The Big Mo’ Ep #66

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Momentum in business can be defined as ‘the force that propels your business forward.’ At the beginning of the pandemic, many network marketers saw big booms in their sales and recruiting, which led to a belief that once everything went back to normal, they’d be back at square one. With no momentum in sight.

Momentum in business can be defined as ‘the force that propels your business forward.’ At the beginning of the pandemic, many network marketers saw big booms in their sales and recruiting, which led to a belief that once everything went back to normal, they’d be back at square one. With no momentum in sight.

Kristen is here to tell you that this is most definitely not the case. In this week’s episode, she talks about what it takes to create momentum and how to harness it into something that can launch you into the 6-figure earner’s bracket. 

Let’s dig into a few highlights:

  • How to tell if you’re using your business as an emergency kit and the dangerous cycle that can create
  • Why believing an outside source is responsible for your success steals your power
  • Kristen explains what the essential building blocks are to creating true momentum
  • The (not so) secret to getting your momentum to carry over to your team
  • Why your messaging matters when recruiting, and how it can affect attrition

When you believe that your success happened by chance, you fuel the false narrative that you had nothing to do with it. The truth is that consistent messaging and commitment to your audience is what drove your success. Not a circumstance. Take the win, pat yourself on the back, and keep going.

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Transcript for Episode #66: The Big Mo’

Kristen Boss (00:05):  Welcome to Purposeful Social Selling with Kristen Boss. I’m your host, Kristen Boss. I’m a mindset and business coach with more than 15 years experience in both the product and service based industry. I believe that social selling is the best business model for people wanting to make an impact while they make serious income. This is the podcast for the social seller, who is tired of feeling inauthentic in their business and desires to find a more purposeful and profitable way of growing their business. In today’s social media landscape. In this podcast, you will learn what it takes to grow a sustainable business through impactful and social marketing. It’s time to ditch the hustle and lead from the heart. Let me show you the new way. Hey bosses, welcome to another week of the podcast. This week, we are going to talk about the big Mo and when I say Mo I mean momentum.

Kristen Boss (01:01):  The word that everybody wants when it comes to their business, I feel like it’s a hype word. It’s a buzz word in the network marketing, social selling world. And we’re going to talk about what actually creates momentum, what you think it is and what it actually is. So let’s get right to it. Listen. So I feel like I hear people waiting for momentum to happen to them, to happen to their team, to happen to their leadership. And it’s like this magical thing that network marketers believe happens with. You know, it’s almost like a, they view it like a trifecta, like, like the perfect storm. It has to be these conditions. And all of these things have to magically line up. It’s like the planetary alignment and only then is momentum in your favor. And that is when you can, you know, skyrocket to the top.

Kristen Boss (02:00):  And the problem with that mentality is that it fosters the belief that momentum is something that happens with luck or by a bunch of circumstances that suddenly align in your favor. And it’s not actually something that you can intentionally create. And I want to give a really tangible example of that because I’ve heard this from several companies, I’ve coached corporate wide for several companies, and I’ve noticed, and I’ve interviewed the top earners in several of these companies. And I’ve noticed this narrative that I think is kind of trickling through all of the companies right now. And we’re going to debunk that together because it is a narrative that is not serving you. And it is keeping you from actually creating momentum and more growth in your business. And here it is, I hear a lot of people when they about the year 2020 and pandemic and COVID.

Kristen Boss (03:04):  A lot of people will start their sentence with, well, my business exploded because of COVID well, when COVID happened, our business exploded well because of COVID or because of the pandemic, we saw massive growth in our business. And the problem with that is, is that you have given the result to a circumstance outside of you, you’ve handed it over and said because of a pandemic, that is why we hit momentum. And the problem with that way of thinking is, is as soon as things quote returned to normal, and I really don’t think that’s going to happen as much as I wish it could. Uyou know, I see people starting to fear things going back to normal, or they start to feel like their success is no longer sustainable because suddenly, you know, people are going back to their jobs, that kids are going back to school and, and they have this belief that now the momentum and the reason why this, all the success, which they assigned to the pandemic is no longer available for them to leverage, to grow their business.

Kristen Boss (04:18):  And I catch that a lot, catch a lot of people saying it. And as soon as they start to say, okay, well, because of the pandemic, my business exploded. I said, whoa, whoa, stop. We’re going to stop that narrative right now. It is not COVID that created your results. It is not COVID that exploded your team. What happened was, is there was a pandemic. And what that did was maybe the pandemic helped people access a belief that they could not access before. COVID let me give you an example of that. In order to sell this business model, you have to have the belief that the business model is amazing that it works and that it helps people. And unless you are truly sold on that, you’re not going to go sell that model and recruit new people. If you have this lingering belief of like, I don’t know if this works, I don’t know if this actually helps people or you don’t think people need it, then you’re not going to go out and sell it.

Kristen Boss (05:17):  Now, what happened was during the pandemic is that people saw a collective need. They were finally able to access a belief that they had a hard time accessing pre pandemic. So pre pandemic, they may have thought, I think this is a good business model. Yeah. I guess people want to make money from home. And then the pandemic happened and suddenly they were able to believe that thought more readily. They were finally able to see, oh yeah, this is a good business idea. People do need this. And they sold with that urgency. And the results were created from people selling with that belief. That, of course people want this. Of course, people want to work from home. Of course, people want flexible income and they want to also be home with their kids. And what’s happened is because people didn’t see that they created the results from a belief they had, they started assigning the results to, oh no.

Kristen Boss (06:15):  We only grow as a team because of this pandemic. And then as soon as people started returning to work, people lost the belief that this was still a relevant business model that people wanted. You all treated. I don’t want to say you all, but I think a lot of social sellers treated their business or their network marketing business model as an emergency kit during the pandemic. And what happens is, is when you treat it as an emergency kit and there’s no longer an emergency, you no longer know how to sell it. You no longer see the urgency for it because you only associated your belief with this is relevant because it’s an emergency. Instead of seeing this is needed all the time, people always want to work from home. And now more than ever, everyone got a taste last year of flexibility, working remotely maybe having their spouse’s home.

Kristen Boss (07:11):  And, and I also get, there was that massive tension of two parents working while also navigating school. And that was a whole nother thing that people had to deal with. But what what’s happening now is now people have a taste of what it’s like to work remotely. And also, this is really important to know as well as this is why a lot of cities are seeing explosive growth in their real estate. Because what happened with the pandemic is a lot of companies were forced to have their employees work from home. And what happened is companies realized, oh, we can actually have employees working remotely. Maybe they don’t actually need to be in a building. And when companies don’t need to be in a building, that’s less overhead for the company to have to pay for. So what happened is a lot of companies that were that prior to COVID were like, no, we, you have to come in the office now have people that work remotely.

Kristen Boss (08:08):  And once people work remotely, now they can actually live where they want to live. And we’re seeing this and I live in Colorado and the real estate has just been exploding in the last year. And they’re saying this because a lot of people are moving here because they no longer are required to physically be at their jobs and they’re working remotely. So they’re thinking, well, might as well live where I want to live. If I’m not required to actually be in an office, here’s this what this means for you as a social seller, it means people still want to work remotely. That the desire to be their own boss and work for themselves is still there. Whether there is a pandemic or not. But when you are fostering the belief that the pandemic created your results, that is why you feel helpless right now. That is why, if you’re noticing a slight, like less recruits coming to your team in the last six months, it might be because your team was holding the belief that we can only sell this.

Kristen Boss (09:09):  Or we saw all this growth only because of a pandemic. Instead of believing, we saw this growth on our team. And I’m going to explain to you what creates momentum. Because when you believe COVID created the result, that’s where you are still believing that momentum happens to you. Instead of it being something you create. And when you believe it happens to you, it, you lose all of your power. You lose your problem solving, and it becomes a waiting game. You become kind of helpless and you keep waiting for momentum to happen instead of taking the actions that actually create momentum. So what happened was is it, wasn’t actually the pandemic that created momentum in your business. Can we all agree on this please? Because the moment you keep believing that you’re giving all your power away and your team’s going to feel helpless because they’re now thinking, I don’t know how to sell.

Kristen Boss (10:03):  I don’t know how to talk to people about this business. If we’re not in a pandemic only because they were selling an emergency kit instead of a lifestyle kit instead of an upgrade to their life. So you have to switch your brain with how you are selling this business model. If you were solving the emergency emergency kit, we’re going to stop that. And now you’re going to sell an upgrade to a better lifestyle. Working from home, being your own boss, flexible hours, flexible income, parents being home options, choices. People still want that. That has not gone away pandemic or not. If anything people want it more because they have a taste of it because now they want to live wherever they want. And maybe they don’t want to be working nine to five, or maybe they want to be their own boss. So you have to like sink back into those facts in that reality, instead of just continuing to believe that COVID created things, I just can’t hammer this hard enough for you guys.

Kristen Boss (11:01):  Okay. So what actually creates results? What actually created momentum that many of you saw last year? I mean, I can’t tell you how many, six figure earners are new six-figure earners from last year, because a lot of the momentum that was created last year, and I’m not going to notice how I’m using the word created instead of happened. No momentum is something you create with intention here is what creates momentum. First. It starts at the individual level before it spreads to the organizational level. A lot of you, when you think of momentum, you’re thinking of like, you know, hundreds of people in a sharing frenzy and everything’s excited and everything just happens for you. But momentum is first created within yourself on an individual level. And it starts with your consistency. It starts with how willing you are to show up. Even when you don’t see the results.

Kristen Boss (11:57):  Yet momentum is the product of consistency that has compounded over time. And you can’t compound anything if you’re not consistently putting some theme in, right? So you have to first work on your own momentum in your own business. And then you have to actually have vision for where you believe you’re going. What happened, what you saw last year was everyone finally saw the vision of this business model. And they sold from finally believing that vision has the vision gone away. No, it has not. A pandemic cannot take away the vision. You create that vision. So first you have to have your belief in the business model and showing up consistently consistency compounds on the individual level. And then you have to have buy-in on the vision. You have to be completely sold out on the future of this business model and where you see it going, not where you see it in the next three months or the next eight weeks.

Kristen Boss (13:04):  You need to be fully sold out on the long-term picture of this business model. Because listen, if you’re only going to play this game for a year, you’re not gonna make a lot of money. You’re gonna burn yourself out. You’re going to get tired. You might, you might have a few rank ups and get a few rewards, and then you’re going to be exhausted and you’re going to leave. And you’re going to say, I don’t like this business model only because you never learned to play the long game. You didn’t learn how to set a sustainable pace, create consistent income, have consistent habits and treat this as a career. And what’s interesting is I think we have done ourselves, a disservice by knocking people who are in careers, outside of network marketing. Like you don’t want to be in a career and nobody wants a job and working nine to five, but here’s the thing in order to create a six-figure income in network marketing, you do have to put in the time, you do have to treat it like a career.

Kristen Boss (13:57):  You do have to show up every day, just like a nine to five. You have to show up when you don’t feel like it. But when we’re selling people like, yeah, nobody wants to work a nine to five and nobody wants to work those hours. And then you sell them this business model without telling them the work ethic that it’s going to require. Those are the people you’re going to see quit because they’re like, well, I didn’t know it was going to be all this work you have to sell. If you sell the paycheck, you have to sell the work ethic that it takes for that paycheck. Now I’m not talking about a thousand dollars a month. Now a thousand dollars a month is very approachable, very doable, and anyone can do it. It’s actually one of my it’s my personal mission and the social selling academy to get every member to making consistently a thousand dollars a month that comes consistently sustainably while living the life they love.

Kristen Boss (14:46):  Every, I truly believe, no matter what, your skillset, your background, what product you’re selling, what comp plan you have, what company you’re with. Everyone can make a thousand dollars in this business model. And I created the program to help people get there. Okay? So let’s revisit this momentum thing that you create starts at the individual level with your belief in the business model, consistently showing up and being bought in the vision. Okay? Only then does your belief transfer to your team? And in order for momentum to happen at the organizational level, it’s the same thing. You have to have your team consistently doing the work. They have to be bought into the, the idea of consistency that compounds over time. If you teach a team only to sprint, instead of learning to run long distances, you’re going to have a team that throws a lot of effort in.

Kristen Boss (15:41):  They might hit a rank and then they burn out and they disappear. And then you have to pep them back up and talk them back up and hype them back up to get back into the work. And then they sprint again, burn themselves out sprint again. So you actually have to teach your team how to run a sustainable pace and truly create consistent business habits that compound over time, you have to have your team buy in to the philosophy of compounding results over time. Because if they are only in it for the quick win, you’re going to constantly be dealing with disappointed people who are frustrated that they’re not seeing results right away, but you have to help people. Yay. Yes, have a quick win on the early side, like their first customer, their first paycheck, whether it’s $50 or a hundred dollars, but you have to have them bought in to the long game.

Kristen Boss (16:32):  That is the only way you will generate momentum with your team is if you have a team that is truly committed to the long game, and then you also have to have a team that collectively believes in the vision, a vision of where your team is going, the goals that the team is collectively going to go for, and they have to have a collective buy-in on the business model. Your team has to collectively believe in what they are offering the world. And what you saw last year was a big collective belief that this is absolutely what everybody needs. And what happened is as soon as the pandemic was done or not, we’re still in, I can’t say was done. But as soon as things, you know, we got out of lockdowns and people started going back to jobs. People lost their firm grip on that belief.

Kristen Boss (17:27):  They stopped believing that this was the best business model, what they were believing. They didn’t know they were believing. What does that? It was a great substitute for crisis. Again, they were in that emergency kit mentality instead of believing like this is the best thing you could possibly do. So if you want to get your team back into momentum, you have to sell them on the business model. Again, the longevity of the business model, where this industry is going, why it is still worth talking to people, why people still want to join, because if your people listen, listen, if you have a bunch of new people in your organization that joined from their own personal emergency, like, oh crap, everything was going wrong. They have to learn to sell to people without there being an emergency, because that was their own buying experience. And so we tend to have biases around our own buying experience.

Kristen Boss (18:25):  So let me give you an example of that. A lot of times social sellers will say, like, I couldn’t afford to buy the products. And I bought the cheapest kit. There was, and I went out and I told three friends about this. And I only started the business to pay for my business kit. And because that was their experience, they only sell from that experience. They assume everyone in their audience only wants the cheap kit. They assume that everyone in their audience doesn’t want the business and will only work the business to pay for the cheapest kit. You tend to sell from your own purchasing experience. You also tend to sell the business model from your own personal experience. It is your own biases. It is your own blind spot. So if you joined this business model out of a personal emergency, you’re going to sell to people.

Kristen Boss (19:23):  You’re going to have a hard time selling people who aren’t in an emergency themselves. You’re going to think if they’re not in a personal crisis or dealing with a personal emergency, they’re not going to buy into this business model. That’s not true. That is just your bias. So notice if you joined this business during the pandemic and you joined it in your mind because of the pandemic and because my husband lost his job, notice how your own purchasing bias is creating a narrative for how you sell without there being lock downs. Because in your mind, you can’t justify why someone would join unless they were dealing with a personal crisis. You have to get yourself to a place of why someone would join, regardless of what is going on, circumstantially or in their personal life, why it is 100% worth them joining this business model, regardless of what is going on in the personal life, you have to sell yourself on why someone who’s in a really successful nine to five would even entertain this business model.

Kristen Boss (20:31):  But if you haven’t gone to work to think about that and solve for that and sell yourself on that, then you’re not going to be recruiting. This is, and here’s the thing. I want you to feel so much hope like everything is fixable. We can solve this. And it was really interesting and had a client say to me the other day, and I, I wrote it down and I forgot I don’t have it in front of me. But she was saying, Hey, I went and talked to a bunch of people from a bunch of other companies. And it seems like collectively, every company is seeing like a major dive. And it’s like, we’re all crashing and burning. And I was like, whoa, whoa, this is a terrible narrative. Why would you, why would you assume this narrative as truth? And actually look for the facts here.

Kristen Boss (21:13):  But I thought it, and as she was talking more, it was the same narrative. Well, a bunch of these companies saw a bunch of growth during the pandemic, and now people are leaving. It’s like, hold on, hold on. So what might have happened is the people that you sold this as a substitute, listen, if you sold network marketing as a substitute, the people who got their jobs back will go back to their jobs because so you didn’t sell it as a replacement. You sold it as like a, just a substitute until things go back to normal, right? So what might be happening is you might see people who are not committed and not bought into the longevity. They might be shaking out or the really non-committed people. They might be shaking out. And the people that are still with you or the people that believe in the longevity of the business model and where the industry is going.

Kristen Boss (22:10):  So you have to have individual belief, individual vision, and individual consistency. And only then can you have organizational belief, organizational buy-in, organizational vision, and then organizational consistency, where everyone is bought into the long game. And it’s really important. I was talking about this in my mastermind and they started to see, this is when you have everyone rowing in the same direction with the same tasks, momentum is bound to happen. If you stay consistent, if you are of your team with collective buy-in collective vision and collective consistency, momentum becomes inevitable. You will create it. It’s not something that happens. It’s not magical. It’s not the planets aligning. It is 100% a product of you doing the hard work consistently over time and your team being on board. So friends, when you are thinking about selling this business model, as things are, you know, maybe slowing down, you know, who really knows, I don’t even really know how to talk about it because it’s like, you know, Delta variant and all these new things and shut downs in these countries and shut downs over there. It’s we don’t really know, but you can stop believing that a pandemic created your results, a pandemic created momentum and actually shift the narrative to how you created those results through the thoughts, the beliefs, the consistency and the buy-in. Okay? But momentum is not a matter of, of luck. It is something that is 100% creative with intention, consistency, and belief. We’ll catch you next week.

Kristen Boss (24:06):  That wraps up today’s episode. Hey, if you love today’s show, I would love for you to take a minute and give a rating with a review. If you desire to elevate the social selling industry, that means we need more people listening to this message so that they can know it can be done at different way. And if you’re ready to join me, it’s time for you to step into the Social Selling Academy, where I give you all the tools, training, and support to help you realize your goals. In the academy, you get weekly live coaching so that you are never lost or stuck in confusion. Whether you are new in the business or been in the industry for awhile, this is the premier coaching program for the modern network marketer. Go to to learn more.

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