’t work out for you, like no hard feelings, but like what if, what if there is something more for you here in this community? And that’s what we’re doing.
Kristen Boss (00:51:57):
Okay. Everybody needs to rewind the last two minutes of what Liz said, and you need to learn from her pitch.
Kristen Boss (00:52:02):
That was a fantastic, just authentic pitch that I teach people all the time. And I, I so appreciate that you, you identified the pillars of like, these are the needs. It could, it could meet. It’s not the silver bullet. And I, I teach that to my community all the time is moving them out of well, why people have reservations with the business model and just doing what I believe is more ethical marketing. It’s not as sexy. It’s not, it’s not as sexy to say, Hey, you might find your purpose and you might find a community and you might make a few hundred dollars a month. And Hey, there is a lot of income potential for you. It could be in rather than like, that’s less sexy than, Hey, retire your husband. You know, you, you drive the fast car, get the house, get the promotion.
Kristen Boss (00:52:50):
And it’s like, people want to buy sexy, but sexy, isn’t sustainable. And I tell people, I’m like, when you’re selling the silver bullet that is like selling a diet pill and it doesn’t work, it’s not lasting. And that’s, that is, I would say 90% of the people that end up coming to work with me were people that were taught that and are now learning. Okay. Now how do I sell from purpose and invite people into a greater story and not make myself the hero and make myself the guide and someone else’s story. And it does take some rewiring. And you know, for me, I have a lot of love for the, this industry. It was, it was there for me at the same time, I was add two kids, 15 months apart. My husband was in between jobs. I was a sole provider. I was also a hairstylist and I needed something to make the money.
Kristen Boss (00:53:36):
But when my husband was out of work and, you know, network marketing was the answer. It was either that, or was going to be waiting tables every night, making less. So it was like, you know, this is the option. And if it was, I would say network marketing was the catalyst to finding what I was meant to do in the world, because it led me to my first business coach, my first personal development book. And I, it woke me up and my purpose was the same thing. It was, you know, it was found in the, in my inbox with people saying there has to be a better way for me to show up online and sell people in this business model. Can you just, I don’t, there’s gotta be a different way to do this. No one’s teaching at Kristin, can you please help? And again, it was the same thing.
Kristen Boss (00:54:17):
I’m like, I don’t have, there’s not enough hours in my day to fill up all the coffee chats. And so it just, and that birthed this, like how do we do purposeful, intentional marketing that is ethical and that invites people into a greater story that has people staying in the industry longer. Because I will say when you learn to sell the silver bullet, there’s a really high turn and burn rate, which hurt joined the company. You’re like, you sold me this and I didn’t get that. And it didn’t happen as fast as you thought you sold me the big dream and you handed me a pipe dream instead. And so it’s just learning to switch the narrative, even in our marketing, which is why I told everyone I’m like, go back and listen to his pitch. That because it was an ethical pitch, it was like, this could be for you and here’s what’s possible.
Kristen Boss (00:55:04):
And like you said, there is no income cap in this business model. It’s an amazing business model for a woman who wants to wake up to her ambition and have permission and do something from purpose on purpose and like waking up to you know, I would say her greatest potential. And I, I really feel like this business model allows for that in a way that a lot of other businesses don’t, to be honest.
Liz Bohannon (00:55:28):
And also who am I to say that if you join our community and quote, unquote, all you ever do is stay active and earn 200 extra dollars a month, that there isn’t in find a community of people and build a life that is purposeful even in your extra, just spare few hours a week, but that brings you to life. Like, who am I to say that that’s not something to celebrate and to sell and to say like, that could be you because not we’re all running our own races and like what meaning and what we need during different seasons of life is different for each of us.
Liz Bohannon (00:56:02):
And so it’s like, who am I to say that only this, this goal, this level, this income status, this career status is worth celebrating and even selling to you that it’s like, Hey, I want to sell you this vision of, of this over here. If that’s the thing that will, will be the next right thing for you, that will get you closer to feeling like you’re living in integrity and alignment and in community and on purpose. And that’s also really beautiful.
Kristen Boss (00:56:27):
And people buy it’s like, and, and it’s, I, I’m so thankful that you said, you know, who am I to judge? Whether people will buy the smaller vision or the bigger vision. My job is just to sell it. And I see people making decisions being like that’s not big enough or grand enough. And who would say yes to that. I’m like, you never know who would say yes to just community who would say yes to just feeling connected to a bigger purpose, or just making some friends a hundred dollars a month.
Kristen Boss (00:56:56):
We just have to stop assigning stories and thinking that’s not big enough. Like, again, we have to go back to loving average, loving, ordinary loving. Like it doesn’t have to be grandiose. It doesn’t have to be this sexy flashy thing, but it being purposeful.
Liz Bohannon (00:57:14):
And in alignment is really what matters in creating that shift between, you know, from and for right. One of the fellows in our community, her name is Amanda. And in one of Amanda’s famous quotes, I’m calling it famous is that she says, it’s not that we have to it’s that we get to, like, we get to do this. And that shift between I have to recruit, I have to sell, like I have to keep showing up. That is, that is the hustle mentality at simple shift of like, well, I’m a part of something that matters. It’s bigger than me.
Liz Bohannon (00:57:46):
Like I get to invite other people into this. I get to show up tonight into to sell, but to sell with a spirit of, of servant selling, right? Of like who, who needs light tonight, who needs encouragement, who needs to hear a story about something that is hopeful and that is bigger than themselves. And, and that, that, that changes everything so good.
Kristen Boss (00:58:09):
Liz, this was my heart. My cup is still, my mascara is a little smudge smudge. I love it. You invented the MLM. I will never forget that. That that is, oh my gosh. That made my whole day. I L your friends, you met the inventor of MLMs today. You, you heard it here, folks. So you heard it, Liz Bohannan herself in venture of the MLM, like the Wikipedia page right now to make sure that credential is being accurately reflected across the internet.
Kristen Boss (00:58:46):
Oh my goodness. Well, friends, I’m going to tell my listeners that I’m going to send them to your link, just so that they can look at the beautiful products that your company does put out. I mean, those, those bags are dreaming. I told my husband, I’m like just so you know, I’m buying myself a bag for my Vegas trip a couple of weeks. It’s just beautiful products. So well-made and so they can check that out if they want to shop, or if they want to learn more about your company or working with you. And also the book Beginner’s Pluck, I’ll link that in the notes as well. And also you’re Plucking Up podcasts because I just think we all need to learn that plucking it’s it’s okay. Failure is not failure.
Liz Bohannon (00:59:27):
Thank you so much. What a joy, thanks again for building this community and for inviting me into it. It, it really is an honor
Kristen Boss (00:59:40):
That wraps up today’s episode. Hey, if you love today’s show, I would love for you to take a minute and give a rating with the review. If you desire to elevate the social selling industry, that means we need more people listening to this message so that they can know it can be done a different way. And if you’re ready to join me, it’s time for you to step into the Social Selling Academy, where I give you all the tools, training, and support to help you realize your goals in the academy. You get weekly live coaching so that you are never lost or stuck in confusion. Whether you are new in the business or been in the industry for a while. This is the premier coaching program for the modern network marketer go to www.thesocialsellingacademy.com to learn more.